News analysis: Fred Thompson… President? | Affairs of State | – Nashville Business News — I was wondering if Fred Thompson would return to politics. He has the charisma to win nationally and I’m wondering if his sudden appearance on the scene has anything to do with McCain’s failure to get the kind of real traction the Republican puppet-masters want to see. I’ve personally predicted that McCain-Giuliani would be the ticket by agreement, but if McCain doesn’t perk things up anything can happen. And I wonder whether McCain still wants the job. The current situation is nightmarish.

With actor and former U.S. Senator Fred Thompson saying over the weekend that he is “considering a run” for President of the United States, it seems that Tennessee will continue its tradition of having one if its own on the national ticket. Thompson is being pushed by none other than his political patriarch Howard Baker, a former member of the Senate, White House Chief of Staff and diplomat, and briefly a candidate for president in 1980.

The Thompson announcement is just more evidence that Republicans, both nationally and locally, are at loss over what to do next. George W. Bush is now a liability to the GOP. Between his handling of the “war on terror,” the Scooter Libby verdict, the scandal surrounding Walter Reed Hospital and other issues, his days of unquestioned leadership are over. It could be argued that they were over as soon as the words, “You’re doing a heckuva job, Brownie” fell from Bush’s lips after Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast.

  1. OhFrak! says:

    I think Fred has the tread.

  2. Mike says:

    Thompson would actually be a good candidate for the Republicans IMO. He has experience in many different careers, from politics to the law to acting; and most importantly, he’s proved to be willing to leave when something no longer appeals to him. Doesn’t mean I think he has any more or less of a chance than the other top-tier candidates.

  3. Higghawker says:

    Would love to see Thompson in the mix!!

  4. mark says:

    Great, another actor.

  5. Pmitchell says:

    Finally and hopeflly a true conservitive in this race. I do not care for mcains politics he seems to interested in getting in front of cameras and buddying up to the democrats, Rudy is a good man but his pro-abortion stance is going to really hurt him with the christians and prolife. I think SenatorThompson can be our next Reagan

    Senator Obama and Sentatress Hillary had better watch out, he is going to be a tough competitor if he jumps in

  6. Raff says:


    Shouldn’t that be Torpedo? (McCain)

  7. Improbus says:

    Fred has something the other GOP candidates don’t: charisma.

  8. RuralRob says:

    One of Fred’s lines from “Hunt For Red October” would fit perfectly with the current Administration’s misadventures in the Middle East:

    “This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we’ll be lucky to live through it!”

  9. gquaglia says:

    Great, another actor

    No different from any pol. They are all pretending to care about their voters when in reality, they just care about themselves, hence acting.

  10. Vinny says:

    Wow- Can you be an actor and be a Republican? And don’t mention Schwarzenegger- he ain’t no actor!

    That aside, I’d have a hard time deciding- I like all of Thompson’s other work… maybe a good, hard-working guy is what we need, and not someone who’s lived his entire life on someone else’s coattails- he’s got his own coattails!

  11. Pfkad says:

    #5: “… Thompson can be our next Reagan.”
    God help the middle class.

  12. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    At first I thought Fred would be awful because he was a jerk on Law and Order. But I forgot he was in Red October, and that’s a super-cool movie, so I think I actually like him. He sure beats the D choices, so far.

  13. James Hill says:

    He’s the “flying gas can” of politics.

    (That a HfRO reference, for those keeping score at home.)

  14. aprpeh says:

    Fred is an easy landslide win if he runs. He unifies the Republicans and wipes out the Democrats. What more could you ask for?

  15. BillM says:


    When you look at some of the things Schwarzenegger has done in California, he ain’t no Republican either!

  16. Smartalix says:

    I liked him in the second Die Hard film…

  17. Bubba Ray says:

    It’s not just the Prez, it’s his friends, too. And Fred Dalton has some good friends. Smart guy. Doesn’t need the job. Having trouble finding his voting record (from Senate) online. But he’s got to be better than the current set of crooks people now,..

  18. tkane says:

    Yes, Fred would definitely make the GOP candidacy a possibility. And it would put some interest in the race in general. I like Obama for the Dems, although I’m concerned the party won’t give him a fair shake. Which would leave Hilary against Fred. Why do I get pictures of Peter against Lois in my head?

  19. kballweg says:

    If this is you ‘publicans idea of a wet dream of a canditdate, it wont matter who the dems put up. Walter Mondale could come back from his political grave and beat this neo-con replicant.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #22, best comment yet. The current crop of Republicans leave a lot to be desired.

    One thing that frightens me is both parties putting up candidates that are just “not Bush”. There are some very good people on both sides. They will not run because they don’t have the financial resources to run a campaign for the next 18 months.

  21. meetsy says:

    I’m all for someone who can actually ACT. I mean, damn, I’m so sick of our current prez’s piss-poor acting and poorly veiled lies. I’d rather have someone who — at the very least — plays a good president!
    Wonder if they’ll let him play that theme song from Law and Order..”da-dum” when he takes the podium…that would be so cool!

  22. Greg Allen says:

    One advantage of having Thompson get the nomination… it should shut up a few conservative pie-holes about Obama’s lack of experience. Thompson was just a one-and-a-half termer, right?

    I, personally, dislike Thompson because he was another one of those moralizing, smug, self-righteous Gingrich-gang who brought our country to a dead-stop over a blow job.

    During a critical time, I might add, that the president and congress should have been focussed on al Qaeda.

  23. joshua says:

    He would be an interesting addition to the fracaus.
    I have had the feeling that the media are trying to torpedo McCain, anyone else notice they keep playing up Gulliani….not a day goes by there isn’t some fawning piece about ole Rudy the mighty, and McCain is only heard from when he makes a mistake or some percieved error.

    The media knows damn well that Rudy would not win the General election….to much baggage that come next year will weigh him down like a block of cement.

    The media made Obama, and they know it, and are trying to make Rudy….then about December they will turn on both of them in order to have an **anyone** against Hillary race.

    I don’t wear tin foil hats….but I might start. 🙂

  24. Fred Flint says:

    Oh My God!

    Haven’t you guys had enough of Republicans for awhile, at least?

  25. James Hill says:

    #22, #23 – You both know you’re hacks, yes?

    And if you’re confused, you’re hacks because you have no proof to backup your statements.

  26. TJGeezer says:

    28 – That’s a ridiculous criticism to post about two posts that clearly were statements of personal opinion. Proofs and citations are for assertions of fact. As for the term “hack,” I think it derives from the term for horses put out to hire, which got extended to politicians in cliques that control political parties for private gain (e.g., take a look at congress in the past few years). How on Earth does that term apply to two posters to a blog devoted to the odd, contentious or notable?

    Damn. I got trolled again.

  27. James Hill says:

    #29 – You really do make it too easy for me.

    Opinions are like ass holes: When they get flamed, use some Preparation-H and shut the hell up.

  28. TJGeezer says:

    Yup. Trolled again.


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