Prefer the girls this way — obedient and out of the way
Suspension postponed for teenager who read ’vagina’ line – U.S./ Northeast Region – — Oh dear oh dear oh dear!!!
CROSS RIVER, N.Y. — One of the three high school girls suspended for including the word ”vagina” in a school reading of ”The Vagina Monologues” was told Wednesday her punishment had been postponed.
Hannah Levinson, 16, was to serve a day of in-school suspension at John Jay High in Cross River on Wednesday, staying out of her classes and having lunch with only a guard for company. But Levinson said that soon after she arrived, Assistant Principal Lisa Kor told her the punishment would be postponed at least until after a Board of Education meeting on Tuesday. Calls to the principal and the district superintendent were not immediately returned.
”I really hope they’re reconsidering their position,” Levinson said. ”We still think we did the right thing.” She and fellow honor students Megan Reback and Elan Stahl, all 16-year-old juniors, read an excerpt from Eve Ensler’s play at a Friday night event sponsored by the school literary magazine. School officials had warned them not to include the word ”vagina,” but they did and each received a day’s suspension.
The students’ defiant stand was applauded by the play’s author, who said Tuesday that the school should be celebrating, rather than punishing, the three juniors.
If this had happened at my school, for the next week every one would have been using vagina in every sentence and wearing t-shirts with ‘vagina’ written across them. What ever happened to student activism against abuses of authority?
This is quite a big step — there was a time in America when girls in public school weren’t even allowed to know they had vaginas until after graduation.
Seriously though, this may help fuel the movement toward home schooling. The Vagina Monologues is pretty advanced subject matter for high school students, and although it may be a healthy approach for those with maturity, a lot of parents are going to squirm over this.
Principal Richard Leprine said Tuesday that the girls were punished not because of what they said but because they disobeyed orders not to say it. He said that because the event was open to the community, including children, the word ”vagina” was not appropriate.
Ok, would they have been suspended if they said “wee wee” instead?
That is pretty disingenuous to suggest the word wasn’t censored, but they are being punished for saying it anyway. No matter how you cut it, that is censorship. Oh, wait, here comes the ACLU. Is an apology in order from the Principal?
I just love these nut jobs. They end up costing a couple of teacher’s salaries only to lose. They just don’t get it. The only way the school could have censured the students was to not allow the event at all.
Beware… Do not speak aloud of “That Which Must Not Be Named!!”
Nice wifey you got there, John… Mail order bride from Pakistan?
Isn’t “vagina” generally accepted as the proper term for that particular piece of anatomy? That was the term we used in all of my health classes both in high school and collage. This is ridiculous, I mean if they had fired out twat, cunt, snatch, etc… I could see trying to make a case for suspension (provided it was not a line in the script!), however, using a proper term that was also a line in the play? These administrators need to pull their collective heads out of their asses. At least the assistant principal is trying.
#3, Now what kind of message would that be sending to our enemies, who hate us for our FREEDOM, if they had said ‘ wee wee ‘ ?
It would have been much more appropriate, however, if they had simply used the word that kids used in referring to their genitals when I was in high school over fifty years ago – ‘ thing ‘.
¡ We’ve come a long way, baby !
@#2 – Gary – Thats Ok…I didn’t find out girls had a vagina until my senior year. **SIGH**
In my high school we had a phone book published each year that students submitted their own information. Needless to say the sport was to get something past the censors. Best one to actually make it through was:
Jack M. Eeoph – 69 Slocum Lane
Come to think of it…that was a great stalker tool.
I might beleive these girls under different conditions, but I have seen their behaviour on TV and heard a bit more detailed version summed up in the first part of the poster #3.
This is not about the rights and education. During their 15 minutes of fame on TV these girls were not serious in any sense of the word. Gigling, overenthusiastic,… :fake behaviour. Sorry, but I interpret their action as to cause disturbance and get “famous”… Not as to propagate any free speach or women’s rights.
This is particularly obvious if you add complete story from the school side. Girls asked to read from this book/play. They were allowed and in no manner blocked (and yes, children should be asking to be allowed to do something at the public school events, after all until 18 they do not have proper sense of consequences of their actions). Only request was not to include explicit terms because of the very young children present . Play has many parts of great impact to the women’s rights without any explicit terms, so this was possible. And finally, they agreed to do this and gave their word. Obviously their word is not worth anything and that is on what they should be judged.
how much do you want to BET that if the girls had used PENIS, it would have been just fine, but the “v-word” is somehow obscene.
The problem is WTF? ….why is it that women’s body parts are considered obscene? The totally cold, clinical “medically correct” term of vagina is somehow considered as rude and improper as cunt or snatch? How is this? Are doctors rude? Should they stop calling it by it’s medically approved name? IN favor of what? Pussy?
I don’t really see it as any different than people who consider women who breast feed in public as being sexual and/or exhibitionists. Meanwhile, apparently it’s just fine for men to show their ass cracks and bare chests anywhere they see fit. Even calling someone a “dick” doesn’t raise any eyebrows. Hell, even tv ads talk about erections!
I think that women should be appalled by this….but, then again, it just goes to show that we aren’t really “equal” (ERA was never passed by the needed number of states). We continue to be second class citizens, and subject to this sort of nonsense. Girls should, in many eyes, be seen and not heard. We’re sex objects…first. The message is clear: Don’t show your boobies unless you’re doing it to arouse men, or be on Entertainment Tonight.
So, start calling your “female parts” your little “part”, your “indoor plumbing” , your “privates”, your “hole” , “the snatch” your “yoni”…and don’t offend anyone.
FYI..”wee wee” is the wrong part of the woman’s body…we’re more specialized than males, so it would be technically incorrect. Yeesh!
Thank you lawyers. Thanks for making everyone so afraid to speak about anything that one can’t even use anatomical terms for fear of offense.
From now on, every noun shall be replaced with the bland and non-offensive “pudding.”
A prudish, anally retentive, anti nipple slip society – only gets worked up over something like this because it enjoys feeling guilty and dirty
Shut up you stupid cunt
#9 “Only request was not to include explicit terms because of the very young children present .”
What do you mean by “explicit terms”? Vagina is a part of the human female body, just as the penis is. I knew I had a penis way before I knew it had other uses than simply urinating. I also knew girls had a vagina and I knew it was through that that girls urinated, way before I also knew the vagina’s other uses (namely knowing that there was a relationship between the penis’ and the vagina’s use, lol).
So, since for little kids penises and vaginas are used to urinate, a very basic human need, wouldn’t you think that using a word like, say “mouth” would also be the use of an explicit term? I mean, it is used for eating but it is also used for mouth kissing.
Wouldn’t that also be “explicit term” usage? What next, you can’t say “finger”, because people touch themselves?
Ok, maybe I’m exaggerating, but I hope you get the point. One thing is the name of the human part. Another thing is what you suggest to be done with that part. If they said something like “intercourse”, maybe parent’s would have some trouble explaining younger children the meaning of that. But, I see no wrong in using vagina.
#15 – You’re splitting pubic hairs.
I’ve received dirty looks before for properly pronouncing the capital of Saskatchewan province in Canada because it rhymes with vagina.
#10 HA HA! meetsy, you attributed an argument to them and then got mad at them for it. I have never seen such a clear example. Well done.
No one said that penis would have been acceptable. You made that up and then started ranting about it.
meetsy, your comparison is wrong. College students got suspended for posting fliers for The Penis Monologues similar to those for TVM.
A better question is why was this high school allowing a showing of The Vagina Monologues, or even why women think this is anything beyond stupid. Early versions of the play even included statutory rape with the line’if it was rape it was a good rape.’
re my #14 post.. i tried to spell stupid wrong “to save the children”
i’m sure i typed it as stipud cunt
if you don’t like freedom of speech, then go live in red china
20 – that should be “stipud cnut”
I heard the girls actually said “virginia” but the EEK! DIRTY DIRTY DIRTY! crowd misheard it as a molehill ready-made for making a mountain. I could be wrong. Pudding.
Actually, meetsy was right. “Penis” wouldn’t have alarmed all those Good Decent People to the same degree “virginia” did.
#10, meetsy,
Yes you are anatomically correct. I used “wee wee” because of the childish aspect. Good post though.
#15, Miguel
A vagina is NOT part of a woman urinary system. I won’t go into details as that might offend some of the children here, but you might want to look up the difference between the female reproductive system and the urinary system.