You’re going to watch this eventually. You may as watch it here. Tolerate the first few minutes, it actually gets interesting after all the phony drama in the beginning.

Found by TJ Geezer who adds:

It’s a production intended to debunk global warming. Some on the blog will love it. It leans heavily on an assertion that CO2 levels historically lag temperature changes by 800 years. I haven’t been able to find anything outside of places like (agenda-heavy places, that is) to confirm that. If it’s true, though, it places some basic assumptions about the human contribution to global warming in doubt. In any case, it’s an interesting video. A thought-provoking addition to the dialog about global warming.

  1. I’ve invented a Plasma Converter system that: runs on garbage, generates building materials, can turn old tires into fuel, is simple, is NOT dangerous, is environmentally friendly, and it is self-sustaining. 🙂

    More at:

    If governments other than Panama and Italy actually fund it (come on, Georgie, throw me a few million), global warming possibilities shrink drastically. The most dangerous greenhouse gas is methane from landfills, not carbon monoxide.

  2. JoaoPT says:

    Carbon Monoxide is the poisonous one…
    We’re talking Carbon Dioxide…
    Massively sent to the atmosphere.

    All I have to say about Greenhouse effect gases theory (better known as Global Warming) is:

    “Se non é vero é benne trovata” (if it’s not true, it’s well thought of.)


  3. George of the city says:

    Even if it is true what you going to do? I do not believe we caused it. But I do believe some people will make careers and fortunes out of it. Nothing like a problem you can not fix anyway, but you can make money off of it by writing storys and movies about the problem.

  4. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Truly wonderful is the persuasiveness that can be mustered when trillions of dollars in future profits are at risk.

    Unfortunately, it doesn’t alter the fact that, in the considered judgement of the overwhelming majority of the experts who know the most about the topic (who, unlike the people behind this masterpiece of propaganda, don’t have virtually unlimited funds at their disposal), humankind’s culpability is extremely likely.

  5. ECA says:

    You know,
    It wouldnt surprize me IF’
    THE power industry were behind about 1/2 of all the mis-info…
    They want us to CUT, our power consumption and then they RAISE the price of power.
    This goes to Gas/oil also.

    Just cause I use LESS I should PAY less.
    NOt that the corp THINKS that they arent making money, and they NEED to raise the price.

  6. Danijel says:

    It’s interesting that so many of these “proofs” rely on correlation:

    It’s so ezy to make a documentary these days. Just get a bunch of guys with fancy titles dressed up in suits and you can prove anything. Kinda reminds me of that French one:

  7. JT says:

    When multi-national corporations are only concerned about hitting their next quarterly profit targets and CEOs only worry about how soon their stock options mature, how can we expect these people to care about the long term future of our planet?

    We could expect these multi-national corporations and entrenched interests to fight back in what is shaping up to be a great environmental public relations war. The future of their greed driven profits are at stake.

    I wouldn’t be inclined to believe this documentary that is clearly geared at maintaining the status quo. This requires the continued belief that the wholesale wanton destruction of the ecological balance of our planet has no long term consequences.

  8. Danijel says:

    To me Al Gore makes as much sense as these guys…

    Nevertheless, you’d have to be a brain-dead fool to claim that mankind has no influence on nature whatsoever… It’s enough to visit the nearest city dump to see my point…

    But taking mega-corporations aside (they are inanimate entities after all) I see a greater social issue as a problem. I know a couple of self-serving individuals who have no sympathy for the nature and would rather pave over the whole planet if it was in their personal interest…

  9. Miljenko Pandakovic says:

    Well, the Sun is just the largest nuclear fusion reactor in our backyard. So what if it runs our terrestrial lives tough we have no access to its thermostat for it is a fussy fellow. The only hope for the humankind and all other kinds is La Verdura Inc. whose brain-pover will surely find the way how to control the Sun. So get to it Great Gurus. Patience and fortitude.

  10. Jack says:

    I watched this on TV and was expecting them to drag out one or two crank scientists who did not believe in global warming. However, they produced many, many scientists, all of whom seemed to be well respected. No-one came out with any conspiracy theories – they simply presented an alternative view. I must say I’m now extremely confused but motivated to find out more of the “facts” on both sides.

    If CO2 is as small a part of the total amount of greenhouse gases as they claimed, and if human activity represents as small a proportion of all CO2 as they claimed, then my opinion may shift.

  11. undissembled says:

    I don’t give a shit if it is false or not. As long as it gets us off of paying 3$ a gallon for gas. We do need an alternative. Even if it takes a few years, this is a way to finally get people to look into other fuels. Too many assholes keep getting rich from oil and gas.

  12. Andrew says:

    Sorry, but I don’t buy this hand-waving of a documentary. They produce less scientific evidence than most pro global warming documentaries, and present the facts in leading argument after leading argument. Its really quite a clever documentary in its execution, but should be taken skeptically as all documentaries. It approaches corporate industry in an almost mastibitory reverence, making such dubious inferences that industrial corporate progress is for the sole beneficatory of the poor and that global warming, not coruption and nelegect are holding back the African dream. I’m going to call Bullsh$t on this one, and guess that the source of this is from either oil backed groups or conservative think tanks. Corporatations are ravaging our planet, pollution isn’t a new problem, but not at the rates we are seeing today, if Global Warming is true or not IS and SHOULD be debatable, but efforts to curb the destruction of the enviroment is not a wholesale bad proposition. Also, getting off our oil addiction has far reaching and powerful implication including middle east stabalization, a more competitive entrepreneurial market for energy and a more vibrant economic outlook.

  13. Bubba Ray says:

    As a professional astronomer, I have a colleague who is one the top solar physicists of our time. Per our discussions, the science presented in this film at +29 mins. re: solar effects, is current and correct to the best of our knowledge today. With that in mind, I’ll accept the rest of the story vs. the disinformation presented by the UN, most governments, political hacks, idiots, etc. Heck, my neighbor’s cows exude more greenhouse gases in one day than my car does in a week.

    Global Warming — get over it. It’s the sun, not me.

    Class dismissed, return to your holy wars, killing more people than climate for over 3,000 years!

  14. Arpie says:

    Say there is really a debate. Here are the options:
    A. Global warming is a danger (to humans on this planet).
    B. Global warming is not dangerous.

    C. Global warming is influenced to a large extent by humans.
    D. Global waming is influenced to a small extent by humans.
    E. Global warming is not influenced by humans.

    The permutations are:
    A/C- We definetly need to do something about it ASAP.
    A/D – We should do something about it.
    A/E – We can’t do anything about it, but we need to prepare for the worst.
    B/C – We should do something about it anyway to improve the quality of life in general.
    B/D – We should do something about it anyway to improve the quality of life in general.
    B/E – We can’t do anything about it, and we don’t need to prepare.

    Say all odds were the same (not true) for each case, I wouldn’t risk my life or my kids lives on an all-in bet at a one-in-six chance of it being ok.

    What the hell is the problem of working on the damn issue! Best case scenario is we don’t help trigger another ice age. Worst case scenario is we live a better life on a better environment, or at least we’re better prepared.

  15. #12 I’m with you. Gas will be $4 by the end of this year. Gouge them back with fines and jail time for profiteering.

  16. Laserdisc says:

    Well these climate documentaries only prove one thing to me… we don’t have enough data to know with certainty that humans are causing climate change. But regardless if humans are causing climate change or not we should continue to push forward in developing “environmentally” friendly technology and to limit pollution as much as is humanly possible. You would be a fool if you didn’t believe in developing “cleaner” technology.

    And for god’s sake, let those Africans have their electricity and genetically enhanced food. Instead of solar panels, those bastards who call themselves environmentalists should have shown Africans the technology that could utilize their oil and coal with a minimum amount of pollution generated. Still expensive but I think feasible for them to accomplish.

  17. Terry says:

    If it is accepted that the climate *is* changing, I do not believe it matters ‘whodunnit’.
    Is it us? Is it part of a natural cycle? It doesn’t matter. What does is, can civilization cope/adapt/endure?

    How many hits like Andrew or Katrina can an economy take before it tanks? How many times can you rebuild a city before there’s no more money? Where does the food come from if the farm belt gets hit with droughts or floods so that the harvest doesn’t happen for 3 or 5 or 10 years?

    REGARDLESS OF THE CAUSE, global warming can cause increased variability in the weather AND increased extremes. The question of how we cope with and survive those not only isn’t being answered, I haven’t heard anyone ask it.

  18. Bubba Ray says:

    News at 10:00 ! Global warming is here !!

    News at 11:00 ! Billions spent on politicizing, criticizing and monetizing Global Warming! Pollution and energy consumption to advance global warming theories actually responsible for global warming !!

    News at 12:00 ! Human race and polar bears actually survive all BS about previous news,

    Get a life !!

  19. Smith says:

    Good post, John.

    To the question as to which comes first, CO2 or global warming: If the relationship is that the sun causes global warming, which causes increases in CO2, then you can explain the ice-core historical record by explaining why the sun would vary. The cosmic particles vs solar wind does this very well. (The graph showed amazing correlation!)

    But if global warming is caused by dramatic increase in CO2, then someone must explain the mechanism that triggered the high CO2 levels found in ice cores. No one has done so. This fact is conveniently ignored by the global warming crowd, who keep the focus solely upon the warming period which coincides with man’s industrial revolution.

    To those that claim this documentary is pure bunk: The only “proof” that man-made CO2 causes global warming comes from computer models — pure nonsense.

    #15 — Your use of the “improve the quality of life” argument is totally misplaced. “Quality of life” hasn’t a damn thing to do with CO2. If you want to improve air quality, you must focus on particulate, CO, NOX, SOX, O3 and toxic organic emissions — which is what our environmental regulations have successfully been doing for decades. (If you want proof, then look at how pollution levels have decreased over the last 50 years.) BUT if you want to curb industrial growth — if you want to force people to change their lifestyle — then focus on CO2, because you then attack the very foundation of industrialization: fire.

    Isn’t it a bit strange that the single, best solution to global warming is completely ignored by the environmentalists? Nuclear power is the complete answer to global warming. If man-caused CO2 is responsible, then conversion to nuclear eliminates the cause. If global warming is sun-caused, then abundant electricity provides man with the means to adapt; i.e., desalinate sea water and pump it to the arid regions. But, of course, this wouldn’t allow certain groups the power to dictate lifestyles to their neighbors.

  20. Patrick says:

    All I can say is that I’m pretty say is that the 1st world will survive this. Not sure how the rest will fair…

    And forget about nuc power. Since it is a good available solution it won’t be allowed to happen.

  21. jccalhoun says:

    For my money it doesn’t matter if global warming is real or not. Conservation will make our existing resources last longer, create new industries as we develop new sources of energy, and if we do that, we put the oil companies out of business. I see no down sides.

  22. I don’t think the reality is at’s the causation that is debatable.

    But for me it is the fact that even talking about it is being politically incorrect if you do not take the Al Gore side. It is what bugs me personally. And it is particularly bad when journalists who should be supporting free speech think you be be jailed for the discussion. They are out there as I pointed out before. Sick.

  23. Floyd says:

    i suspect the real problem in Global Warming science is that everyone is an advocate of either “It’s Happening and We Caused It” or “It’s Not Happening and We’re Not at Fault.”

    There are many other possible right answers here, as well as wrong ones. Fixes might be quite feasible, or they might be completely out of our control. Or somewhere in between…

  24. ECA says:

    Here are the concerns…
    Forestry…All those neet trees and plants that clean our air.
    Animals…How many animals have been decimated when Mankind took over an area.
    Food resource…Killing the nutrients in the ground ISNT going to make our food much better.

    how much land can we take over and STILL have wild game, feed the rest of the world, and have a decent population.
    government wishes we were in LARGE cities to control, and to have Farm lands from HERE to the ends of the world.

  25. Kendall Brookfeld says:

    I believe there’s serious cause for concern and that many climate change skeptics are silly or cynical, but some of the folks pressing the climate change issue undermine themselves, and not just by creating an environment of political correctness.

    I clearly remember during the 2000 general election campaign seeing Al Gore making a stump speech on a hot day somewhere — during a particularly hot summer — and saying something to the effect of “Given how hot it’s been this summer, can there be any doubt about global warming?” Gore is probably smart enough to know how ridiculous such a comment is, and yet he chose to play cynical politics with it.

    And it’s a shame that a politician and partisan figure like Gore — who also carries other baggage — has put himself so much at the center of this issue. One assumes this causes some percentage of the U.S. public to tune out as a matter of course.

  26. herb says:

    No wonder, that the Global Warning people concentrate on CO2 and omit other greenhouse gases. No wonder that they concentrate on man-made CO2 and omit other aspects.
    Otherwise, they could not get the attention they have now by posing as the saviors of the world by telling other people “The end is near” and “Change your life”. It’s certainly more glamorous than introducing fart taxes for cows.
    If I have a look at the institutions (as the UN, famous for their sucess stories on saving the world) and people that advocate this approach, I can’t help but beeing highly suspicious, both at their basic data and their motives.
    But with mass-media and politicians already on the bandwagon for man-made GW there will be no chance for a rational discussion.

  27. J says:

    I would like to know from all of you “it is a myth” or “correlation is not causation.” morons. Where the fuck were you when we had no real evidence that Sadam Hussein had WMD’s and the president kept saying Iraq was involved in 911?

    You sure know how to deny things when it suits you don’t you? I bet you were all on board for kicking some Iraqi ass weren’t you?


    The evidence is there. Stop cherry picking and look at it!!!!!!!!! You seem to like to jump on any propaganda as long as it supports your belief! Did you bother to read #4 links? Did you bother to look into who made or funded movie? Did you bother to research the scientists that are in the video? Did you ever look at any of the research and bother to understand it?

    OH! OH! Let me guess NO!

    Was it that the narrarator had a British accent and that is why you just believe it is true?

    AND shame on you John Dvorak, someone who studied chemistry, for not really looking into and just promoting this propaganda. You should know better.

    #4 John

    Thank you for those links. At least somebody bothers to research.

  28. MikeN says:

    Well J, it sounds like you’re saying people should be wary of doomsayers who want drastic action now. I can agree with that.

    I think the journalists are doing a poor job on this, but that’s because most of them really believe the whole story, and most of these journalists are agenda driven, who think it’s their responsibility to change the world.
    A bigger problem is scientists who refuse to speak the truth, because they think it’s more important to alarm the public to make sure action is taken.

    Al Gore in his journalism class taught that reporters shouldn’t cover both sides on certain issues, specifically global warming, so I’m not surprised by his take on things. However, he didn’t seem to say too much about global warming during hsi 8 years as Vice President, even though he’d already written a book on th subject.

  29. J says:


    Only you, Mike, could interpret it that way.

  30. J says:


    Once again, as pedro demonstrates, people don’t bother to learn the facts.


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