Police Say Man Told Toddler: Stab Mommy — OK, this will be the sick post of the month. What is wrong with this jerk?

Police say a man repeatedly stabbed his teenage wife, then gave the knife to his toddler son and told him: “Now you stab Mommy.”

Fermin Rodriguez, 21, attacked his 17-year-old wife Sunday night, after accusing her of cheating on him, police said. He slashed and stabbed her multiple times, then handed the knife to his 2-year-old son and told him to stab her, police said.

found on Crimlaw Blog

  1. Jägermeister says:

    A true mental case. Here’s the guy. May he rot in jail.

  2. Angel H. Wong says:

    Maybe mommy was anemic and needed some iron.

  3. TJGeezer says:

    You’re right – this is even sicker than that item about the guy stealing women’s pubic hair from their luggage. That was just too stupid even to generate comments beyond the suggested eye-roll (apologies to anyone who may have posted after I scanned it). But this is venemous. Jägermeister’s right, the guy needs a long, long time in some dungeon.

    It’s interesting that the toddler wouldn’t do it. The kind of attitudes behind abuse of this sort usually roll down to the next generation. Involved ownership, fear and loathing shading to hatred of the opposite sex, feelings of entitlement and obsessiveness, according to some reading I did on the subject. And kids don’t know any better. Maybe there’s hope for the kid in this story, if he can be kept away from the degenerate he calls daddy.

  4. Brew Kline says:

    I doubt this story. Did the two year old testify to the police that his father asked him to stab his mother? Or is the mother just trying to get back revenge. And the newspaper buy it so they can sell “news”.

    Load of crap. Don’t believe it.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    Psychopaths seldom understand how their actions hurt other people. This is a classic psychopathic act. Maybe some intense mental health treatment in a granite walled facility would help his demeanor. With iron bars on the windows. And lots of personal restraints whenever he leaves his room. And nutritious meals delivered daily. And maybe a roomy named Big Bubba, who didn’t get that name because he is 6’2” and 250 lbs.

    #4, The victim lived to tell about it. Next time before you call bull, try doing a little investigation, such as reading the damn article !!!

  6. tallwookie says:

    yeah how exactly would a 2 yr old kid testify on anything?

    I call foul.


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