Woman walks away from baby after giving birth on Oakland street — Oakland is just turned from an all-American city in the 1960’s to a hell pit. It’s the Cleveland of the West.

After giving birth to a premature baby on an East Oakland street, police say the mother ripped the umbilical cord and walked away Friday afternoon, leaving the newborn boy dead or dying in a puddle of blood.

The 4:39 p.m. incident in the 1400 block of 65th Avenue left witnesses and veteran investigators stunned.

“Its just crazy, said Oakland police Sgt. Tony Jones of the homicide detail. “Once she started spitting out the baby, you have some obligation to get it some type of medical attention. She didnt do that.

Jones said an autopsy will determine whether the child was stillborn or whether it died after being abandoned.

The mother was arrested, he said, but apparently gave a false name. She remains hospitalized at an undisclosed location and is under guard, police said.

Witnesses told police that the woman was walking on the street, stopped and pulled her pants to her ankles and gave birth on the street. “She dropped the baby, ripped the umbilical cord and kept walking, Jones said.

  1. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Yeah, I realize that the blog features the word ‘uncensored’ in the name, and John C is unafraid of controversy – but to dare point out in the midst of this highly diverse crew what is quite obviously the issue with Oakland will evoke naught but a chorus of shrieks of self-righteous outrage and a veritable tsunami of politically correct bullshit ideology, none of which is conducive to the quasi-peaceful weekend I planned on…

    Let me just generally note that Oakland is exactly what happens when ignorant, inexperienced, naïve liberal extremists with delusions of omniscience manage to get virtually complete control: a small percentage of very, very good, fearlessly progressive things and a much larger percentage of out-of-control smiley-face totalitarianism in the service of “judgement-free” permissiveness resulting in what can only be charitably deemed a psycho’s paradise.

    So unless it spins that way sans the timely contribution of yrs trly, I’ll heed Arlo’s admonition to ‘please refrain’. 🙂

    …but don’t let my (temporary) chickenhearted reluctance to disrupt the peace stop any other aspiring rabblerouser(s) from following their heart(s).

  2. Brew Kline says:

    #3. I have to agree with you. The liberal screwed up New York City in the 70s too. They let criminals get away with crime. NYC back then was one large melting toilet bowl. It took Replublicans to come in and clean up the city. And still today, you hear liberal nutcases talk about how they miss the urine smell and graffiti in the subway.

    I’m thinking of changing from Democrat to Replublican. The democrats have no effing clue. (neither do the Replublicans but at least they have balls.)

  3. god says:

    #4 – you got that right, Brew. Just look what improvements they’ve brought to Iraq.

  4. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    My point was more about the extremism than the fact that in Oakland (and Berzerkley) it’s liberal extremism… I live in Houston, which is a total hellhole and a sorta Bizzaro-World Oakland – everything is extremist conservative Republican, and I’m here ta tell ya, it ain’t a pretty sight.

    The best places have a balance somewhere between the two extremes though it’s not 50 / 50 that works best, more like 80-85% liberal with 15-20% cons – look at the Seattle / Puget Sound area, f’rinstance – that’s not far from the balance they have, and it’s certainly acknowledged as one of the best places on Earth, no?

    Republican policy can result in exceedingly fabulous places to live – problem is, not one in 100 Americans can afford to live in them, also a result of Repug policies…

  5. Darwin says:

    Well, at this rate, the species is just going to f’ing die out…

    We’re all on the 2012 timer here, and it’ll be great watching us all go.

    F U, your family, your children, and your grand-children. You made the bed, now sleep in it.


    P.S. Is it just the niggers in Oakland that are f’ing it all up?

  6. Rudy says:

    Abortion is murder. But I guess this was just littering.

  7. meetsy says:

    Lauren, You’ve never been to Oakland, have you?

  8. meetsy says:

    Darwin, knock of the bullshit “wanna be THE big man” 60’s slang racial slur terms….it’s a bit dated and old, and…honestly, childish. Oakland is racially diverse, and it’s a huge combination of things…not one race. But, I’m sure you can’t even fathom that….can you? This mom is most certainly on meth… which, if you hadn’t noticed, is one of the biggest plagues in the western half of the country. (Makes heroin addicts look like PTA moms by comparison.) Has nothing to do with race….unless you want to count the masses of your folk (I’m assuming YOU are po’white’trash) and the Mexican drug cartels who ship it and it’s raw materials by the TON right up I-5.

  9. James says:

    John, Cleveland is a pretty nice place. Have you spent any time there?

  10. DBR says:

    “John, Cleveland is a pretty nice place. Have you spent any time there?”

    He gets his flyovers confused (one’s pretty much the
    same as another, right?) He meant Detroit.

  11. MikeN says:

    umm, Houston has had Democrat mayors for a long time.

  12. MikeN says:

    It’s Democrat policies that make cities too expensive. That’s why so many poor people are leaving Democrat areas for Republican ones. Start with the environmental laws that shut down and restrict development. Of course this raises rents and house prices. That’s why all the blacks are heading to the South(or maybe it’s the racist climate the liberals created?)

  13. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #13 – Mike N

    Figureheads. Every single judge above municipal level in this, the 4th largest metro area in the US is a Repug. Oil money and real estate development. More lawyers per capita than anywhere on Earth. You can’t spit out the window without hitting one.

    Bush 41 and his crony James Baker III (just to name the 2 big dogs) live here because they love the way this place is run (i.e., by their friends). In fact the Repug corruption the country has been treated to the last 6 years is nothing but Houston corruption writ large. They’ve practiced and perfected the techniques and methods here, then Dubya simply exported them to the rest of the US, and you can see the results in your daily news.

    Our Dem mayors are, and have always been, lickspittle laughingstocks. All “Democrat” means around here is ‘corrupt, mysteriously affluent black and Mexican “leaders”‘ who are lavishly rewarded and left alone to their own bailiwicks so long as they don’t pull back the curtain and expose the Good Ole Boys ‘bidniss-as-usual’.

    I can state with conviction bred of extensive experience that this is the world’s largest one-horse town. The worst big city in America, comfortably exceeding even Detroit or my hometown of DC. Anna Nicole was a very typical product of the Bayou City – that should tell you something.

  14. TJGeezer says:

    15 – Jeebus Lauren, sounds like the place hasn’t changed a bit except to maybe get moreso since I lived in the Spring Branch area in the early 1970s. Only place I ever lived that I just couldn’t find anything much redeeming about. Though I did get to go through the wet edges of a hurricane, and interviewed an old man who had ridden along for awhile with Pancho Villa and told some hair-raising stories. I guess that’s something.

  15. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #9, 10 – Meetsy

    Since the Reality Distortion Field that radiates from Berzerkley extends far beyond and has come to gradually saturate the politics of the East Bay, I find little reason to make the distinction. Oakland was once and for a long time, (and still retrains some traces of being) a perfectly nice, homey middle-class burg, and was always, as you say, racially diverse. All that changed with the injection of radical liberalism from certain nearby sources, and a fine example of the results of that liberalism is the topic of this blog entry.

    The last forty years have done to Oakland what has been done to Detroit, DC, Baltimore, New Orleans and others. The cancer of the black ghetto underclass has turned much of urban America into a third-world combat zone. And any sincere efforts to reach the causes and address them are inevitably met with the mindless screeching of “racism! racism!”, which among PCers is what substitutes for accepting reality and trying to figure out what can and should be done.

    Black crime continues to spread and destroy once-fine cities. I was born in DC, and lived for many years in South Florida, mainly Miami, among numerous other areas, in 13 states. And I’m here to tell you, I have personally watched over the course of decades how the criminal underclass has rotted these and other locales and turned them to shit.

    Oakland, sadly, is just another in a seemingly endless procession of cities to be taken over by the foulest subculture in America. Middle class people of all races -which is to say, average Americans – flee these areas, for good reason, and leave behind a concentration of the worst elements in Western society. And all efforts to find solutions are inevitably stymied by liberal idiocy that persists in perpetuating the falsehood of the situation being the sole fault of whites, thereby casting the underclass as “victims” and absolving them for their own self-destructive – actually, everything-destructive – actions.

    Violent crime and it’s corresponding lower quality of life correlate better than .8 with black and Hispanic pop % in medium and large cities. The evidence of your own two eyes will confirm this if your head isn’t buried in the sand of white liberal guilt. How does denial and name-calling help fix the problem?

    Pass the buck all you want. Most violent crime in America is committed by the black and Hispanic minorities. And there’s no end in sight, since PC totalitarianism intimidates everyone into staying silent about it, and therefore prevents honest public discussion and any meaningful search for solutions.

  16. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    By-the-bye, I’m waiting patiently (and surely I’ll be doing so for a loooong time) for any of my right honorable liberal friends to explain, exactly, how their favorite whipping-boy, “racism,” caused this person to do this. Or the one who used her baby as a club. Or the one who drowned her kids at the Presidio. Or. Or. Or.

    PCers always mysteriously fall silent and fade into the woodwork when their brainwashing fails to provide them with a pat answer that incriminates whites for the epidemic of pathological behavior by minority group members. It’s easy for the cowards to run from reality than admit they were wrong.

  17. meetsy says:

    Lauren, cut back on the coffee…geez. First you come off as out-of-your-mind NUTS, and second, you have no idea about Oakland.
    It’s big, wide, diverse town. It’s not all low-income, there are middle, and upper income, in fact, there is a whole spread of classes and races. I’ve lived in Oakland, and I’ve lived in areas with a racial spread of 80% white (with the rest mostly American Indian and only 2% black) and guess what…..same stupid crime rates, same bullshit, same moronic violence per capita. Seems that it’s PO’people that cause the problem…..theft, violence, stupidity, drug addiction, too many kids, lack of education, blah blah blah. Isn’t a race thing as much as a poverty thing. But, I guess you never really LOOKED, you just saw black faces and said “oh it’s them.”
    No Lauren, it’s people who have no opportunities, the underbelly of America. Ever been to an Indian Reservation? Ever been to a poor white town? Do you just sit on your fat (I’m assuming) ass and make this grand, wordy announcements?
    (Lauren, I’m not suffering from white guilt — I’m not “white”, but I will guess that YOU ARE. What? Second generation immigrant?)
    The problem you have is looking for easy answer, blaming what you perceive as masses of groups that do this or that.
    Lazy. Lazy. Lazy. Shame on you.
    You’re a bigger part of the problem than what you call “liberals”. (Oh, by the way, my family has been Republican since the Whigs — I don’t associate with the RINO’s, though They are not Republican!)

  18. doug says:

    #18. Actually, I am still waiting for my conservative friends to explain how liberals caused Susan Smith to drown her kids back in the day, like Newt Gingrich claimed.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:


    I have no idea what color, religion, age, or medical condition this woman is. The story didn’t make that part clear. In fact they didn’t mention anything other then that she was a woman. How you can jump to a conclusion that somehow she should be associated with violent black crime shows more about your mental problems then it does about Oakland or the woman.

  20. #19 – meetsy
    &#21 – Fusebox

    Time to wake up and sniff the crack pipe, chum. I suppose you didn’t pay any attention to where this – “person” – did her thing, did you? You lived in Oakland, so you know where Seminary is, right? 65th Ave and International? I’ll spare you and my knee-jerk, statistic-and-probability-impaired friend Fusebox the trouble of checking: white folks are outnumbered 10 to 1 there. Over 50% black and over 40% Hispanic. One of the most violent ghettos in America. 2nd most dangerous place in CA, second only to Compton. 8th most violent in America, Worse than Detroit, worse than DC, both of those being places that themselves tend to make Baghdad look like fucking Palm Beach by comparison.

    And Fusebox, you’re actually stupid enough to suggest that this was a white woman? Funny how you seem to grasp statistical probability when it comes to the absurd improbability of the God of the Bible actually being real, but you suspend that same common sense when the issue involves toeing the PC party line of “everybody is identical, no group does anything any more or less than any other.”

    Lemme clue you in. If I hear of or read about a murder, the first assumption I – or anyone else with a functioning brain cell – will make is that the perp is a guy. Does this mean that I’m a man-hating sexist bigot? Of course not, what an utterly moronic idea. I am simply recognizing the commonplace irrefutable fact that 90% of murders are committed by men. That means that any murder you hear of, the odds are 9 to 1 that a man did it. That isn’t making any value judgement about men, pro or con – it’s a simple statement of fact. So to assume that an unknown murderer is male is in no way “leaping to conclusions,” it’s using knowledge to estimate probability and come to a preliminary working assumption. And in case you aren’t grasping the point, the same hold true for racial generalizations. There’s nothing “racist” about reading a headline, “Convenience store clerk shot” and expecting to see a photo of a black male. It’s just recognizing what the odds are.

    “I’ve lived in Oakland, and I’ve lived in areas with a racial spread of 80% white (with the rest mostly American Indian and only 2% black) and guess what…..same stupid crime rates, same bullshit, same moronic violence per capita.”

    My ass. Total, absolute 100% horseshit.
    Violent crime in America, whether you can or can’t handle the sad truth, is a product of the two major ethnic minorities. And exactly as I noted, you and your type have no solutions except to attack those who have the honesty and the courage to point out where the problem originates. The single best statistical indicator of violent crime levels in any given area is the percentages of the pop that are black and Hispanic. Whites didn’t make this happen, the people who commit the crimes did. Blacks are almost 40 times as likely to commit a crime of violence against a white person than vice versa, and over 130 times more likely to commit a robbery.

    You have nothing to contribute to finding a solution for this crisis. You persist in your strident, irrational, head-in-the-sand denial, and in ad hominem attacks on those who want to find out why this situation exists and what should be done to change it. You are complicit in assisting the violent criminals in their destruction of American society and their avoidance of responsibility for their actions.

  21. #20 – doug

    “Actually, I am still waiting for my conservative friends to explain how liberals caused Susan Smith to drown her kids back in the day, like Newt Gingrich claimed.”

    Me too. As a liberal (who doesn’t swallow the prescribed party line), I’d enjoy hearing that explanation too. Although it’s a relatively minor concern, since Susan Smith is an exception. Most parents who abuse and/or murder their children are nonwhite. Unfortunate but true.

  22. noname says:

    WTF, the kid is dead.

    All this finger pointing is worthless. Very little of any insight or other use is being discussed. Reading it make my brain hurt, and breaks my heart knowing the displayed intelligence this country voters have.

    All you can do is prosecute to the fullest extent of the law and educate. Public humiliation used to serve both purposes, but people just don’t care.

  23. tallwookie says:

    wow great discussion here today 🙂

    My vote goes for that crazy bitch who popped out a litter on the side of the road (which i imagine is a fairly common occurrance). She’s Hardcore!!


  24. doug says:

    #23. “Most parents who abuse and/or murder their children are nonwhite. Unfortunate but true.”

    according to actual facts (albeit from 2004):

    “One-half of all victims were White (53.8%); one-quarter (25.2%) were African-American; and 17.0 percent were Hispanic.”


    so, it looks like the bad parenting prize goes to whitey. Unfortunate, but true.

  25. bobbo says:

    Lauren==where are you? Miss your unique input.


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