One of many catch-22s: If they’re short of, say, acceptable prisoner kidney donors and some wealthy political donor needs one soon, how about arresting some poor, innocent guy, toss him in jail for year, then offer him donation to cut his sentence. Slice it out then, oops, we made a mistake in arresting him, so be on your way, minus one kidney.

S.C. may cut jail time for organ donors

Inmates in South Carolina could soon find that a kidney is worth 180 days.

Lawmakers are considering legislation that would let prisoners donate organs or bone marrow in exchange for time off their sentences.

A state Senate panel on Thursday endorsed creating an organ-and-tissue donation program for inmates. But legislators postponed debate on a measure to reduce the sentences of participating prisoners, citing concern that federal law may not allow it.

“I think it’s imperative that we go all out and see what we can do,” said the bills’ chief sponsor, Democratic Sen. Ralph Anderson. “I would like to see us get enough donors that people are no longer dying.”

  1. Mike Caddick says:

    Provided it wasn’t just the wealthy that were able to use the ‘donated’ organs, the prisoners would actually be doing some good and not just wasting hundreds a day of taxpayer’s money
    They get time off for good behaviour and stuff like that, why shouldn’t they get some time off their sentence? 180 days is NOT a lot off a 12 year prison span (for example).
    Or are there some people who don’t think that prisoners’ organs would be suitable because of the concentrated criminal evil they contain, and its effects on the recipient.

  2. Podesta says:

    There is a long history of exploitation of prisoners, particularly in Southern states. They’ve often been used as semi slaves and experimented on medically. This proposal is in the same vein. Prisoners are a captive population and it is often easy to coerce people who lack freedom of choice. This situation should be treated with great skepticism. Suffice it to say that the burden would fall mainly on people who are poor, uneducated and often minority. In addition, many inmates of jails are there because they can’t afford bail or attorneys. They haven’t even been convicted of the charges they’re being held on. Hopefully, this proposal from a particularly backward state legislature will turn out to be just an attention seeking gesture. Maybe its meant to make up for the attention the South Carolina legislature used to get by flying the Confederate flag.

  3. Jägermeister says:

    Someone must have been studying China’s solution, and adapted it for “Western ethics”… Hey, at least we’re not killing them…

  4. PSoTD says:

    Why limit it to the prisoner? What if the prisoner could get a member of his/her family to donate as well, would that count as double? What if the prisoner ran organized crime and could produce dozens of organs, could he/she be released immediately?

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    I don’t remember the statistics but prisoners have an extremely high rate of infectious diseases such as Hepatitis A, B, & C; HIV & AIDS, tuberculosis, mononucleosis, etc. Many prisoners acquire these diseases in prisons. So what would could a prisoner do if he can not donate because he picked up a transmittable disease from the prison conditions?

    I think bad idea all around. There is too much room for abuse.

  6. Podesta says:

    Let’s take it even a step further. What if Prisoner Pete, an eigth-grade dropout and drug user gives up a kidney to get six months off his three year sentence for robbery only to have his remainining kidney fail three years later?

    I’m glad people are seeing through this.

  7. Uncle Dave LOL, I doubt that would happen since the person still has to agree to donate the organ.

    “”how about arresting some poor, innocent guy, toss him in jail for year, then offer him donation to cut his sentence. Slice it out then, oops, we made a mistake in arresting him, so be on your way, minus one kidney.””

  8. traaxx says:

    I don’t see any difference, from a scientific point of view, between an undesirable criminal and an undesired baby. If you abort one why not use the parts from the other. There’s no scientific moral question here since science has no morals. It’s just an undesired individual that’s have no social benefit, heck this could become the new method the death penalty/abortion.

    We could just use the parts from an undesired criminal/baby until they die or price of parts are no longer worth their upkeep. From a scientific point of view that would be efficient. Heck we could extend this idea to a whole range of issues, welcome to the secularist world where there is not right or wrong, no moral code just an elitist group deciding which parts they want or don’t want and then disposing of the refuge efficiently.

    Hitler/Stalin would be proud, and since the Chinese already do this and liberals love China its only right we begin this practice here. I can see why Dehimmi liberal/commies hate Christians since the idea of this practice is both morally offensive and blatantly disgusting.

    ‘Podesta’, are you saying that someone that’s in jail simply didn’t have enough money to get a jury to say ‘not guilty’. Don’t you think that many if not most the induah’viduals in jail, just maybe, committed those crimes? Maybe it’s different where you live, I guessing it’s the south since you know so much about the south { or maybe your just a judgmental NAZI bigot }, but around here in the Great Northwest, most charges are dropped prior to any arraignment. Isn’t the Confederate Flag a part of a southerners heritage? If you don’t like the Confederate flag because of state’s rights or slavery then you should also want to change the flag that the Northern States used during the ‘War of Northern Aggression’, not to mention all the time slavery was legal in the North. After all, Lincoln outlawed slavery in the south long before congress outlawed slavery in the North. Don’t worry the new ‘North American Union’ flag might appease you Dehimmi burdened conscience.

  9. Greg Allen says:

    I love that picture! It’s creepy and cool at the same time.

    I set it as my wallpaper.

  10. Uncle Dave says:

    #10: For now. Plus, there are ways of ‘getting consent.’

  11. Smartalix says:


    They’ve both already been done in sci-fi. In Pohl’s Starchild Trilogy there was an organ camp set up on an island where capitol-punishment inmates got taken apart until they couldn’t survive on their own. Some lasted years between harvestings.

    In Niven’s “Jigsaw Man” world we keep raising the death penalty so we can keep getting organs. In Niven’s story the man condemned to harvest ran several stop lights.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #10, traax,

    Honestly, did your mother have any children that lived or is your sister an only child? I am truly baffled how anyone can have such a disconnect with reality. Although modern science has come a long way in treating mental conditions, it behooves me that you have yet to take advantage of some of the therapies. Please, PLEASE get some help.

  13. We now have the ability to clone.
    If parts where really needed we could get donors before die.

    Mr. Fusion re read The part in quotes is what uncle Dave said.

    Or did you get # 10 confused with #11 Traax?

  14. JKT says:

    Take the brains out of the convicts.

    That will make them into liberals.

    Oops, most already are!

  15. TJGeezer says:

    #11 – traax – nice trolling. Even valid in places. But really – it’s the liberals who love China? Where did you get such a silly idea? If you actually believe that nonsense, why do those 100% Republicrat donors, the Walton family heirs of Wal-Mart riches, have such a sweetheart deal going with China? Get real. Sheesh.

  16. Jeckyl says:

    There’s something very ghoulish about this idea…

  17. Curmudgen says:


    Your village misses you!!

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    #17, yes, and I apologize.


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