You like that better than Monika Bill?
Not a hypocrite… just misled.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich admitted he was having an extramarital affair even as he led the charge against President Clinton over the Monica Lewinsky affair, he acknowledged in an interview with a conservative Christian group.

How did Gingrich get his dignity back?

“I drew a line in my mind that said, ‘Even though I run the risk of being deeply embarrassed, and even though at a purely personal level I am not rendering judgment on another human being, as a leader of the government trying to uphold the rule of law, I have no choice except to move forward and say that you cannot accept … perjury in your highest officials.”

  1. Greg Allen says:

    Remember, vote Republican if you want guys like Gingrich making your moral choices for you.

    Vote Democrat if you’re capable of making your own moral decisions.

  2. Seahag says:

    That fat bastard! Why doesnt he crawl back under the rock he has been hiding under the past decade! He doesnt have a snowballs chance in Hell!!

  3. PMitchell says:

    It wasn’t that Clinton had an affair it was where he had the affair and mainly that he lied and perjured himself.

    I didn’t elect the President to get blown in the oval office ( that is a horribly disrespectful of the position and to this country ) then he lied and perjured himself, Libby is going to jail for perjury but Clinton got off (isnt justice in America great )

    If Clinton had an affair in a hotel somewhere it would have been a scandal but it would not have gotten him impeached.

    Also what the hell does this story have anyhting to do with current event other than to try to trash the man (who stepped down as speaker for his transgressions) AS I SAID YESTERDAY THIS LEFT SWING IS GOING TO BE YOUR DEATH NAIL. YOUR READERS COME HERE TO SEE A BALANCED GRIPE ABOUT POLITICS NOT THE DNC’S TALKING POINTS.

    You area smart businessman don’t drive your customers off ( we rich neocons have all the money )

  4. Mac Guy says:

    #2 – Quite an ironic statement, considering that from a historical standpoint, the Republican party has held the belief that “the government that governs best, governs least.” The Democratic party, on the other hand, has historically loved to involve themselves greatly in persons’ lives.

    This isn’t meant to start a big Republican/Democrat debate. Just food for thought in a starving world.

    And #4… Relax, man. Try the decaf. 🙂

  5. Sounds The Alarm says:

    #4. Neocons also have an amazing facility for rationalization.

  6. Chris Eaton says:


    Remember, vote Democrat if you want guys like Hillary Clinton making your health care choices for you.

    Vote Democrat if you’re capable of making your own health care decisions.

  7. Chris Eaton says:

    Crap! I said it wrong. Are there do-overs?

  8. Sounds The Alarm says:

    #8 – Yeah – much better a big corp make those decisions for you – right?

    You know – decisions like – “life time limits”. I guess you can be too sick.

  9. GregA says:


    Clearly you are simply wrong, even by your own designs. It was politics and nothing else. Manufactured outrage.

    The simple fact of the matter is, Paula Jones who launched the civil sexual harassment suit never met Clinton. The matter on which he was impeached, wasn’t even central to the case, in fact it had nothing to do with the sexual harassment case as all. It was purely a function of lawyers being given to much leeway during a deposition. It was matters that would not have been brought up in any other suit of this nature.

    On the other hand, since you are such a stickler for rule of law and all that, the president is constitutionally bound to tell the truth during the SOTU address. He knowingly lied about the Niger documents. That is a statement of fact now. Sure he laundered the fake documents by giving them to the British (who also thought they were rubbish btw), then claimed he had information about Iraq’s nuclear program. Where is your outrage about that?

    Since Bush is such a truthful and honest guy, as you claim, why did he refuse to testify to the 911 commission? Instead he characterized it as ‘had a nice talk’. Personally, I think it ought to be a part of the historical record what exactly was on Bush’s mind when he got the August 6th memo. As it stands, we have no insight into what happened there.

    Or how about when Bush was lying about Katrina, what he knew, and when he knew it?


    Or do you only want presidents to tell the truth when they are under and administered oath?

    The things you have to believe to be a republican…

  10. Evil_Doer says:


    Since this BLOG is a completely voluntary, Dude – leave. Your threats don’t impress anyone.

    Since you’re soooo unhappy, are we all suppose to just line up and kiss your sanctimonious, no doubt fat, never served his country, no family in the war neocon ass because you have money? Do you stupid neocons really think you’re even close to a majority?

    Why do you hate America?

  11. PMitchell says:

    GregA Clinton admitted he met Paula it was a matter of fact where did you get the insane notion. What happened after they met was what the dispute was about

    Where and under what law does it say the President is under oath during the state of the union address. Your argument is getting real thin

    The Niger documents were proven true during the Libby trial it was Mr Plame who lied and this is in his transcripts of the trail.

    The President didn’t go under oath(I think he should have ) simply because it would have set a legal precedent that would have caused trouble with the separation of powers ( allowing the congress to call a sitting president to testify under oath on a case not directly involving him(and by involving I mean a law suit or a criminal act ) would cause all kinds of legal issues in the future )

    What about Katrina (are you one of those nuts who believe he blew the levies )

    I believe you should tell the truth all the time, but as a leader there are times you can not tell everything be it republican or democrat (if you are under oath you tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth, or you take the 5th)

  12. GregA says:


    The Police officers that were there have recanted their story (after they perjured themselves in depostition btw) that, No Paula Jones and Clinton have never in fact even met. To this day as far as I understand.

    Clinton never admited meeting Paula Jones. There is no evidence in the public record (other than Paula Jones perjured statements) that they ever met.

    Deal with it. It was all politics.

  13. PMitchell says:

    I am complaining about the left leaning of the blog recently. I am considering leaving( and taking my page views and therefore my ad money away) but then who would you attack its not much fun to rant your insanity to the choir is it ?

    Ohh by the way my grandfather was a WW2 vet and I was signed up for the air force navcad program ( I collapsed a lung at work (something you prob know little about. It is this thing where you do labor and get paid, not where the govt sends you a check to sit on your butt) and was released), they don’t let you fly after a collapsed lung. So don’t ever call me a coward, my family served and will continue to serve with out hesitation

    Republicans don’t hate America , Liberals do

  14. venom monger says:

    PMitchell, I’ve always been curious about something.

    What flavor is that KoolAide, anyway?

  15. Been There and Won says:

    Never lie to the Feds — they have more money and many more ambitious lawyers than you do (unless you’re Bill Gates).

  16. Jason says:

    Beware of finger pointing… like one of my wise highschool teachers taught me – “When you point your finger – there are three pointing back at you.”

    Frequently those who scream the most about morality, conservation, etc. are the ones who are committing the most wrong.

  17. GregA says:

    Que scene from “A Few Good Men”:

    You can’t handle the truth!

  18. J says:

    “Where and under what law does it say the President is under oath during the state of the union address

    Are you kidding me? It started when he took the “OATH OF OFFICE” It doesn’t have the same legal ramifications but he IS under oath. Clinton was impeached not for lying but for committing a felony while in office. He was also punished separately through the legal system. Bush could be impeached for lying while under oath of office He just couldn’t be punished by the legal system. Do you see the difference.


    I hate to break it to you but I belong to a large group of wealthy people called the Chicago Democrats. We have little society parties and things like that were people of tremendous wealth mingle and talk about……whatever. Some of the wealthiest CEO’s and well know names in America come to these parties. NOT ONE IS A REPUBLICAN. (obviously) I don’t know what delusion you are under but I assure you your money is nothing compared to the poorest person in this group. So STFU about your wealth because you sound stupid.

    Are there wealthy people that are Republican? Sure. Just like there are wealthy people that are Libertarian and Independents. Just don’t go around acting like you are all powerful because those of us that know….Know your full of shit.

  19. James Hill says:

    Yet another shit thread. This blog fails at having meaningful political discussions.

  20. catbelller says:

    4: He should never have been asked about his private sex life at that deposition in the first place. Clinton appealed to the judge, the judge asked the inquistors if it was relevant to the Paula Johns matter under investigation, and the lawyers lied, and said “yes”. Somehow Clinton got the judge to define sex as penile penetration next, and did NOT lie when he said no. By the definition set by the court, under questioning that was a violation of the ethics of the officers of that court, Clinton did not lie. However, somehow the liars walked away and Clinton got his law license lifted. Amazing.

  21. catbelller says:

    Everyone bloody knew that Newt was having an affair at the time he was pounding Clinton’s rep into the ground.

    Clinton relates that when he had Newt in his office, he asked him: “Isn’t that hypocritical of you?”

    Newt replied: “So?”

  22. Chris says:

    “The Niger documents were proven true during the Libby trial it was Mr Plame who lied and this is in his transcripts of the trail.”

    Can you source that. I believe you are mistaken.

  23. Sounds The Alarm says:

    #22 – And yet another useful comment from the master of useless comments.

  24. catbelller says:

    And yet somehow, we can’t impeach a President who lied us into a war. Being more intelligent than your persecutors on the witness stand is a felony, but killing a hundred thousand innocent people isn’t the same as dodging an lewd inquisition of your sex life.

  25. Shane Brady says:

    What does Newt having an affair have to do with someone lying under oath? Nothing.

  26. catbelller says:

    One thing to take away: Newt is a vile little lying tit who stops at nothing to aid the very rich and powerful. He is amoral hypocrite who personally dragged a prosperous and happy nation into hell, and does not deserve a shot at the presidency.

  27. catbeller says:

    Once again, blowjobs for Democrats are more important than blowjobs for Republicans and a hundred thousand dead innocents.

    Bush hasn’t lied under oath yet because he’s *refused to be put under oath*. He’s instructed those under his authority to hinder and block any investigations into his action. He has loudly proclaimed that he does not recognize the authority of the Congress or the courts, so I doubt that he would think he was obligated to tell the truth even if he was under oath. So I guess, he’s automatically better than Clinton, because he’ll never lie under oath, take an oath, or be bothered to show up if he is asked to testify.

    The morality of the “oathbreaker” righties seems to revolve around putting your hand up and pinky swearing about your private sex life, but not about telling the truth about what is literally a war crime on the level of Hitler’s invasion of Poland.

  28. Tom says:

    I defy ANYONE to find one politician that has not committed perjury (i.e.: lied) while in office!

  29. John Paradox says:

    What flavor is that KoolAide, anyway?

    Comment by venom monger

    A variation on Lemon Lime, known as Loyally Lying.


  30. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #15 -So don’t ever call me a coward, my family served and will continue to serve with out hesitation

    Republicans don’t hate America , Liberals do

    Comment by PMitchell — 3/9/2007 @ 7:38 am

    You are a coward.

    Only a coward can sit in the safety of anonymity, with the bravery of being out of range, and keep telling me that I hate America.

    Why did you serve? To maintain the status quo. To protect the Americans you like? What possible reason could it have been? Because as a neocon, you most certainly didn’t serve to protect democracy or preserve any sort of freedom that America was built on.

    Why should I give a damn about your proud contributions to the defense of this nation when you have such amazing contempt for most of its citizens?


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