You like that better than Monika Bill?
Not a hypocrite… just misled.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich admitted he was having an extramarital affair even as he led the charge against President Clinton over the Monica Lewinsky affair, he acknowledged in an interview with a conservative Christian group.

How did Gingrich get his dignity back?

“I drew a line in my mind that said, ‘Even though I run the risk of being deeply embarrassed, and even though at a purely personal level I am not rendering judgment on another human being, as a leader of the government trying to uphold the rule of law, I have no choice except to move forward and say that you cannot accept … perjury in your highest officials.”

  1. PMitchell says:

    You dont by any means represent even a small minority of this country.

    Your views demean the character of those who fought and died , so you can spout your liberal better than every one else crap.

    I know you didnt serve this country you hold it in too much contempt to lower your self to that level, COWARD

  2. J says:


    I can tell be the first part of you last post that you didn’t fight for this country. You may have been in combat but you didn’t fight for this country. You may have wanted to kill foreigners or protect “your” way of life but you didn’t fight to protect what this country was about. So even if you were in the American Military you fought for nothing but yourself. So in my opinion you are no patriot and certainly no one worthy of a thank you or nod.

  3. Hugh Bastard says:

    You wont catch me fighting for my country (Australia), because as the David Hicks debarcle clearly demonstrates, my country is unlikely to fight for me.

    Friends and family are another matter entirely, however

  4. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    PMitchell… Your hate speech is tiresome.

    I’ll get this posted deleted, I’m sure, but I believe I do speak for the majority of Americans, who like myself, all love this nation, when I kindly ask you to go fuck yourself.

    You are but a small fraction of a man and you are not a patriot.

  5. PMitchell says:

    Hmm free speech is only free when it agrees with your limited views.

    There is no hate in my reply, only truth

    when you cant rebut an argument you fall back to the ole tried and true racist/ hate claim

    as was said earlier

    You cant handle the truth

  6. doug says:

    all those pronouncing “Newt was not a hypocrite – it was about the perjury” need to recall that Newt made NUMEROUS pronunciamentos about the immorality of Democrats and how it was bringing the US down. there is the big hypocrite story.

  7. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #38 – A coward and a liar.

    I never used race. I never said you weren’t entitled to speak your views. I am not any of the things you imply that I am. But being honest isn’t the way you work.

    Tell me I hate America and then tell me its the truth and not hateful? Fuck you. You are a liar, and a coward. You don’t know me. You don’t know anything about my life. Nor do you know anything about the other people who you run down with your misanthropic point of view.

    In fact, like any true liberal… hell, like any true conservative… like any good American… I’ll defend your right to speak as you like… To put your point of view into the public discourse… To vote as you see fit… To enjoy the freedom and liberty that this great nation affords us all, that our collective families have fought and died for…

    But don’t think I’ll not avail myself of those some rights and liberties to speak as I see fit. And as I see it, you have attacked me and everyone else who doesn’t see things as you do, painting us with that ultimate of broad brushes, the accusation that I hate this country… the country of my birth… the country that cradles my family and friends and countrymen… the country that has done such great things for civilization, for the world… this nation that I exhault above all others for its commitment to to ideals that I hold dear…

    You want to make these ugly comments… Feel free. But do not for a moment believe that I will not respond to your lies and hate speech with the truth. And the truth is that being critical of a failed administration isn’t hating America. Standing up for civil liberties is not hating America. Being just as concerned for justice outside our borders as within them is not hating America. Believing that access to health care should be the right of every American is not hating America. Believing that we’ve killed enough Iraqis and far more than enough of our own children in a wrongful war is not hating America. Believing that compassion is a virtue is not hating America.

    In fact, all of those things are what might be called, Being American.

    Now… Having said all there is to say, I’ll give you the last word, because thats what you want… But I sincerely doubt there is anything you can say that will require any more response than the one I’ve just given you. I know I’m probably feeding the troll… but this is the Internet, where the better of us just need to live with the fact that any asshat with a keyboard can spew all the bile he likes… and I wouldn’t have it any other way. It just wouldn’t be American.

  8. Greg Allen says:

    #4 >>It wasn’t that Clinton had an affair it was where he had the affair and mainly that he lied and perjured himself.

    No. It was the blow job. Conservatives couldn’t care less about presidents lying. This they have shown us beyond any doubt.

    Besides, Clinton didn’t just happen to lie about the blow job. Getting him to lie was an intentional sting operation by Ken Star.

    #8 Remember, vote Democrat if you want guys like Hillary Clinton making your health care choices for you.

    And vote GOP if you want no choices at all since you can’t afford either treatment or insurance.

    But I’m not letting you get away with that swerve. My point is that cultural and religious conservatives think the government has the right to make your moral choices for you. This includes hypocritical bastards like Gingrich, Limbaugh, Bill Bennett and Bill O’Reilly and about half the GOP leadership.

    So, if you want those guys making your moral decisions for you — vote GOP.

    Otherwise, vote for a Democrat.

    #15 Republicans don’t hate America , Liberals do

    Here’s the irony: Republicans hate liberal America — and that’s the majority of us now and the principles we were founded on.

    Republicans are in love with some history-revisionist, conservative vision for America. You actually hate the real America with it’s civil liberties, immigrants, diversity and social contracts.

  9. J says:


  10. Pmitchell says:

    I have no rebuttal to your arguments for the love of ,we agree on most of those things except the war I believe as do most Americans we can and do need to win this war, the coward remark is that you( liberals) want to cut and run when victory is within reach. We could have never won WW2 with the liberal pres and the views of people like you, yet you become incensed when when i call you on it ( we spent most of WW2 getting our butts kicked but we won) , we didnt “strategically redeploy” we stood and fought, even when our nose was bloodied. It is as necessary now if not more so to stand and fight ( and I fight for your views also , it is what makes our country great we disagree but we still live together) Militant Islam will if not stopped overtake this world and send it back to the dark ages ( look at the middle east , the Arab man brought us math, he brought us the zero, he brought civilization, they were extremely advanced until Islam. since Islam they have been stagnant)This is a war we cant loose, and war isn’t nice, it is brutal but so is our enemy, so we must be more so if we want to win and win we must for if we don’t this argument wont be aloud to happen and we will both be silenced

  11. BgScryAnml says:

    #41 Could you please explain these “social contracts” to which you refer?

  12. MikeN says:

    The Niger documents were proven false, and I don’t think they even came up in the Libby trial. You may be getting confused with the President’s state of the union which doesn’t refer to any Niger documents. If Clinton didn’t lie, then why was he found to be in contempt of court by the judge on the case?

  13. Mr. Fusion says:


    I’ll say it. You didn’t serve. It is obvious. True veterans don’t brag. They don’t need to. Cowards brag and lie about what they did.

    You state that your grandfather served in WWII. Well so did my father. He flew from mid 1940 until 1945. His plane was hit several times and he was wounded once. But none of that makes me anything. My father is the hero. His brother who was lost in France is a hero. My other uncle was a tank commander and was wounded in The Netherlands. He is a hero. My Grandfather was in the British Navy for the Battle of Jutland and Gallipoli. I even have a cousin that served in Viet Nam. I had nothing to do with anything they did. I can not and will not ride their coat tails crying I’M NOT A COWARD. Their actions speak for their deeds, not me.

    You, though, are a coward. You ride your grandfather’s coat tails. Every man and woman who served their country in time of war is a hero. Those that claim special tributes because of a relative who served are cowards. You sir are a coward.

    I did not coin the term but you fit it exactly. You are a neo-coward. Someone willing to send others to die for them so that they can continue to rape the riches from the American public. You wrap yourself in the American flag and say “Hey everyone, look at how much I love my country. You hate America but I love it”.

    At first I was extremely annoyed at your typical Rovian tricks. Invent a lie and repeat it until others believe it. You can’t tell when you are lying because it comes so easy to you. A typical neo-coward routine.

    Please note that perhaps the most liberal President the US ever had was Franklyn Roosevelt. The same President that served us so well during WWII. BTW, He died while on vacation with his mistress.

    I couldn’t care less if you ever post another comment. That is your choice and it isn’t my place to decide whether you may or may not. Just quit threatening to not come back. If you don’t like being called out then take your effen toys and go home. If I am going to debate, then let’s have the debate among adults, not kids.

  14. Pmitchell says:

    fusion your a fool
    I made it quite clear I was released, I did not serve and never said I did read what I wrote

    I was in Navcad, I collasped a lung and was released

    that is navcad

    you are the fool, you come on here and spout your venom, but you are the downfall of this country liberalism is the downfall of this country

    name a liberal program that has worked

    welfare >>> just as many poor now as then except now they dont work at all
    schools >>> kids can’t read under the nice liberal policies but everone gets an A
    crime >>> rehabilitate, that worked real well, lock em up
    disarm>>> it was our military that won the cold war with out a shot
    shall I go on

    name one liberal program that is successful and not a complete waste of taxpayers money just one

    you sit in your ohh so high lofty place looking down on the rest of the world feeling smug about how much better you are

    HA you make me laugh

  15. curmudgen says:

    Thank you Mr fusion.

    RA 134xxxxx

  16. GregA says:

    PMitchel has the worst case of last-post-itis evar!

  17. Floyd says:

    To the sanctimonious neocons and others of their ilk on this group:

    You’re right–Clinton shouldn’t have lied. He should have told Congress the whole truth: that his private life was none of their business, and left the room. End of story.

    The same applies to Gingrich, actually.

  18. TJGeezer says:

    37 – Thank you. I couldn’t have said it better myself and I’m glad it wasn’t deleted before I got to read it.

    Fact is, I occasionally agree with everyone on this blog. PMitchell is the only one here who never posts anything but hate. His posts always look like they have spittle all over them and I never read them anymore except by accident. Why waste the time?

    As for Newt, it’s not so different from Rush calling for imprisonment of black market drug users while he was using his housekeeper to procure black market drugs. Or Tom DeLay calling for honest government. The more they posture, the less anyone but a fool believes any of them.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #47, Pmitchell
    never said I did read what I wrote

    It is obvious you don’t read what you have written. So let me repost some of your comments.

    #15, So don’t ever call me a coward, my family served and will continue to serve with out hesitation But you didn’t

    #34, I know you didnt serve this country you hold it in too much contempt to lower your self to that level, COWARD Yup, make judgments from your own experience.

    #38, There is no hate in my reply, only truth
    (please see #47, for the hate. you are the fool, you come on here and spout your venom, but you are the downfall of this country liberalism is the downfall of this country ) No, no hate there,…

    #43, I believe as do most Americans we can and do need to win this war, the coward remark is that you( liberals) want to cut and run when victory is within reach. We could have never won WW2 with the liberal pres and the views of people like you, yet you become incensed when when i call you on it ( we spent most of WW2 getting our butts kicked but we won) , we didnt “strategically redeploy” we stood and fought, even when our nose was bloodied. It is as necessary now if not more so to stand and fight ( and I fight for your views also ,) …This is a war we cant loose, and war isn’t nice, it is brutal but so is our enemy, so we must be more so if we want to win and win we must for if we don’t this argument wont be aloud to happen and we will both be silenced

    Gee, an awful lot of WE there. You put something into the “first person” and that means you participated. I thought about having a baby with Anna Nichole Smith, does that count? Should I say I fathered Smith’s baby?

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    A “Liberal Program” that worked. Well, let’s see,…

    Well, Medicare, oopps, that works so it can’t be liberal.

    National Park system, naa, too universal to be political.

    Social Security, uuuhh, ya that one works too, so it must be a Republican program.

    Food Stamps, well, as successful as that one is, we’ll have to give credit to those damn neo-cons.

    Unemployment Insurance, nope, regardless of the number of people saved from starvation and bankruptcies, that must be a Libertarian program

    Farm Subsidies, well, aahh, ya a lot of farmers are still going tits up because of low farm prices.

    Veterans Administration, well, that is too patriotic to give any credit to those nasty Liberals.

    GI Loans, naa, only whites qualify so this must be another one of those conservative programs

    Oil Drilling Incentives, YA !!! found a Liberal Program that works.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #48, No, WE owe you the thank you.

  22. PMitchell says:

    I’m confused are you actually taking credit for medicare ,foodstamps, social security, and farm subsidies , now I give you credit the forest and national park service is money well spent , and the veterans administration is a disgrace and those men should be in jail who ran it
    but you actually think the biggest ponzi scheme in history is a good idea social security and medicare are going to bust us , bureaucratic waste is rampant and in the original plan the retirement age was beyond the average age of death of a U.S. citizen

    Just another question Mr Fusion are a college professor ? I was wondering why you were in Lubbock for such a short time and I thought you might have been at Tech

  23. Gregory says:

    #47 (PMitchel) – “name a liberal program that has worked”

    First you’ll have to define liberal, you do know it just means someone who is tolerant and possibly left on center on social issues right? The thing about government is that everyone gets to work on things – so an exclusively left leaning policy has to get looked at and worked on by the right. Just a thought.

    welfare >>> just as many poor now as then except now they dont work at all.
    Wow you really are a cookie-cutter neo-con aren’t you? Can you provide proof or studies that prove your point? I doubt it. However because of welfare less people are starving and dying in the US. Sounds like it worked to me.

    schools >>> kids can’t read under the nice liberal policies but everone gets an A
    That’s not a “liberal” problem. That’s a problem with education standards – something which both sides in the US have screwed up..

    crime >>> rehabilitate, that worked real well, lock em up
    Who? Rehabilitation works, and has worked, but it is the social problems that cause most crime and relapses – something that “liberals” try to fix.

    disarm>>> it was our military that won the cold war with out a shot
    Er… the cold war ended because the Soviets spent too much on nukes and the rest of their military machine bankrupted the economy while starving the populous. The Cold War is an example of why you should spend LESS on the military… The US military had pretty much nothing to do with the Cold War.. hence the ‘cold’ part of the title..

    shall I go on
    No, you’re making quite enough of a fool of yourself as it is…

    you sit in your ohh so high lofty place looking down on the rest of the world feeling smug about how much better you are
    Really? Because that is what you have been doing this whole thread.

    HA you make me laugh
    You just make me sad.


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