I guess he’s going to claim the condom didn’t fit…

OJ joins Anna Nicole baby battle – Metro.co.uk: A new development on the Anna Nicole Smith baby saga.

O J Simpson could be the father of Anna Nicole Smith’s daughter Dannielynn, according to reports from America.

‘I hope they don’t do a DNA test on Anna Nicole’s baby. If they find out Dannielynn is mine, I don’t want Fred Goldman trying to seize her money – or the baby herself.’

Smith died in February, aged 39, and six-month-old Dannielynn is now at the centre of a paternity battle as at least five men claim to be her father.

  1. Darrell says:

    He’ll never rest until he finds the ‘real’ father.

  2. @$tr0Gh0$t says:

    I like the fact that he’s worried that the father of his murdered wife might get the Smith money. Such compasion.

  3. JT says:

    Fred Goldman should put a bullet in this guy. Any jury would give him a free pass.

  4. circuitsmith says:

    This is all a bizzare dream, right? Please?

  5. faustus says:

    i take it this is the site you guys gets your political news from….

  6. faustus says:

    i take it this is the site you guys get your political news from….

  7. @$tr0Gh0$t says:

    #4, perhaps a ‘white’ jury. 😉

  8. curmudgen says:

    “Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”

    Joseph Welsh-9 June 1954 during the Army-McCarthy Hearings in Washington, D.C.

  9. Tim says:

    Isn’t April 1st still a few weeks away?

  10. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    You know – as soon as I saw this I started hearing the theme from the “Twilight Zone” in my head.

  11. Vo Beatdown says:

    “according to reports from America.” What kind of source is THAT? The Weekly World News?

  12. gquaglia says:

    Is there anyone this woman didn’t spread her legs for?

  13. @$tr0Gh0$t says:

    #14, well, me, but that’s probably because we never met and that I’m poor, so, no dice. 😉

  14. Allen McDonald, El Galloviejo® says:

    ¿ Aren’t we all overlooking the ‘ Elvis’ frozen sperm ‘ controversy aspect of this earth shattering supposition ?

  15. mark says:

    Everyone is wrong, only I can be the father of the starchild. Just look at the resmblance.


  16. Dan says:

    Oh, come on… Didn’t OJ one prove that DNA evidence is meaningless?

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #15, gq,

    I think you and I are the only ones that haven’t. (What?, is that who that was) OK, so you’re the only one that hasn’t.

  18. Ballenger says:

    This poor child would be better off being reared by wolves.

  19. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    I have a question that might lend some perspective to this thread…


    Good Christ News Media?!?!?!


  20. Mr. Fusion says:


    All those in the Mile High Club?

  21. Tosha says:

    OMG!LEAVE IT BE PEOPLE!U already know u cant beleive what u hear so get over it let anna rest.

  22. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    I’m starting to develop a vague suspicion that when not relentlessly pursuing the Real Killer(s) on the back nine at Doral, Our Hero might just have a thing for dopey white women…

  23. evan says:

    The *Real*
    of the baby
    is Anna Nicole’s
    *own son*.

    why? remember how jealous he always seemed every time any one took her attention on her old TV show?

    go back and reread the wording of the will with the son-as-father theory in mind.

    it makes a Lot more sense. 🙂

    unfortunately, his DNA will probably never be tested.

  24. Jeff says:

    I only have two comments. The first being that the real “fools day” happens on April 15th and not the 1st. The second, the whole Anna Nicole Smith thing never took place. We imagined her existence and her death. Move along…


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