I know that the source site isn’t the most credible in all matters, but this kind of site is like the Enquirer in that after the sensationalist crap there are some interesting insights into the unusual. In this case the evidence they quote is readily researchable, so feel free to add your own interpretation.

Prehistoric “primitive” cultures often benefited from the knowledge of unknown very advanced technologically civilizations they co-existed with. A number of discoveries made around the world indicate that sophisticated surgery was very often performed in prehistoric times.

Ancient India excelled at surgery and anaesthesiology as well.
Skilled ancient doctors conducted complicated surgeries like fractures, cesareans, removing of urinary stones, cataract surgery, artificial limbs, brain surgery and even plastic surgery.

Using an X-ray during a research on mummy DNA, a team from Brigham Young University, Provo, UT found an ancient nine-inch metal screw in the leg of the 2600-year-old mummy of an Egyptian priest Usermontu, in the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum.

I disagree with the article in that it assumes that the ancient peoples involved co-existed in ancient times with some mythical or extraterrestrial civilization. (That’s what I mean about these sites; I don’t agree with their conclusion but I appreciate and use their research to come to my own conclusions.) I personally believe this ancient wisdom was passed on and eventually faded out over the millennia from a previous human civilization.

The timing is right, just around the end of the Pleistocene, the “Ice Age” (there is always ice on Earth, and it is an Ice Age for that continent) for Europe and the Americas. (It wasn’t an Ice Age for Siberia and very probably Antarctica; if temperate Siberia became sub-arctic, why is it such a stretch to imagine Queen Maud’s Land temperate and then shoved into its own Ice Age?)

Any civilization on the planet at that time would have been wiped out, and our genetic history hints at a terrible cataclysm in our distant past. (Every human folklore, including the Bible, talk of a tremendous civilization destroyed by God’s wrath as expressed through nature.)

  1. OmarThe Alien says:

    Nearly two million years ago, that’s quite a while. Suppose a human civilization, one that learned how not to foul it’s own nest with technological efluvia, had existed until meeting it’s own doom and/or fate (extinction/transcendence). How much of an archaeological stamp would these hip ancients have left for the archaelogists shovels and brushes? Not much, I suspect.

  2. tvindy says:

    Well, they did find an ancient stargate in Antarctica.

  3. Smartalix says:


    The period in question is roughly 10-15,000 years ago, not 2 million.

  4. 888 says:

    When (yes “when”, not “if”) new Ice Age falls upon mankind, what will be left of our “high” civilization?
    Probably nothing.
    If new ice age will last more than few thousands years, people will be decimated within first few hundred years at most. Survivor’s offspring will be back to stone age within very few generations.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    Using an X-ray during a research on mummy DNA, … found an ancient nine-inch metal screw in the leg of the 2600-year-old mummy…

    According to Dr. Richard Jackson, orthopedic surgeon for BYU’s athletic team:
    “The pin is made with a lot of biomechanical things we still use to make sure we get good fixation in stabilizing bone..”

    OK, what materials are they? This article doesn’t say. Other research suggests metal refining and machining was extremely primitive 2600 years ago. And since this was on an X-ray, how could anyone determine the composition of the material?

    Looking at the small resolution X-ray image, there doesn’t appear to be any break or fracture healing in the leg which would have been present from any operation to even put the screw in place.

    The article also doesn’t link any or cite many references. I call bull on this one.

  6. venom monger says:

    It could have been post-mortem

  7. Oil of Dog says:


  8. Smartalix says:


    It is interesting that you fixate on the evidence that could be suspect. What about the other examples? For example, I saw the toe prothesis on TV myself during a tour of the Egyptian museum. That’s a pretty sophisticated thing to replace, a “primitive” folk would have just let the person hobble. And what about the trepanation? Healed skulls don’t lie.

    There is a lot more evidence extant that people are willing to acknowledge came from ancient man, hence the number of hair-brained “chariots of the gods” crap.

  9. Smartalix says:

    Humans exactly like us have been on this planet for at least 60,000 years. At that point they already had fire and primitive tools and the beginning od a social structure. Does everyone really believe that for the following 55,000 years it was stone knives and bearskins until the Sumerians? The Earth is littered with artifacts whose origins are unexplainable (the Great Pyramid is a trite, but apt, example) if we assume mankind at that point was primitive, hence the UFO crakpot connection. That does not make the evidence invalid.

  10. TJGeezer says:

    In the spirit of “if it’s too good to be true…” it seems likely Mr. Fusion is right. This kind of evidence is easy to fabricate. Something interesting may be going on, but chances of it being that sophisticated, that long ago, well… I wouldn’t bet on it.

    On the other hand, we sometimes think it takes a lot more sophistication and muscle power to do things that might simply have reflected clever engineering with materials at hand. Here’s a YouTube video of a man moving multi-ton blocks around using wood lever, inclined planes and rocks for pivot points: http://tinyurl.com/yk3gk4

    He plans to recreate Stonehenge in concrete, just to prove he can, without pulleys, metal levers or the like. Humans can do more with simple technology than we think.

  11. Smartalix says:


    My point exactly. You do not need microchips and plastic to have civilization. Take a look at this link on lathe-turned stone vessels found in Egypt. The site author believes that the artifacts significantly predate the society we ascribe them to, and I agree.

    How did the creators of those items mill granite if supposedly all they had were copper tools? If they were good enough to make this stuff, there had to be a relatively sophisticated supporting infrastructure. One of my favorite sayings is that a technology is measured by how precisely it can apply force.

    As the the block-moving guy, I know Wallington and we cross-link sites (smartalix.com, that is). We agree that one does not always need heavy tools to accomplish great tasks. Given that, there are still huge hurdles in the creation of the Great Pyramid that can only be solved by a sophistication greater than we allow at that time in our histories.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #14 & 15.

    I wouldn’t automatically rule out there is the remotest possibility of something like this happening. There is very little I would give 100% certainty to.

    Yes, the examples of building the pyramids , Eater Island heads, Stonehenge and even the Great Wall give a lot of food for thought. If they were that easy to construct though, why on earth are they so rare? Yes, answering a question with a question is bad form, but I suggest their rarity shows that it took considerable energy and national treasure to construct each one.

    But before I accept a claim like this, I want it to withstand some scrutiny.

  13. Angel H. Wong says:

    I agree with Alix.

    Just because the ancient Christians were sloppy doctors it doesn’t necesarily means that the rest of the ancient world should be.

  14. joshua says:

    Mummy’s have been uncovered that showed brain surgury done by Egyptians in the 2nd and 3rd dynasty’s, and the patients lived, as the skull’s showed the new bone growth.

    The Egyptians are a prime example of Alix’s theory. Suddenly a full blown civilisation appeared aprrox. 4500 years ago. I seriously doubt that just happened. And after bursting on the scene, with in 250 years they built the Great Pyramid. But during that 250 years they had built several pyramids, of many styles and sizes. They also created astronomy,(mapping the skies that sill is valid), an extreamly sophisticated socio-religious society, and rather modern medicine. This shows that they not only became a civilisation, but had advanced mathmatical skills almost immediatly. The only way for this to happen is for them to have had access to things that came before them.

    I only regret that I probably won’t be alive when the ice is gone from Anarctica and we get to see what has been buried under that ice for all these millenia.


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