Science Blogs, by Ed Brayton – February 8, 2007:

Volokh points to two articles, one by a Muslim law professor named Liaquat Ali Khan and one by a Jewish professor of political science named Robert Freedman, arguing for such laws. And as the former article points out, the UN General Assembly has voted two years in a row to call on member states to adopt laws prohibiting any speech that defames a religion. This is an incredibly dangerous idea.

All middle eastern states except Israel voted for the resolution? Can that be serious? We’re going to ask the opinion of Saudi Arabia, where schools routinely teach that Jews and Christians are pigs worthy of death, whether we should pass a law forbidding the defamation of religion? We’re going to ask nations full of people who burn down synagogues over cartoons drawn halfway around the world and who believe that someone who converts from Islam to Christianity should be put to death whether religions can be criticized? We’re supposed to care what China, a nation that has all but destroyed Tibetan Buddhism and routinely locks up and tortures Christians and Muslims, thinks about our laws on religious freedom?

Have we passed through the mirror into some sort of bizarro world?

Given the sheer insanity of this position, “no” is hardly a strong enough answer. Try hell no. Try fuck no. Try “over my dead body.” Not today, not tomorrow, not ever.

  1. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Ditto, SN.

    As I told pedro, time to wake up and smell the ritual incense…

  2. Improbus says:

    Watch your language SN … children could be reading this blog.

  3. SN says:

    2. “Watch your language SN … children could be reading this blog.

    Dude 1: Dude!

    Dude 2: What Dude?

    Dude 1. Have you checked out Dvorak Uncensored, dude? It’s totally awesome dude!

    Dude 2: No Dude. What’s the 411, dude?!

    Dude 1: People swear, dude!

    Dude 2: Duuude!

  4. Miguel says:

    Will Richard Dawkins have to pay some sort of fine now? Or go to jail?

  5. Thomas says:

    I think I’ll create a religion where the word “religion” is an evil word along with words like God, Allah, Yahweh, Jehovah, pray, priest, rabbi, temple, and church. Any use of these words is defamatory towards…um…beliefs. (hmm…better ban that one too…)

  6. Mark says:

    4. Yeah, and how about Ann “the Man” Coulter?

  7. James Hill says:

    #3 – Dude.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    Here in the Great State of Indiana, they have some new car license plates.

    If you want to have one that says “Support our troops”, it’s $20. But if you want to have one that says “In God We Trust”, there is no extra charge. So it costs more to support our troops then it does to advertise you are a faith based idiot.

    Slightly off subject, yes, but anything done in the name of religion is based on idiot faith.

  9. MikeN says:

    Well the UN has already banned Mother’s Day with its CEDAW treaty.

  10. Charon says:

    Darfur? No, we don’t think there’s any religion-bashing going on there…

  11. James Hill says:

    #8 – How much is the “UN Free Zone” plate, or is that only in Utah?

  12. Jägermeister says:


    It’s all part of the religious indoctrination. Wherever you turn, there’s religious propaganda. Look in your wallet, listen to the President, watch the news… life becomes so simple when you’ve got an imaginary friend to explain things and who can hide your ignorance to the masses.

    As for the subject… I guess Brigadier General Anthony McAuliffe’s response to Heinrich von Lüttwitz’s demand for surrender during the siege of Bastogne sums it up… NUTS!

  13. Max Exter says:

    #5. I will support you *if* you include the word “Canadian”.

  14. BdgBill says:

    This is a great idea.

    Since all Muslim extremisim and terrorisim are really caused by infidels disrespect of the one true religion, we must do everything that we are told to do by Muslims. Then, maybe, one day we can live in a terrorisim free world.

    Remember, a vote for Sharia law in formally free countries is a vote for peace. Voting against forcing women to wear the hijab, forced “virginity tests” in public hospitals or the mutilation of womens genitals is a vote for terrorisim!

    Remember if we just carefully follow the instructions given to us by muslims we can hope that one day western countries can be the peacefull paradise that all muslim countries are today.

  15. Don’t worry, I’m sure that Christian-bashing will be grandfathered in and can continue business as usual.

  16. TJGeezer says:

    15 – While we’re grandfathering bashing of belief systems that persist in the face of experience and observed facts, how about neocon-bashing?

  17. citen says:

    Who’s the hot chick in the picture?


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