Sounds like a slogan to re-elect a lt. governor

PCs running Microsoft’s new Windows Vista operating system got a cool response from consumers in Japan during their first month on sale.

Sales of desktop and laptop computers from brand-name makers in February were 1.2 percent higher than the same month in 2006, said BCN — while the entire market was up 6 percent thanks to better demand for white-box PCs made by computer stores and for motherboards.

The jump in the brand-market was smaller than expected by market watchers, who thought the launch of the long-awaited operating system on Jan. 30 would give the PC market more of a kick.

“We’re actually pretty happy with how the launch has gone so far,” said Darren Huston, president and CEO of Microsoft’s Japan unit.

Politicians, pundits or pipsqueaks — a non-denial denial is always worth a chuckle.

  1. Nick says:

    Not big in Japan then.


    Schadenfreude might not be admirable, but after all that Microsoft has done to others it’s surely understandable if we laugh a little at this news.

    BTW, a Microsoft flunkey has been busy badmouthing Google:

    One slashdotter quoted: “Microsoft, he said, asks the copyrights owner for permission first…”

    and commented: “They should have added:

    …unless it’s software.”

  2. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    “We’re actually pretty happy with how the launch has gone so far,” said Edward Smith, Captain, RMS Titanic.

  3. moss says:

    Now, LtG, that was funny!

  4. Beaut says:


    Most reviews have said there are two highlights in Vista:

    A) A nifty new rolodex-type Alt-Tab effect

    B) Translucent window effects (Aero)

    On the other hand, many have pointed out incompatibilities, crushing DRM, and more negatives.

    Worth the upgrade? Not for me.

    I might get an “online version” from a torrent site, so I can learn how to support it with a Virtual PC 2007 implementation on my XP box.

  5. raddad says:

    I don’t get the Aero effect. So the window frames are translucent. Who cares. Five years and we get translucent frames?

    The rest of the OS looks like XP version 2.

  6. Mark Derail says:

    Clear – Aero effect
    Confident – Will have an install base, because OEM manufacturers build new PC’s with Vista, and XP has been pulled off the shelves of all the stores I’ve seen.
    Connected – MS now knows everything that you do on your PC

  7. morramm says:

    My wife is Japanese and uses the computer daily to email and send photos to friends and family in Japan. Something I noticed is that most of them are still using the Japanese version of Win98! Reasons vary from cost to upgrade to the difficult setup in the language plugins. We have one PC with JWinXP and a JKeyboard. The keyboard was a gift from a friend that does business with Japan and Korean. The Japanese XP cost me a lot sushi.

  8. V says:

    It’s because of software piracy, of course!

    PC Magazine predicted this. So did everyone else. It will sell at a steady rate as people buy new computers, because XP was already stable and, with the software that everyone already owns, reasonably secure.

  9. Jägermeister says:


    That pretty much sums it up.

  10. ECA says:

    I would like to designate a difference..In HOw the product is SOLD.

    buying a computer and Getting Vista on it, I would NOT consider a sale, as there was little or No choice.
    the person didnt need to decide, about configuration, OS, or anyuthing Else.
    IF that person took the computer Home and installed Linux, even after 10 year(never happen) I would consider that a Purchase for Linux more then anything.

  11. GeekSquadGuy says:

    Hmm, class action lawsuit, anybody?

    The public’s demand for alternative energy vehicles is apparent. However, to get such things is akin to flaming-hoop-jumping in a propane tank. Monopoly on a polypoly (what’s the word?) scale. Of course, automotive Execs have no vested interests (stock) in petroleum companies.

    The public’s demand for Vista is… is… is… well, I’m at a loss. However, the choice isn’t there. Monopoly. Monopoly. Umm, I couldn’t come up with anything clearer.


  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    I use XP and am relatively happy with it. Although it is relatively stable now, it sucks up more memory then it did when it first came out. I’ve started using Linux in an attempt to get away from buying another MS product and all the resultant DRM and licensing garbage.

    I have no intension of buying Vista or the latest rendition of Office.

  13. TJGeezer says:

    12 – Me too. My Xandros Debian Linux install is more than adequate and I’ll shift there from XP as soon as I replace an unsupported multibutton LogiTech mouse. Vista? Not even interested. I can run XP legally inside Parallels or VMWare, for the few apps I need that CrossOver doesn’t support.

    I’ve probably bought my last whole PC, too. My last three upgrades have all been motherboard/CPU/memory upgrades. Don’t need the rest, and when I do, I can buy it from Newegg or some other reliable vendor. Sounds like that’s what’s happening int he Japanese market, too.

    The guys here are right, though – most people will replace a PC with another whole PC, most of those will come with Vista, and except for the lack of splash in the corporate world, M$ probably doesn’t much care.


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