Gee, so subtle

One thing PC users can do that Mac users can’t: STFU – This website has a pretty conceited name, are you ready to make some rebuttals or do you approve?

Ever notice how most Mac users are skinny? It’s because of all the calories they burn because they can’t STFU about how great their Macs are. What is it about Apple that makes its users unable to shut their mouths? Everywhere I go, there’s another asshole with a Mac preaching about how much better Macs are than PCs. They regurgitate lines directly from Apple’s marketing campaign, like “it just works.” I have the following rebuttals to this argument:

1. If everything on a Mac just works, then why does a website called “Mac fix it” exist, assholes? Here are a few choice topics on
-Login window stuck!
-lower caSe “S” key not working!!
-Menu bar keeps flashing
-I can’t drag and drop!
Waaaah, boo hoo! I can’t drag and drop! Dumbass. Looks like your Macs aren’t perfect after all, which leads me to my second point:

I hope this guy doesn’t work at Dell’s tech support.

2. F U
I don’t know why Mac users get so defensive when you call them idiots. I mean, Apple is a company that has built its entire user base around the fact that its users can’t do simple things like turn their computers on. Hell, most Mac users can’t even talk without using their hands, which ranks their intelligence somewhere between a simian and hog hit

  1. Jim says:

    I would love to check out this guy’s site, but he comes up as a pornographic site on my CIPAFilter with a score of 1800. What an asshat.

    Now,… that is CIPA friendly!

  2. WokTiny says:


    what’s more annoying, a fanboy, or one complaining about a fanboy?

    personally I found this guys position more annoying than any macfanboy I’ve encountered.

  3. roXet says:

    That is Maddox, welcome to the internet, it’s 2001

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    Extreme fans of any stripe are a pain. I just hate visiting some site where all the armpits post their computer specs. Like I care that you run a V6 AMC, with a Gillette video card, 200 ml of Hung Over memory, and dual Cheerio HDs.

    A computer is a machine, not your girlfriend !!! A tool to be used, not stroked !!! Like it is your gilrfriend.

  5. Mark says:

    36. Good point. It reminds of the custom car nuts from the 60’s and 70’s.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    ” comma’s ”

    Get up on the wrong side of the bed??? Trashing the place because your hemorrhoids are acting up??? For “God’s sake” its a blog. Its informal. Quit with the bashing, it makes you sound like a drunk wishing to crawl inside a bottle.

    If someone makes a common error so what !!! Why don’t you just sue them instead of sharing your obnoxious bile. I’m not sure who wants to hear such childish cry baby whiny shit, but I don’t. Grow up, get a life, and get a PC, your MAC is doing funny things to your head.


    #29, Heed the rant. Quit getting your shorts in a knot because someone made a spelling mistake. Even with my atrocious spelling I recognized the word for what it was meant to be.

  7. None says:

    #38 – Lol, did it really sound like my shorts were in a knot? If you had read the whole comment, you may have noticed that I said “Misspellings are fine normally and can even add to a good troll, but not when they’re taking pot-shots at others intellect.” I truly was impressed with zepe’s troll, except for the small mistake he made.

    I mean, good trolls usually DO have bad spelling….as this can enhance the troll factor in a major way. But the art of the troll, as you’ve proved yourself from time to time, is to walk a very fine edge. You have to pepper it with truths and outrageousness. But go too far, then it just becomes laughable and doesn’t get the desired effect of pissing people off. Zepe didn’t go too far, he just made a tiny mistake which I pointed out. Maybe next time he’ll truly aspire to be a first class forum troll!

    I’m here to help.

  8. nonStatist says:

    Maddox for the win.

  9. Ron Larson says:

    Now that Apple has moved to Intel products, they have no advantage over an average PC. If you buy a top of the line Macbook Pro then you’re paying $1500 for OSX.

    Not in my experience. I am a Windows/Dell user since the 80’s. Been very happy. In December when it came time to upgrade my laptop, I went with a MacBook Pro 15″.

    I found that when I compared a Dell Lat D800 to the MBP when matched feature for feature, they were the same price, or pretty damn close.

    So because of my recent interest in digital SLR photography, I opted for the MacBook Pro with WinXP under Parallels.

    And trust me…. Mac’s and OSX are not perfect. I’ve had just as much tweaking and annoyances with OSX as I have with WinXP.

  10. doug says:

    #36. I never did how anyone could be a fanboy of any OS. I mean, geez, people, get a grip.

  11. Tex says:

    de, – Sunday, February 22, 2004 at 11:47:29 (PST)

  12. Scientician says:

    #35, I agree. Maddox has been doing what can best be described as extreme satire for years. He has a book deal: “The Alphabet Of Manliness” is available at Amazon. Good stuff, don’t take it so seriously.

  13. Angel H. Wong says:

    Mac users are not skinny because they waste calories bragging how good their macs are:


    Mac users are vegetarian not by choice at first BUT BECAUSE VEGETABLES ARE CHEAPER THAN MEAT.

  14. richardo says:

    maddox could kick john’s ass any day of week.

  15. Pat says:

    For those of you who seem to think this is a private rant on a small site, I point you to alexa. His highest traffic rank of all time is a 4000 and he is regularly between 6000 and 8000. His worst day is about equal to Johns best day. And if his site looks outdated it is because it is old and they guy is an old school unix guy (read no idea about UI, but I have always liked the black background).

    As for content, don’t judge him on this article, it wasn’t up to his usual standard (too much overused bashing and not enough sarcasm). If you want to read some high quality stuff read the ‘F*** Idaho’ article.

    #33 Get on a non-filtered internet connection and go here:

  16. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #38 – Mr. Fusebox

    “Get up on the wrong side of the bed??? Trashing the place because your hemorrhoids are acting up??? For “God’s sake” its a blog. Its informal.

    If someone makes a common error so what !!! Why don’t you just sue them instead of sharing your obnoxious bile.”

    I swear, there are times when you go so dim that the Hubble fucking Telescope couldn’t detect you if you were in orbit 20 feet away.

    “I’m not sure who wants to hear such childish cry baby whiny shit, but I don’t.”

    And the reason I should give two fucks about what you want to hear is…?

    I handed you your silly PC ass on a platter on two other threads. Since you were, as usual, incapable of refuting my statements, you just slithered away in silence, fuming. Here you saw an opportunity for payback for being once again exposed as a brainwashed PC ‘tard, so yet again, incapable of learning your lesson, you inject yourself into a conversation between grownups and commence to shooting your mouth off without Clue One to what’s actually going on.

    If you read the back-and-forth between me and Mr. J, you must be terminally dense to not notice I was fucking with him, and he took it in the same spirit, you flaming idiot. Who actually says ‘for the love of God’ when poking at an error in spelling or grammar? Was the ‘cranky’ reference to the previous thread too subtle for you? Do you know what a ‘smiley’ is? That little face thingy there?

    “…and while we’re at it, 🙂 “‘

    That’sa, I say, that’sa JOKE, son! (Boy’s elevator don’t exackly go to the top, if ya knowwhatimean…) Since you don’t get out much, I’ll explain, as I would to a slow child, that’s a quote from Foghorn Leghorn.

    Next time, for a change of pace, why not try standing up like a mensch and at least make some kind of lame attempt to defend your moronic statements in the thread you make them in, instead of this chickenshit sneaking away, hiding in the bushes in an unrelated thread, then jumping out – with a rubber knife?

    For someone who admits to being morally vacant enough to actually permit their 7-y.o. girl to be exposed to brain-rotting ‘hip-hop’ sewage, instead of something trying to instill something culturally and morally uplifting, you sure are judgemental! I mean, dang!

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #51, pedro,

    Now that is funny.


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