
Mom pleads guilty to using baby as a weapon – This woman should not have children.

A woman pleaded guilty Tuesday to swinging her 4-week-old son like a bat to hit her boyfriend during a fight, fracturing the infant’s skull in the process.

Chytoria Graham, 27, pleaded guilty to aggravated assault and endangering the welfare of a child under a plea agreement with prosecutors.

By pleading guilty, Graham acknowledged that on October 8 she grabbed her son Jarron by his feet and swung him, hitting her boyfriend and seriously injuring the child.

At Graham’s preliminary hearing in December, paramedic Betty Schau, who treated the baby, recalled that Graham was crying and disheveled when medical crews arrived. She testified that Graham told her, “I swung him. I swung him like a bat.”

  1. WokTiny says:

    Ever notice that it is hurt people who cause the most hurt?

  2. Angel H. Wong says:

    Babies are dangerous!

  3. Improbus says:

    Uh oh, we better outlaw babies. Soon only criminals will have babies.

  4. Curmudgen says:

    I think she withdrew the guilty plea. May her life be filled with lawyers!

  5. natefrog says:

    Strange you are required to have a license for a pet, but nothing is required to have children. . .

  6. michael says:

    Number five, what do you suggest? A license to have sex? If so, it should be called a humping permit.

  7. Thepenguin says:

    if they did do that, would you have to take a proficiency exam, like with a drivers license, and get it renewed every few years? I wonder what that would be like…

  8. Graeme Allon says:

    As per our previous discussion – how come you didn’t say “Idiot American Mom….”?

  9. edwinrogers says:

    What a tragic story. This makes me so very sad. Imagine what the child must have gone through. These wounds will never heal.

  10. Named says:


    The 4 week old will probably forget in a couple of days. The child is only 4wks old after all…

    Not to be mean of course.

  11. Kevin says:

    Just… wow….what a fucking bitch!

  12. evan says:

    having that picture up on the front page is kind of disturbing. lets not forget that she is ALSO A VICTIM of domestic violence… so is it moral to use her beaten face as the centerpiece for a blog posting that attracts comments such as:

    “Just… wow….what a fucking bitch!”

    I dont know if the picture of the actual woman, or just something from google etc, but it still seems kind of a strange.

  13. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Funny… I was waiting for the ever-compassionate Mr. Fusebox to trot in here and pronounce her a ‘victim of our racist system’ and thereby grant her absolution for her actions.

    When topics like this pop up, I’ve started to notice that he tends to develop last-minute scheduling conflicts which regretfully prevent his participation. Tonight he’s washing his hair, is what I was told…

    Oh, and Graeme m’lad – bit cryptic with the asides there? You pique my curiosity. Do share with us; are we amiss, perhaps, in not realizing that criminal stupidity is the sole province of Americans? Or, rather, am I misinferring and that’s actually John C.’s take and not yours?

    I merely ask in order that we may be enlightened, truly. 🙂

  14. Patrick says:

    Public stoning, anyone? We should throw this lady in a deep dark hole along with that guy who taught his 2 and 5-year old sons to smoke pot, forget about them, and pretend like they never existed.

  15. Big Dubyah says:

    Trash like that should die a horrible death.

  16. OTOH says:

    I’m sure the left side of her face was swollen from the baby.

    Oh, wait — that looks more like the results of the impact from a man’s fist.

    As it is, women are crazy, black women are crazier — punch them in the face, and they’ll completely lose it and do stupid stuff.

    What she did was reprehensible, but I want the rest of the story. Who hit who first? Was there any alcohol involved?

    At 4 weeks post-mortem, a new mom’s hormones are entirely wigged out.

    OTOH, this one is her FIFTH child? According to the story, “Graham’s four other children are currently in the custody of her parents.”

    So, her boyfriend hasn’t married her. Probably fathered a few kids with her, but won’t marry her — why is this so common in “that” population?

    Why can’t she keep her legs closed?

    WTF is wrong with you people?

  17. Plissken says:

    Most likely, that poor child will have long term brain damage.

  18. Named says:


    That’s the pic from the CNN report.

    Always with the personal attacks…

  19. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #20 – Named

    Always with the personal attacks…”, says he, as pots and kettles go flying…

  20. Miguel says:


  21. Graeme Allon says:



    I picked up on how when this happens in the UK, the headline would be…

    “British Mom does something stupid” whereas, the same kind of incident happening in America would simply get…
    “Mom does something stupid”

    There are idiots everywhere, why do the British ones need to be highlighted!

  22. Named says:


    I always debate the issues. But after reading your comments, I notice it’s better to debate personal attacks with you.

    But, whatever. Insulting “people” on the Intraweb is as American as Apple Pie…

  23. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #24 – Graeme Allon

    Well, honestly, I hadn’t noticed before – but now that you mention it, your observation is spot on… 🙂

    I can’t help but associate that with the Beeb and their (proud?) confession of slanting their reportage to the liberal side; one, if not the, hallmark of Western liberalism (and the one I take most issue with) is White Guilt: “Oh, we’re so evil / imperialistic / oppressive / racist / what-have-you, everyone else is so wonderful.” Always with the “Oh, look what horrid thing we’ve done this time.”

    Self-flagellation is quite British, you must admit, Graeme, innit?

    #25 – Named

    “I always debate the issues. But after reading your comments, I notice it’s better to debate personal attacks with you.”

    I guess it kinda slipped by you; my bombsight was set on Fusebox. Whether you debate “the issues” or not is irrelevant here, since my comments were directed elsewhere. The Fused One is guaranteed to, when his inane arguments are smacked down, retort via ad hominem, and that’s what he gets back from me, in spades and with a vengeance.

    I’m usually willing address the matter at hand civilly, if a bit forcefully – but I don’t suffer fools gladly. And You-Know-Who fills that particular bill quite adequately, thankyouverymuch.

  24. Carl says:

    Just doesn’t seem right, a 4-wk old baby is not very wieldly to handle as a weapon, if she intended to defend herself, fists would probably work a whole lot better.

    But if it is true, no pity at all for her. Being the victim of domestic violence makes her bf a huge jerk, but using the kid as a weapon makes her worse.

    I so agree with #5 on that one.

    As for the “british” and “american” thing… I don’t think it’s necessary. If no country is mentioned, I always assume it happened in the US. They don’t have the monopoly on stupidity, I’m sure, but it seems to spread a whole lot more through the media and the internet than other countries.

  25. WokTiny says:

    Seems to me like while being beaten by her BOYfriend, she fell into “grab anything and swing it” mode. Not that it makes it ok, but, it could make her less wretched.

  26. Carl says:

    Maybe you had to be there…

    I’m strongly inclined to think that, even when acting on impulse and survival instinct, a parent would never use his/her child to defend himself/herself that way.

    May be just me, but if cornered and the only “weapon” I could use was my child then I’d go berserk and my attacker or me would be in a casket or a coma.

    Like I said, maybe you had to be there, but just imagining a similar situation in my head makes me aggressive. To me, someone who’s survival instincts are stronger than his parental ones is… less of a parent.

  27. Mr. Fusion says:

    Comment by Lauren the Ghoti — 3/7/2007 @ 4:06 am

    Drunk already at 4:00 AM. Shit you’re a blight on humanity.

    #28, Woktiny,

    I agree. I don’t think that justifies using the baby as a weapon but it can help explain it.

  28. James Hill says:

    #31 – Thank you for deomonstrating what happens to a baby that’s used as a weapon. Your mental damage is an example to us all.

  29. TJGeezer says:

    She even shocked herself, which pretty much makes it a no-brainer that others would be shocked by her. I’d be willing to bet drugs and alcohol were involved, post-partum hormones came into play, and her facial injuries suggest she was abused either before or after the incident.

    That said, she still picked up a baby instead of a handy chair when she went into attack mode. Whatever the rest of the story, she should never again be allowed in a room alone with those kids. All the rest is just attempts to understand what the hell led her to do that. Doesn’t matter. What does matter is keeping the baby and the rest of the kids the hell away from her. And I suspect that won’t be a problem.

  30. nerfherder says:

    Amazing, four weeks ago if a doctor had crushed the baby’s skull this would have been perfectly legal.


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