Hillary: Shut Lights, Hurt Chavez, Save Polar Bears – ThePoliticker.Observer.Com: Hillary gives a piece of her mind about a person who gets too much attention.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign swing through Iowa brought her to a biotech company on the outskirts of Des Moines this morning – and brought Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez unexpectedly into her crosshairs.

I wonder what Bill feels when he’s under her crosshairs.

The first question she received after a speech raised the issue of the Chavez government. The former first lady assailed the Venezuelan president for fomenting “anti-Americanism across Latin America” and returned, in unusually personal terms, to one of the themes of her speech – how energy independence could prevent the transfer of American dollars to anti-American regimes.

“My late father was a child of the depression and he never left a room without turning out every light. Well, now I go around turning out the lights,” she said.

Now we know that she turns out the lights when she’s with Bill.

“If we said, ‘Turn off that light because we don’t want to send any more money to Chavez in Venezuela,’ that would make a difference.”
Hillary returned to her ‘turn out the lights’ recommendation in her closing remarks. She said she would like to see President Bush encourage American children to save energy by explaining how excessive consumption impacts upon the global environment.

Well, if you want to do something for energy conservation, you could follow the example set by this supermarket in Switzerland, which changed all of its artificial lighting to LED lights.

The supermarket expects to reduce its energy use by 80%, with the lightbulbs lasting at least 16 years.

  1. Janky-o says:

    If the Swiss supermarket was running incandescents beforehand, then it’s surprising the store is still in business! I can’t think of any businesses in the US which are still using incandescent bulbs.

    Fluorescents are vastly less expensive than LEDs and are close in efficiency, causing a 75% reduction in power use. Except for bulb-changing expense, they are likely sufficient.

  2. MikeR says:

    What about us poor Albertans? Is someone willing to leave a light burning for us?

  3. mxpwr03 says:

    The foreign policy staffers at Senator Clinton’s HQ must be pulling all nighters to generate foreign policy initiatives such as this. The best plan for Venezuela is to let President Chavez cripple the nation himself. Why pay for the cow when the milk is free?

  4. @$tr0Gh0$t says:

    #5, maybe is a situation of ‘Damned if you do, damned if you don’t’.
    Well, that’s politicians, flipping sides in the blink of an eye.

    #4, yes, pushed is better, or as Bolivar said:

    ‘Nada es tan peligroso como dejar permanecer largo tiempo en un mismo ciudadano el poder.
    El pueblo se acostumbra a obedecerle y él se acostumbra a mandarlo, de donde se origina la usurpación y la tiranía’

    Here’s the translation:

    ‘Nothing is as dangerous as letting the same citizen remain in power for a long time. The people get used to obeying to him and he gets used to ruling them, originating usurpation and tyranny’

    Eight years and counting. Push, push away.

  5. Chris Evans says:

    Better not try to use those banks of LEDs in Boston. They’ll be mistaken for bombs two weeks after they’re installed…

  6. James Hill says:

    Name calling is the best you can do? Damn, I really do own you.

    As usual, I win this thread: The liberals are afriad of their two idols going at each other.

  7. TJGeezer says:

    #9 – Now now, Mr. Fusion. Please stop baiting the clueless clowns.

    On another tack, I recall someone mentioning that the problem with LED lighting is that it is inherently only a single wavelength. I’d think that would be harsh, unflattering to fresh foods, and tend to induce headaches among supermarket customers and employees. Is there some way to mix wavelengths and get a more natural lighting effect with LEDs?


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