Those eyes follow me everywhere!

Companies to pull ads from Coulter’s Web site –

At least three major companies want their ads pulled from Ann Coulter’s Web site, following customer complaints about the right-wing commentator referring to Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards as a “faggot.”

Verizon, Sallie Mae and Georgia-based NetBank each said they didn’t know their ads were on until they received the complaints.
A diarist at the liberal blog posted contact information for dozens of companies with ads on Coulter’s site after the commentator made her remarks about Edwards at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington on Friday. (Full story)
“One of the best ways to communicate one’s distaste for Coulter’s repeated incidents of hate speech is to respectfully but firmly let her advertisers know you are deeply troubled by their indirect support of bigotry through their advertising on Coulter’s Web site,” the blogger VolvoDrivingLiberal wrote on on Sunday.

  1. PMitchell says:

    I find it amazing how outraged the left gets at a bonehead comment and far they go to silence the speaker but the total silence from them at the horrible comments made about our President coming from the left all the time

    I have seen for my self
    coke head
    Hitler (Hitler killed millions simply because of their race and enslaved a continent, Bush freed a country from a tyrannical dictator and gave it back )
    and many more comments but not a single word from the outraged left about the comments that obviously are derogatory and incorrect

  2. SN says:

    1. “I find it amazing how outraged the left gets at a bonehead comment and far they go to silence the speaker but the total silence from them at the horrible comments made about our President coming from the left all the time

    But your list is mostly true. He was a druggie, a coke head and is an idiot, stupid, and a dumbass. As far as I know Edwards is not gay.

    Of course Bush was not Hitler, but I actually never heard a major liberal writer use that word to describe Bush. To me he’s more like Stalin anyway.

  3. Improbus says:

    Yes, but all those appellations are true.

  4. NSFW says:

    #1 pmitchell – hey, you bright fellow you, way to compare apples with…like, Wednesday.

  5. Kevin says:

    I think this is what is great about the US. She should have the right to say what she wants, and should not suffer any criminal consequences. We are all about free speech. And since it caused such an uproar, and it’s bad for more mainstream businesses to sponsor her, the pull their money. She either learns from this and doesn’t make such comments, or other sponsors step in and give her even more money, and learns to make more outrageous comments. She’ll stop making these comments when it becomes bad business to do so.

  6. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    I find it amazing that the Rs never used any derogatory terms for Pres. Clinton during his eight years in office.




  7. Improbus says:

    She’ll stop making these comments when it becomes bad business to do so.

    Or we could get lucky and he could be hit by a bus.

  8. I saw somewhere on the inter-tubes where they thought that Coulter was actually a Liberal Satirist.

    Every time I see her do something over the top such as this it gets me a little bit closer to believing it.

  9. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    The First Amendment specifically exists so we can be judgemental and insult people at will.

    This type of thing proves liberals are against freedom and instead support thought control and censorship.

  10. Tom 2 says:

    She needs to be exorcised.

  11. gquaglia says:

    #8 makes a lot of sense. She is so overboard with her comments, that she can’t be for real. Then again, look at Howard Dean.

  12. oil of dog says:

    #1. “I find it amazing how outraged the left gets at a bonehead comment and far they go to silence the speaker but the total silence from them at the horrible comments made about our President

    coke head
    Liar (you left that out)

    These are the comments the Reps Radical NeoCons made about him. The dems were not so kind and restrained.

  13. Pfkad says:

    MAN Coulter? TRAN Coulter? Did I just make these up or are they way too obvious for anybody else to bother with?

  14. PMitchell says:

    If President Bush were such an idiot how did he graduate top of his class , how did he become President , how did he become a millionaire. John Kerry graduated at the bottom of his class and made his money by marrying rich widows, but the left considers him a genius

    I did not like Bill Clinton but I did not call him an idiot, I did not call him a druggie(although he admits to drug use ) he was an adulterer ,and he is a liar (proven in court)and those things I did call him
    He is also a political genius and probably a very smart man just a very poor chooser in girlfriends

  15. osmodious says:

    What are the chances that this Republic*nt will actually get her comeuppance? Slim to none, I would say…she has the full support of all those neo-Con idiots. It’s people like her and Rush and so on that are killing that party. I mean, really, who wants to be associated with people like her? Remember that webpage that had the ‘guess who said it’ between her and Hitler? Very revealing…

  16. Roc Rizzo says:

    Bush DID NOT graduate at the top of his class. He had a C average.
    Bush got where he did because daddy bailed him out of everything.

    As far as Mr. Coulter, I agree that people should boycott people that advertise for him. Maybe then they will stop inviting him to their events.

    I blame the event goers more than I blame Mr. Coulter for this flap. If they are so ready to laud her for her insults, they are as much to blame as is Mr. Coulter, and the organizers, because she has pulled this sort of stunt in the past.

  17. PMitchell says:

    Actually she is in quite a bit of trouble over it

    republicans eat their own where democrats circle the wagons no matter what they have done (William Jefferson for instance )

    Rush denounced her yesterday, Laura denounced her , and so did many conservative commentators. what she did was just stupid, there are so many real things to criticize John Edwards about, why choose something obviously false ( he is married with children ) . He is a hypocrite he lives in a mansion built using illegal labor to build , sends his kids to private schools all the while telling the rest of us we cant use vouchers for our children to go to better schools like his

  18. Walter Sobcheck says:

    From my observation, she’s probably a coke or meth user. Look at the picture. She has personal issues, probably including drug use, that she needs to work out. Because she hasn’t, she’s hateful.

    Look at Limbaugh – was anyone surprised to find out that he was deeply addicted to narcotics for some time?

  19. Gary Frankenbery says:

    Ann Coulter quotation:

    “We need somebody to put rat poisoning in Justice Stevens’ creme brulee,” Coulter said. “That’s just a joke, for you in the media.”

    That Ann, she’s such a stitch.

  20. PMitchell says:

    I stand corrected on the grades I checked and he carried a 77 average through college

    Daddy may have helped him as any father would help a child, but he wasn’t bailed out as you say, he made his own money. He didnt marry it as Mr swift boat purple heart did

    Ya know if we want to solve the energy crisis simply hook a generator to Mr Heinz whos perpetual spinning in his grave could probably power most of the United States

  21. Watch how they target the advertisers who left.

  22. jason says:

    Why is it that if a person on the “right” makes an utterly ingnorant (I am unable to think of any more approriate word at this point) comment -it is any worse than if a person on the “left” makes an utterly ingnorant comment.

    This seems just like my college days.. the “right” makes incidiary comments and all hell breaks loose… but the “left” lets them fly and if someone is offended they are “intolerant.”

    My advice… ignore people like Coulter… they are media whores (hmm… who will that offend?).

    I would also discount the comments from people like Al Franken and Keith Olberman (left leaning agitators)… they are all the same… closed minded people desperately seeking to prove they are “smarter” and “better” than the other side. Each one wanting to prove they have the most insight.

    But they must resort to calling names… CALLING NAMES for goodness sake. How childish and ignorant is that!?

    The best thing to do with Coulter is ignore her… if everyone discounted what she said… she would not really matter. Think about it… just ignoring someone like Rush Limbaugh would make him “asplode!”

  23. Sounds The Alarm says:


    Explain to me how a boycott is anti first amendment? You rightie neocowards do it all the time.

    I suspect much like two year olds, its always unfair when applied to righties and neocowards.

    Oh BTW – a neocoward is a neocon who never served his country, but seems very willing to send someone else’s kids in harms way.

  24. pcheevers says:

    Good grief, when will you damned republikans get over Clinton?

    Jesus, he lies under oath to cover up an affair, with a woman no less, and you fools wanted to impeach him and will never let it go..

    What harm did Bill’s pecker do?
    How many troops died or were crippled for Bills blowjob?
    How much money was spent to prove that Clinton got a headpiece?
    How was the Constitution damaged by the stain on the blue dress?
    Was the Constitution used to wipe up said stain, incurring said damage?
    What were the lingering effect to the Bill of Rights, following Clinton’s departure from office?


    What harm has Bush’s lying caused?
    How many troops have died or were crippled for Bush’s lies?
    How much money has been spent in connection with Bush’s lies?
    What harm has been done to the Constitution by Bush’s lies and/or policies?
    What lingering effects could Bush’s lies and/or policies have on the Bill of Rights?

    You right wing sheep just don’t get it: so-called liberals complain about America not because we hate America, on the contrary, we love America more than you do!

  25. GregA says:

    Scooter is Guilty Guilty Guilty Guilty!

    On to the impeachment!

  26. James Hill says:

    #26 – You do realize this is the closest thing the left has to a ‘win’ since the election, and how sad that fact is, don’t you?

    Honestly, the impeachment stuff was two years ago. Can’t you hacks move on?

  27. Mr. Fusion says:

    I would also discount the comments from people like Al Franken and Keith Olberman (left leaning agitators)…

    Al Frankin and Keith Olberman use facts. When they make an error they are big enough to apologize for it and make a correction.

    The popular right wing nut commentators have a nasty habit of just inventing crap to fit their agenda. Limbaugh, O’Reilly, Savage, et al never make mistakes. Because if they ever did, it must be the truth.

    But, agitators??? Give me a break !!! If you consider them agitators, then what the eff do you consider the wing nut crowd that include Mr. Coulture, Limbaugh, Hannity, O’Reilly, Wallace, Carlson, and the rest.

  28. GregA says:


    Merry Fitzmas!

  29. MikeN says:

    It was only a few weeks ago that one actor got in trouble for calling another actor a faggot. Maybe this is what Ann is talking about, though usually her cryptic jokes refer to political news(‘Janet Reno would gas them’)

  30. Big Dubyah! says:

    Hey #22….

    “My advice… ignore people like Coulter… they are media whores (hmm… who will that offend?).”

    I think you just offended Paris Hilton…well, you would have if she could read. 🙂


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