Those eyes follow me everywhere!

Companies to pull ads from Coulter’s Web site –

At least three major companies want their ads pulled from Ann Coulter’s Web site, following customer complaints about the right-wing commentator referring to Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards as a “faggot.”

Verizon, Sallie Mae and Georgia-based NetBank each said they didn’t know their ads were on until they received the complaints.
A diarist at the liberal blog posted contact information for dozens of companies with ads on Coulter’s site after the commentator made her remarks about Edwards at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington on Friday. (Full story)
“One of the best ways to communicate one’s distaste for Coulter’s repeated incidents of hate speech is to respectfully but firmly let her advertisers know you are deeply troubled by their indirect support of bigotry through their advertising on Coulter’s Web site,” the blogger VolvoDrivingLiberal wrote on on Sunday.

  1. Nth of the 49th says:

    I wonder what the Dixie Chicks think of this.

  2. venom monger says:

    Daddy may have helped him as any father would help a child, but he wasn’t bailed out as you say, he made his own money.

    You might want to recheck your facts there too. Although it wasn’t Good Ol’ Pops who bailed him out… not directly anyway. In fact, every company he was ever involved in pretty much imploded financially.

    Answer this: how much (i.e. %) of the Texas Rangers did he actually own and how much did he pay for that share? How much did he sell it for?

    Those should be easy to answer.

  3. DaveW says:

    Geez…..she (he?) gets in trouble for one of the LEAST insulting things she’s ever said. Ah, the modern PC media!

    Things were much more honest in the days when reporters wore Fedoras and big cards reading “PRESS” on them, and a Lucky Strike dangling from their lips.

    But I digress…Libby guilty, Chaney with a blood clot, things are looking up!

  4. jason says:

    28) – “But, agitators??? Give me a break !!! If you consider them agitators, then what the eff do you consider the wing nut crowd that include Mr. Coulture, Limbaugh, Hannity, O’Reilly, Wallace, Carlson, and the rest.”

    I consider them ALL in the same boat… left or right… I’m stuck down here in reality where I’m struggling to pay bills. Slogging through reality – overpaying for subpar healthcare and working to support our teetering entilement system.

    I don’t get to pretend I matter more than everyone else. I don’t have a show called “The JASON FACTOR” or “COUNDOWN WITH JASON” but I guess if I did I might fall into the same self pleasuring of my eg we see every night on the idot box from all the “pundits.”

    I am an average (maybe above average according to joe that pays bills – taxes and works hard to support a family. My opinion is just as important as those in the “Mediatainment” world – and as important as yours.

    It really TORQES me up that some sports announcer can suddently be a self proclaimed political expert (Olberman)… why do we need the likes of him or O’Riley or Coulter… they are all a farce.

    They all are out of touch with reality…

    Want get some interesting insight? – Ask someone who bears the real burdens of this country – the everyday working joes (and janes) – like me (and maybe you) – and NOT some “STAR” like Limbaugh and the like.

  5. Anonymous Coward says:

    I didn’t think women were supposed to have Adam’s Apples?

  6. Austin says:

    Thats a man, Baby!

  7. Dallas says:

    She is man. The tell tale signs are :

    (1) Adam’s apple – she got one
    (2) She drinks with a very large Martini glass to make her hands look small – Yup
    (3) It has or had a pecker – Yup, she’s got a little pecker like all republicans

  8. badcowboy says:

    Hmmm — I wonder what she has to say about Barack Obama…

  9. Mac Guy says:

    I suppose that, according to her logic, it would be okay for her to have also called Edwards a n***er since he’s not black.

    Although, how many of you are familiar with Dan Savage? He is a *very* openly gay sex advice columnist (and pretty damn funny, if you ask me) who, for a LONG time, insisted that his readers address him with “Hey Faggot” when they wrote in their questions.

    Why, pray tell? Because, according to him (and I’ll paraphrase as best I can remember), “I want to take the word ‘faggot’ back from the bigots.”

    Twisted logic, yes, but amusing.

  10. TV Watcher says:

    I would suspect the woman is a male since Bill Maher loves and adores her and he’s apparently quite gay.

  11. Gwendle says:

    I said it before and I will say it again.

    The left are shitheads.

    The right are shitheads.

    Everyone feel better now? What would be nice is a large group of people that refused to tag along with the R’s and D’s and just did their own thing. Yes I know there are Libritarians and whatnot, but something that would actually be in the best interest of the American People.

    Ahh, the utopian dream.

  12. Mark says:

    God, can we take up a collection and get that bitch a face transplant? Its killing me.

  13. nonStatist says:

    Its a man!

  14. TJGeezer says:

    As the Thai say when they see Coulter’s picture: “Lady-boy!”

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    #35, You are no different from the rest of us working “joes”. We all have to do our slave routine to enrich someone who “took a chance to start this company”. Although you have made your position clear, and I respect that, the rest of us do care. We care enough to vote. We care enough to have an opinion. We care enough to hear others opinions (although this is where your point comes in). And those that care enough to do something, have my respect.

    You referred to two well known liberal personalities as “agitators”. You didn’t use similar language with the much more agenda driven right wing people. You lumped them all in the same category. Yet, it is the right wingers that have consistently been caught smearing those whom they disagree with. Frankin and Olberman have not been accused of inventing things and do correct themselves when they find they had made a mistake. The same can not be said for the people I mentioned earlier.

    If you feel that strongly about ALL political talk show hosts, then why did you bother commenting in the first place?

    BTW, O’Reilly was a TV weatherman before he became a talk show host. While that may be the basis for a joke, I disagree. All broadcast personalities started at the bottom and worked their way up. That is commendable.

  16. Gasparrini says:

    Guys, don’t mess with Papa Bear… 😉

  17. traaxx says:


    What exactly did she say that was wrong, is it really bad being gay? Liberals always act like being gay is such a bad insult, but then turn around and claim nothing is wrong with being gay. If someone accused me of from China or Africa or Spain, I wouldn’t really care one way or another, and ditto for being thought of as gay, whatever. Sounds like the liberals have had a Freudian slip, they must really see something wrong with homosexual behavior to react this way?

    When Alec Baldwin went out and said that eveyone that’s conservative should be strung up and their children and extented families killed, commie/liberals didn’t have a problem with that.

    Just another piece of evidence of the Secular left’s eventual defeat, too much ‘Double Speak’. I’d say that it might make for good practice when they become Dehimmi, but they’re just be Muslims and where will all the sensitivity towards homosexuals go?


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