I found this title for the next Die Hard movie to be interesting since it reflects computer software naming conventions. It was obviously in competition with the moniker Die Hard IV I would think. A new trend? Probably just a fluke. Maybe they will name the DVD Die Hard 4.1, how;’s that for an idea?

  1. wbskeet37 says:

    I will wait for 4.3. It always seems to take 3 generations before it is right.

  2. MTigerV says:

    they are trying to get in with the 1337speak crowd because the movie is gonna be about cyberterrorism


    That said, this movie looks like a disaster.

  3. moss says:

    But, will you see the film, John — once you realize there’s a small part in the film played by the “Mac Guy”?

  4. Billabong says:

    This reminds me of Stallone and the Rocky franchise.Die Hard will always be my fav Christmas movie.

  5. eggfou says:

    Yeah, the movie is about cyberterrorism, which I am sure will end up being totally impractical like most hackers in movies. Now, whats cool though is that Bruce will be working with a good hacker helping him stop it who will be played by Justin Long. Who we all know as the Mac in the Mac vs PC commercials.

  6. undissembled says:

    #5. That’s cool??

  7. estacado says:

    I don’t think that title is final. For release outside of the US, the title is gonna be “Die Hard 4.0”, but for the US, I think it’s gonna be “Live Free Or Die Hard”. They’re trying to play the “freedom” card in the US to get people to watch it.

  8. TJGeezer says:

    After Columbine (I think it was) Willis said he wasn’t going to make any more violent shoot-em-up movies. Wonder what happened? Or will this be a kinder, gentler John McClane, who will whisper, not shout, “Yippie ti yi yo, motherforkers”?

  9. Mark says:

    Pedro- I can always count on you.

  10. Drew says:

    I own the X-Men 1.5 DVD. So the idea of calling it Die Hard 4.0 is clearly a rip-off. I blame the French.

  11. Brew Kline says:

    Die Hard 4.0 is an insult to the intelligence of the computer industry. Those dumb Hollywood moguls should have used “Die Hard IIII”.


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