This is done by some entrepreneurs at the University of Illinois and the school doesn’t seem too pleased. But you can be sure in today’s age there will be other schools doing the same thing — exploiting their women! It’s a disgrace.

That said this is not necessarily the way to attract more women into engineering, especially if they think they’ll have to become pinups. I suggest a hunky calendar showing the men of engineering.

Uh, maybe not.

  1. Roc Rizzo says:

    Maybe you could call that calendar, the geeks of engineering!
    When I went to college, back in the stone age, any women who looked like that who were in the engineering department, soon dropped out. I think they were hunting husbands.

  2. Miguel says:

    Where’s the link, dude? 🙂

  3. Miguel says:

    Nevermind, I found it… 😛 duh…

    Man, they only ship to the US… Darn!

  4. Guyver says:

    Women getting exploited?!?!?!?!?! I think they’re exploiting our weaknesses. 🙂

  5. Janky says:

    Baby, I love you Knuth!

  6. J says:

    John – “exploiting their women! It’s a disgrace.”

    Your kidding right? Shows you don’t respect women and their ability to make decisions for themselves. These ladies are educated and attractive. So what if they pose naked or in underwear? Why does it make someone disrespected if they are seen naked? This draconian thinking needs stop. Some people have nice bodies and good brains . If they want to show it off so what? The rest of us are just jealous because time or mother nature has not been kind to us.

  7. sirfelix says:

    We had about 6 women in our engineering classes. Only 2 out of the 6 could be considered for a calendar. Oh, and by the way, almost all of them were there looking for husbands except that one girl wearing the flannel shirt and cargo pants.

  8. No..I’m saying it is a disgrace that women’s bodies are being exploited just to get attention. It’s the 21st century, does anyone think that even works anymore?

    I also question the assertion that these women are only looking for husbands. What a crock, why don;t they go to the finance classes then and track down the guys who will be making all the big money.

  9. Bob Ellis says:

    I think this is disgusting and exploitive. Where do I get the calendar?

  10. James Hill says:

    #8 – Feminism took a wrong turn somewhere… but what’s the benefit for us to help them get on the right track?

  11. tallwookie says:

    #8 – Its advertising, aka sex sells – if i was in the engineering field, and was looking for a college to goto, this might tip the ballance

  12. I’m am horrified you’d think this way Tallwookie…horrified!

  13. Mark says:

    “What a crock, why don;t they go to the finance classes then and track down the guys who will be making all the big money.”

    Just goes to show women like big…………………………………………..brains.

  14. J says:


    I think I understand what your saying but I don’t think they are being exploited. They all knew what they were doing. They are bright women and not as naive as you might think. I do agree it is sad that most people wouldn’t pay attention if they weren’t good looking and showing their bodies.

    I do however still sense a bit of sarcasm in you posts about this. Especially since I see pictures of scantly clad women on your blog on a regular basis

  15. Angel H. Wong says:

    I want a calendar with the Bears of engineering, it wouldn’t be that hard to find models since engineerd tend to look that way 😉

  16. James Messick says:

    Oh right, it’s a shame to use their image. Uh, I mean it’s a shame for the calendar to sell their image, but it’s ok for YOU to use TWO of their images. Hyp.

  17. naname says:

    Show me their GPA.

    What’s their GPA?

    Do they have a GPA? Are they really Engineering babes?

  18. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #17 – I want a calendar with the Bears of engineering, it wouldn’t be that hard to find models since engineerd tend to look that way 😉

    Comment by Angel H. Wong — 3/2/2007 @ 5:01 pm

    What’s your email address… I have a few self-portraits I can send you 🙂

  19. #22

    That’ll be sixclaws – at –

  20. I would have used three images if I was into exploiting those poor girls. As for the scantily clad women we use on the blog, this is strictly to make a point. It’s more or less a coincidence that they are scantily clad.

  21. noname says:

    “coincidence” ??? Do you really believe that? …and the pope doesn’t wear tall hats.

  22. noname says:

    Me thinks John C Dvorak is jealous, they didn’t ask him to pose scantly clad in college.

    Ok John, go ahead and post your pictures. You know you want to. Show us your nipples. Show us your nipples.

  23. J says:


    You are so full of it.! 🙂


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