Can I say it? CRIPES!!

Sources: Naked Principal Found With Sex Toys Watching Gay Porn In Office – Local News — I think this summarizes the education system in this country.

As authorities stormed into a middle school office to arrest an alleged meth-dealing principal inside, they found an even more surprising scene inside.

Sources said 50-year-old John Acerra, of Allentown, was naked and watching gay pornography when they arrived at Nitschmann Middle School in Bethlehem to arrest him on Tuesday.

Acerra also had sex toys, drugs, cash and a pipe in his school office when authorities stormed his office, the sources added.

Can anyone come close to topping this story anytime soon?

  1. Rob says:

    Betcha he was a God-fearin’ troop-supportin’ Republican too.

  2. Scott Gant says:

    Um…I’m sure it wasn’t his fault. Um…yeah, the computer just popped up all these porn sites and he was trying to get them off his computer…it had a virus.

    Oh, and trying to get the computer unplugged his clothes fell off…and…

    Ok, I got nothing here.

    So let me join John in saying CRIPES!

  3. GregA says:

    I give up. Osama, the Unibomber and Tim McVeigh were right about us.

    Here is hoping the end comes switfly.

  4. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    No, the most repulsive examplars of the pathological, out-of-control compulsive-drugs-and-promiscuity subculture among American gay males are invariably paragons of militant Political Correctness. Gay right-wingers are certainly a confused, hypocritical and self-defeating lot, but they’re rarely anywhere near sexual psychosis, unlike this piece of work…

  5. Scott Gant says:

    Not only that, but they were coming to arrest this guy for dealing Meth! I’m sure he was pretty much out of his mind on Meth too.

  6. James Hill says:

    I found the story from the previous TWiT more interesting…

  7. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Uh, as an aside, it still amuses me no end how, any time the police bust in on a perp, the report always says, among other things, “…authorities found xxx, yyy, zzz and cash …”

    Well that certainly cinches it for me! After all, what on Earth would any innocent person be doing in possession of money, huh? Answer that, smart guys…

  8. WokTiny says:

    #8, he’s (#1) just seeing the world from his perspective (democrat-colored classes?), every’s doing it, right?

    I might like a pair of rose-colored glasses.

  9. Sounds The Alarm says:

    Homosexual hypocrisy seems to be pretty bi-partisan to me.

  10. ECA says:

    BOREDOM can make us do the Stupidest/dumbest/weirdest/strangest THINGS….

  11. Jerk-Face says:

    “Can I say it? CRIPES!!”

    Wow, John actually had to ask permission to say Cripes?! Where’s the real John?!

  12. tallwookie says:

    See, this is why all doors should have locks on them.

  13. Gary says:

    I saw this story on fark, and I didn’t go read the story because I was SURE that it was made up….

  14. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    John D…can it summarize and be untoppable? Is that possible? 🙂

  15. SN says:

    “Can anyone come close to topping this story anytime soon?”

    Well, you kind of beat my “former male Baptist minister is now a cross dressing ‘lesbian’!” story. Not by much though. If she had a donkey fetish to go along with her cross-dressing lesbian fetish, I’d have won.

  16. Roc Rizzo says:

    Why does this not surprise me.
    It seems that EVERYONE tries to get away with murder.
    These days, it seems to be ALL THE TIME though!

  17. TJGeezer says:

    I Googled him (trying to see if he’d written anything right- or left-winged, but had no luck finding anything). Looks like another case of someone freaked out on black market drugs, to me.

    At least we know he came from a good family: “The family was lovely,” said a lady from a local outfit called ArtsQuest. “If you were looking for a family that raised their kids right, it would be them. They were all very active in the community, especially education.”

    Well, I’d certainly want him for a neighbor. Wouldn’t you?

  18. Yes, SN, but you didn’t!

  19. Angel H. Wong says:

    He’s cute.

  20. gquaglia says:

    Betcha he was a God-fearin’ troop-supportin’ Republican too.

    Doubt it, most educators are democrats.

  21. JPD says:

    No.8…….This guy was an administrator (principail=administrator) which means he’s management. Doubtful he’s in the NEA. Get your facts straight before making comments.You might seem half way
    intelligent if you do this. I’d take you up on a bet on this any day of the week.
    No 22. That may be true for teachers. I wouldn’t be so sure about a principal. They tend to be a little more hard nosed than teachers.Principals are bosses. Teachers are more like working stiffs.

  22. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #JCD – I think this summarizes the education system in this country.

    Cripes John. Use hyperbole much? This weird abberant incident summarized the national education system? How?

    If I were to list the 5 biggest problems facing education in America, 4 of them would be external issues, and one of those would be people arbitrarily kicking it in the head for no apparent reason.

    #7 – After all, what on Earth would any innocent person be doing in possession of money, huh? Answer that, smart guys…

    Comment by Lauren the Ghoti — 3/2/2007 @ 10:32 am

    Lauren, you have once again raised a very valid point (because we aren’t talking about Macs). I think I’d be more surprised when they didn’t find cash.

    #9 – I might like a pair of rose-colored glasses.

    Comment by WokTiny — 3/2/2007 @ 10:37 am

    You already have a pair. Your church issued them. 🙂

    #22 – Doubt it, most educators are democrats.

    Comment by gquaglia — 3/2/2007 @ 8:15 pm

    That’s because they are educated. 😉


    Haven’t posted since late last night, but I’ll slow down… I do wish you’d quit calling me “cowboy” though…

  23. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #24 – OFTLO

    #22 – Doubt it, most educators are democrats.

    Comment by gquaglia

    That’s because they are educated

    Comment by OhForTheLoveOf

    You say it as if you’re merely being droll, but some here don’t realize the demographics have long ago shown it to be the truth. Intellience / education have a significant inverse correlation with conservatism. Don’t believe it? Than you haven’t looked at Conservapedia yet…

    – – – – – – –

    …but the most irritating thing to me is the missing comma between ‘slow down’ and ‘cowboy.’

  24. OhForTheLoveOf says:


    I was just being droll… true…

    But I do believe it and I did know it…

  25. sex toy shop says:

    I don’t see anthing wrong with having a sex toy but if your a principal and you are doing it at school watching a porno that is just not right. Just imagine if a student was doing that in the classromm what would happen.

  26. sex toys says:

    I see nothing wrong with the use of sex toys. However, there is a time and a place for them, and in school in your office is definitely not one of them. That’s horrible.


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