Torture: the ideal airplane viewing material

Forget snakes on a plane, dumbasses abound.

Man’s vacation takes a detour

Maybe it was his desire to stand and stretch in the airplane.

Maybe it was the gruesome images of torture he watched on his laptop that caught attention.

Something about Iyad Abuhajjaj’s behavior on a Southwest Airlines flight from Phoenix to Tampa on Wednesday afternoon concerned airline officials enough to call police.

Police have not accused Abuhajjaj, 36, of any wrongdoing on the plane, but a search of his name revealed an Okaloosa County warrant for his arrest.

And in a lighter vein, how about this subtle attempt at political satire from near one of John’s palatial Dvorak estates.

Knife In President Display Earns Alameda Artist Visit From Secret Service

Artist Michael McDonald, 55, routinely displays art in his front yard. One of his latest pieces is a cardboard representation of President George W. Bush being impaled by a knife. The cutout shows painted blood running over the president’s eyes and down the bridge of his nose.
“They said, ‘You’ve got a knife sitting in the head of the president of the United States,'” McDonald said. “I said, ‘No, I got a knife in a piece of cardboard.'”

  1. Improbus says:

    I salute you Mr. McDonald! Great way to “stick it” to the Man.

  2. Sounds The Alarm says:

    This will surprise some of the neocons on the blog, but this guy’s wrong.

    Art that conveys a threating message deserves more scrutiny. Notice I said scrutiny not censorship. The Secret Service was completely justified in checking this guy out.

  3. Improbus says:

    It is a good thing he used a knife and not a gray piece of Play-Doh™ with wire sticking out of it then, eh? I am sure he doesn’t want to be labeled a Terra-ist and have his Constitutional rights stripped. We don’t need no stinking Habeas Corpus!

  4. catbeller says:

    On his radio show, G. Gordon Liddy openly called on the military to assassinate Clinton while Clinton was President. I don’t recall his arrest. That was an actual threat. Does the SS’s interest depend on which political party holds the Oval Office? The organization, much like the officer corps of the military services, swing *way* right wing.

  5. tallwookie says:

    “…”Art’s art,” McDonald said. “Sometimes it’s offensive. That’s too bad…”

    lol, that’ll teach em

  6. Roc Rizzo says:

    Heck, if Alberto Gonzales, and Dead Eye Dick Cheney can get away with it, why can’t anyone?
    Personally, I would like to see all of the members of Bushco, Inc.’s heads on a pike, publicly displayed on the White House lawn!

  7. TJGeezer says:

    6 – You better hope Cheney doesn’t invite you to go hunting.

    #4 – I didn’t know Liddy ever actually went that far. But he’s as nuts as Ollie North so I suppose I’m not surprised.

  8. bubba says:

    I’d rather go hunting with Dick Cheney than driving with Ted Kennedy…

  9. Brian says:

    Of course you would bubba. With a redneck backwoods name like that, I doubt you’d ever be mistaken for someone with a brain.

    As far as the SS visit, at what point will citizens unite in their outrage over the continued and intensifying invasions of privacy and stepping all over the constitution? As long as the above named redneck, right-wing, neocon, backwoods hicks think that Dubyah is a good dude who represents them I doubt we ever will.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #6, Roc,
    Personally, I would like to see all of the members of Bushco, Inc.’s heads on a pike, publicly displayed on the White House lawn!

    The EPA would never allow it. Those pikes usually had lead in them and thus would be an environmental hazard. Besides, displays like that attract flies.


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