The Inquirer – Friday 02 March 2007:

DINOSAURS. They may not exist, but they’re just launched their own online encyclopaedia. Conservapedia claims to be ‘a much-needed alternative to Wikipedia, which is increasingly anti-Christian and anti-American.’

Rather than having anything as mundane as posting rules, Conservapedia has Commandments. The first Commandment is ‘ Everything you post must be true and verifiable.’ Strange that, I always thought it was ‘Thou shalt have no other gods before me.’ But Conservapedia is ‘the encyclopedia you can trust’ – apart from knowing how to spell ‘encyclopaedia’, obviously – so I must be mistaken. Oooh, hang on, Commandment Five says that American spelling of words must be used. And as everyone knows, both Jesus and his dad were born in the USA.

Coming back to Conservapedia’s First Commandment, it will be interesting to see exactly how any reference to the Bible will be verified as fact. Obviously, as a new site, many subjects have yet to appear, or are in need of expansion.

  1. MattH says:

    I so wanted to troll, but I tried to create an account and alas – you can’t create one.

    Conservapedia – just what we need if we want to read “truthful” material written by religious nutcases.

  2. none says:

    Hey SN, this is the site for you then. Since you can’t stand WIkipedia nor Jimmy Wales you can go there and join up with these guys and promote it instead of Wikipedia.

    Perhaps you can write the article on Jimmy Wales and call him a dirty dirty pornographer.

  3. paddler says:

    I like the Iraq entry…

    Iraq: A Middle-Eastern country, invaded in 2003 and currently occupied by a U.S.-led coalition.

    brief and to the point. Unlike that Wikipedia entry that drolls on and on with pages and pages of …. well… facts on iraq.

  4. I see this as fodder for plenty of posts. A WINNER!

  5. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    My new favorite humor site! I look forward to busting a gut on every visit…

  6. SN says:

    2. “Since you can’t stand WIkipedia nor Jimmy Wales”

    Exactly where did I say that “I can’t stand Wikipedia”?! While I think it’s about as trustworthy as a jar of mayonnaise that had been sitting out in the sun all day, I don’t think I ever said “I can’t stand” it.

    Exactly where did I say that “I can’t stand… Jimmy Wales.” To me he seems like a pretty decent guy. I’m perplexed that you would somehow think that “I can’t stand” him.

    And exactly where did I call Jimmy Wales “a dirty dirty pornographer”? Wales was a pornographer, that’s a fact, but I don’t remember calling him a “dirty dirty” one. Thanks!

  7. Canucklehead says:

    Here is a page not yet created just busting to be written. Any takers?

    Search results
    From Conservapedia
    You searched for Ted Haggard

    There is no page titled “Ted Haggard “. You can create this page.

  8. doug says:

    just at random:

    not only was the Afrika Korps not defeated until 1973, they were also ardent believers in Darwinism and “evolutionism,” which of course, caused them to be surprised by their eventual loss.

    Hey, if they can hold out for 28 years after the fall of das Reich, that evolutionism must be some powerful stuff!

  9. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    When people say “anti-Christian” or “anti-American” … Isn’t that really just code for “Pro-Truth”?

    Fuck these loonbats.

  10. DeeeeWane says:

    This one’s pretty good:

    I especially like the line about “Hamdan v. Rumsfeld in which the Supreme Court sided with terrorists over the protection of the United States of America.”

    Fair and balanced……in an intellectually vacuous kind of way…..

  11. Podesta says:

    Read their entry on ‘slavery’ for a hoot:

  12. evan says:


    What is stopping this site from getting vandalised anyway? lets go to work

  13. Angel H. Wong says:

    I prefer this one:

  14. David says:

    Try Jesus, who, until someone edits the entry was the nephew of God: (

    “The name Jesus is simply the name “Joshua” translated first into Greek, then English. In Christian discourse, the name Jesus almost always refers specifically to Jesus of Nazareth, believed by Christian followers to be God’s dad, who came to earth as a human c 2 AD. However, God has recently revealed on His blog that Jesus is actually His nephew, not His son. [1] The life of Jesus is recorded in the Bible in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. According to the Gospels, Jesus died on the cross for our sins, and three days later he rose from the dead.
    The first time John saw Jesus, he said, “Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world!” [2]”

  15. John says:

    It is impossible to verify anything, and thus there must be no content at all in this encyclopedia.
    For how can you verify even the existence of yourself and prove you are not a figment of someone’s imagination or part of a dream or… And thus if even yourself is unverifiable, then nothing you do can verify anything else…

  16. Deinonych says:

    Wow. Just…wow.

    Conservapedia – home of the specious argument!


  17. Pete says:

    Is it me? or does the level of the language used on the site looks like it was written by a 13yrold?

  18. traaxx says:


    You commies really can’t stand to have anyone ‘in-group’ that’s not of some third world origin can you! So they don’t like the leftist content or the slant given by Wiki, and you can’t say there’s no slant because everything is seen and understood from some ‘World Viewpoint’.

    Certainly I don’t see anyone that’s currently thought of as a conservative backing these views, but as for the Homo section it’s from a Biblical viewpoint, since you’re not Evangelical Christians this probably is a problem for you, after all we can’t have any diversity if it’s from a Christian can we.

    You entire outlook shows just how bigoted and judgmental you commies really are, you could look at this as an opportunity to learn a different perspective rather than closing you mind and just attacking it, but that is just too diverse and open minded isn’t it for Dehimmis like you!

  19. Floyd says:

    A news item on the main page: “A Conservapedia contributor helps defeat mandatory vaccination; Merck cancels its million-dollar lobbying effort.”

    Alrighty then–the mouth breathing paranoid conservatives that consider vaccination to be the Devil’s work are going to Darwin themselves and their children, apparently.

  20. french toast says:

    LOOK UP DINOSAUR — i quote:

    “However, there are a number of lines of evidence that point to dinosaurs and man coexisting. [2] [3] For example, trained scientists have reported seeing a live dinosaur. [4]”

    everything must be true and verifiable? take note right leaning readers of until you can somehow dissociate yourself from these total anti-intellectual jackasses, your party will continue to go down, down down.

  21. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #21 – You are a loonbat.

  22. DWJ says:

    “Conservapedia began in November 2006, as the class project for a World History class of 58 advanced homeschooled and college-bound students meeting in New Jersey.”

    I thought this sounded like some of the papers I get in my Freshman Comp class from students who have been sheltered by their families all their lives. When I bookmarked this site in, I noticed that some of the tags people used were humor and satire–if only that were true.

  23. Has anybody managed to create an account? It keeps telling me to click on a “create account” link that isn’t there!

    Perhaps I don’t have enough faith in the “create account” button. I must believe…I must believe…I must bel….

  24. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    I dunno why you can’t find the button – it’s every bit as real as their God.

  25. curmudgen says:

    BEWARE—Can you say VIRUS, TROJAN Horse and Eternal Popups.

    Rat Bastards!!!

    Sorry, you can only post a new comment once every 15 seconds. Slow down cowboy.

  26. jccalhoun says:

    boingboing covered this a couple weeks ago (which I’m sure led to the Inquirer’s story). They had a pretty good entry for “cactus”

  27. TJGeezer says:

    30 – Jeez – so THAT’s what happened to my supply of mescaline! And here I thought it was caused by that guy on the corner having to go away for a few months. Nice to know God created mescaline, though I have to wonder why godless liberals love to ingest it with their morning coffee in that case. So tell me, if someone flauts does that make him a flautist?

    #24 – if you reply to #21 you just encourage her. She’s a troll, pure and simple, whose only skill is a sort of crude invective. The other right wingers around here sometimes forget themselves and post an intelligent or at least thought-provoking comment but never traaxx. Maybe she’s simply not bright enough.

  28. Traaxx says:


    Let’s see it I got this right, #24 entire view and thought process is can be summed up to “loonbat”. #31 can only talk about mescaline and troll’s, I guess she’s still playing D&D at night with her other little pervert weirdo’s.

    Then there’s #29 and #25, individual that can’t stand to have view points that they deem as being protected. Like most of the commies that inhabit the educational system, use grades to censor and force upon students their ‘World View’.

    Then there’s always #14, after reading the article the principle points seem correct. Slavery wasn’t confined to America, didn’t start with the United States and Muslims still practice it. What would you call innocents forced into the sex industry and keep there against their will.

    I haven’t yet seen one argument from one of the commies that is intelligent, and my comment isn’t an argument it’s an indictment. I wouldn’t expect bigoted Dehimmi’s to see or understand that, after all they are brainwashed and they couldn’t possibly challenge the prevalent ‘World Views’ of their peer group, of course they could read and learn from a new viewpoint and question authority, you know the commie/demoncrats party leadership.

  29. Benjamin says:

    Here’s another one that’s horribly done:

    Quote from the article:
    ” But the truth is that I don’t know, so I asked your question to a professor of European history. He didn’t know either.”

    2 Kudos reward for anyone who can get me a log-in so I can “fix” some of these pages.



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