The Inquirer – Friday 02 March 2007:

DINOSAURS. They may not exist, but they’re just launched their own online encyclopaedia. Conservapedia claims to be ‘a much-needed alternative to Wikipedia, which is increasingly anti-Christian and anti-American.’

Rather than having anything as mundane as posting rules, Conservapedia has Commandments. The first Commandment is ‘ Everything you post must be true and verifiable.’ Strange that, I always thought it was ‘Thou shalt have no other gods before me.’ But Conservapedia is ‘the encyclopedia you can trust’ – apart from knowing how to spell ‘encyclopaedia’, obviously – so I must be mistaken. Oooh, hang on, Commandment Five says that American spelling of words must be used. And as everyone knows, both Jesus and his dad were born in the USA.

Coming back to Conservapedia’s First Commandment, it will be interesting to see exactly how any reference to the Bible will be verified as fact. Obviously, as a new site, many subjects have yet to appear, or are in need of expansion.

  1. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #32 –

    I only called you a loonbat because I edited out everything that might get the post censored over TOS violations…

    But I guess its fair to add that along with being a loonbat, you are also a troll.

    As long as you are going to post your ignorant, almost racist drivel, you aren’t going to get a meaningful response, and we all pretty much know that facts and truth won’t change the hatefull worldview you’ve chosen to embrace.

    I should take you to task for refering to me as a “commie” but you don’t even know what the words you use mean, and I don’t care to school you. I just assume the ignorant hick demographic will eventually either evolve or go extinct so I figure nature will prevail… although your kind has been tenacious enough to last this long… so while you are stupid, you are also scrappy. You can have points for that.

  2. Podesta says:

    In a way, this is good. The far Right is outting itself as nimcompoops so well, all we have to do is sit back and watch.

    The ‘encyclopdia’ is most interesting as a demonstration of the difficulty some people have distinguishing fact from opinion. It consists of either baseless or biased opinion masquerading as factual information. I suspect that facts, which seldom support a narrow, jingoistic world view, frighten these people.

    Meanwhile, both scientists and historians are producing some of the finest work in decades for those inquisitive and intelligent enough to understand them.

    Traaxx is an excellent example of his or her kind.

  3. Esteban says:

    I’m convinced that Stephen Colbert is behind this whole thing.

  4. evan says:

    from within the global warming article:

    “Also, these scientists are mostly liberal athiests, untroubled by the hubris that man can destroy the Earth which God gave him”

    Woah. It is scary to consider that these guys are at the healm of so much political and corporate power positions. Plus, how ungrateful! I am scratching all conservatives from my christmas list.

  5. nonStatist says:

    Science, BAD! Old book written by men two thousand years ago, GOOD! ZUG ZUG, Yes me lord?

  6. hazzamanazz says:

    Prayer is how to do nothing and still think you’re helping.

    [ ]’s

  7. Mr. Fusion says:


    A few of us commies will be hiding under your bed tonight. Sleep well.

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    Search results
    From Conservapedia
    You searched for athiests
    Jump to: navigation, search
    There is no page titled “athiests”. You can create this page.

    Ya, right !!!

  9. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #41 – Fusion

    Ever consider spelling it correctly?

    A –

    Prefix meaning ‘non, not, against, opposed to’

    the –

    from theo, combining form for ‘God’

    ist –

    suffix indicating a follower of an ‘-ism’

    “Athiest”, if it were actually a word would mean “the most ( the ‘-est’ suffix) “athy”, whatever that is…

    Try this instead:

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #42, Lauren,

    Good point and a tip of the hat. You caught my error


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