Make that 2008?
Good news everybody! Looks like Number 2 in the DOD has proclaimed Oct 2008 to be the end of the War Against Terror.

The Department of Defense’s number two official appears to imply in a memo that the Global War on Terrorism will end just in time for the presidential election in November 2008. The contents of the document are outlined in a column in today’s Washington Post.

I wonder what they’ll call it when it restarts in December 2008?

  1. Bryan Zinser says:

    “I wonder what they’ll call it when it restarts in December 2008?”

    answer: empire strikes back

  2. doug says:

    2. “I wonder what they’ll call it when it restarts in December 2008?”

    Total War Against Terror

  3. WokTiny says:

    “Episode III ” ?

    Is this so Bush can get elected for a third term?

  4. prophet says:

    Idiocracy – The Reality Show

  5. Dallas says:

    Here is a few :

    (1) “War on Terror II – now it’s personal”
    (2) “Oil Wars”
    (3) “Fighting Terror with Terror”
    (4) “War on Terror on pennies a day”
    (5) “Terror unleashed”
    (6) “US vs the bad guys”
    (7) “Kinder, gentler War on Terror”

  6. Steve S says:

    “Looks like Number 2 in the DOD has proclaimed Oct 2008 to be the end of the War Against Terror.”
    Yaaaay! Finally its over!!

    “I wonder what they’ll call it when it restarts in December 2008?”
    Aww Nuts!

  7. mark says:

    2. I like number 2. TWAT.

  8. tallwookie says:

    “Durka, Durka, Jihad!”

    If you cant beat em, join em.


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