
Crap! Not again

Vista activation cracked by brute force –

It look like Microsoft’s unhackable OS activation malware has been hacked.
There is an active thread at the Keznews forums, and a summary on its main page about the crack.
It is a simple brute force attack, dumb as a rock that just tries keys. If it gets one, you manually have to check it and try activation. Is is ugly, takes hours, is far from point and click, but it is said to work.

The method of attack has got to be quite troubling for MS on many grounds. The crack is a glorified guesser, and with the speed of modern PCs and the number of outstanding keys, the 25-digit serials are within range. The biggest problem for MS? If this gets widespread, people will start activating legit keys that are owned by other people.

This is ugly for MS, and if it allows you to take back your legit keys, how long do you think it will take before people catch on to the fact that you can call in and hijack already purchased keys once you generate one that someone else activated?.

  1. Mark says:

    “Mark, The reason for Bootcamp is mostly a marketing ploy to offer timid Windoze users an easy way to convert to Mac OS. ”

    What about Parallels? Your statement is bogus, on so many levels. How do I know? I work in both platforms with mainly Apple customers. They have gone ga ga over Vista and the Intel Macbook. I have not seen one “timid” PC client wanting to shell out $2400.00 on a Macbook so he can experience the wonders of OSX. Not one. If anything, its the opposite. The Mac people are loving the speed that Vista runs on the Mactel platform. Save your “buy a Mac” speech for the newbies brother. It doesnt work, if it did, you would have a whole lot more market share than you have at present.

  2. JimR says:

    Lauren, it’s just so much fun to see them squirm. 😉

    In their hearts they know what platform Bill has been painfully trying to mimic for 10 years. Oh, the tragedy!

  3. Mark says:

    “In their hearts they know what platform Bill has been painfully trying to mimic for 10 years. Oh, the tragedy! ”

    And yet no one seems to give a damn except Mac boys. You made my point.

  4. JimR says:

    It’s a shame Microsoft got a stranglehold on the computer market with DOS, before better OS’s were developed. What is a business to do when everything is already running on crappy software, and the crappy software developers won’t look at better systems because they are making money of the poor slobs who are trapped.

    Oh well, Why should I care. I came along later and avoided the scam. At least 5% of the computer market can sleep at night.

    I do have a problem with my Mac though. There’s always a lineup waiting to use it . Sigh.

  5. Mark says:

    36. You guys have always bee a source of amusement for me. The smug and self important attitude has served to turn more people away from Apple than towards it. To me your much like the neighbors chihuahua always yapping away and biting at my ankles. Its annoying and amusing at the same time.

  6. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #36 – JimR

    “10 years”? Huh? Let’s try 20!

    Don’t remember Windows 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0?? Dat otay, BillG & Co. are quite relieved nobody else does, either!!

  7. Mark says:

    yip yip

  8. JimR says:

    Lauren, has it been THAT long? My oh my how time flies when you’re enjoying your computing experience.

    In a way it’s not surpising that Bill Gates turned out to be a closet Mac-head. Who can blame him really. We only found out about 2 skids of Macs being delivered to Microsoft’s art department. I wonder how many other Macs are being employed at Microsoft.

    Hmmm… perhaps they used Macs to complete Vista? I have a feeling Bill threw in the towel after Vista kept on being delayed because of crappy PC software and hardware hanging all the time.


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