Reduced Fertility In Women Linked To Low Fat Dairy Food — Eat healthy and die childless. So what is healthy, anyway?

A new US study suggests that eating low fat dairy food every day can reduce a woman’s fertility by affecting ovulation. The study is published in the journal Human Reproduction.

Researchers from Harvard School of Public Health and Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, followed 18,555 married, premenopausal women aged between 24 and 42, with no history of infertility, who were either trying to become pregnant or became pregnant over an 8 year period from 1991 to 1999.

The study was led by Dr Jorge Chavarro, a research fellow in the Department of Nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health. The women were part of a cohort of 116,000 women in The Nurses’ Health Study II.

Their dietover the 8 years was assessed with questions about type and frequency of dairy food intake. They were also asked questions about the regularity of their menstrual cycle, whether they had been diagnosed with ovulation failure, and whether they had been trying to conceive and with what success.

438 women reported ovulatory disorders during the period of the study. The study showed that women who ate more than two portions a day of low fat dairy foods were 85 per cent more likely to be infertile due to ovulatory disorders than those who only ate it less than once a week.

No wonder fertility clinics are a booming business.

  1. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    In other news, men’s magazines everywhere endorse low fat dairy food.

  2. gquaglia says:

    Just eat what you want. These so called “experts” no absolutely nothing.

  3. James says:

    An interesting study that suggests further research may be valuable. A single study, however, no matter how well constructed and executed, proves nothing until it is independently replicated and/or expanded upon. But if everyone followed that principle, fear-mongers would have nothing to work with.

  4. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    I like to keep it simple. Like me, most of humanity is descended from many, many generations of people who consumed whole dairy products. So I drink (BGH and antibiotic-free) whole milk, eat butter and nice cheeses, in reasonable amounts. And I also eat eggs, and lean Angus beef a couple times a week. No organs, no shellfish.

    Of course it isn’t proof of anything but FWIW, over the course of the last 30 years or so, the majority of my diet-and-health-obsessed friends and acquaintances (particularly the vegetarians and vegans) have had considerably more numerous medical problems than I… I strongly doubt that it’s completely coincidental.

  5. Angel H. Wong says:

    Hormone ladden cows, plain and simple.

  6. TJGeezer says:

    If they didn’t compare low-fat with whole dairy foods, but rather just low fat vs. no dairy foods, Angel has it nailed. Lauren’s right too – the farther you get from the foods of the 1800s (unmodified dairy, no hormones, no hydrogenated oils, etc.) the more likely you are to cause weird side-effects in your own body. And so MUCH nasty crap was sold as health-enhancing over the past 50 or 60 years… we’re just starting to see the damage we’ve wrought upon ourselves by believing the marketing.

  7. doug says:

    “Eat healthy and die childless. ”

    You misspelt “child-free,” JCD.

  8. OmarThe Alien says:

    If it wasn’t for Mrs. Callendar and her pot pies, and the folks at Boston Market, hell, I’d starve to death. I drink regular milk, the one with the red cap on it, and eat lots of those little processed cheese slices, the ones that come unwrapped. And I ain’t never been pregnant. But I look like it, sometimes, with my big hairy belly.

  9. WokTiny says:

    #6 marketing… when was it they sold tapeworms as diet pills? When did they stop using leeches to ‘treat’ illness? we’ve always had a polluted sense of what’s healthy, we probably always will, and it’ll be the marketing departments that make sure of it.

    until we develop warp-tech, meet the vulcans, start the federation, and abolish money.

  10. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #6 – WokTiny

    Leeches (and maggots) are used all the time in modern medicine. In point of fact, they have approved by the FDA as the first live medical devices. Sometimes the old ways are still the best.

    “abolish money”? I think you’ve taken one too many trips over an out-of-adjustment transporter beam. – Unless you actually believe that the entire human race will somehow become willing to perform labor for and give property to others for nothing in recompense. There’s already a term for that idiotic, unworkable concept – it’s called Communism.


  11. ECA says:

    You really dont need to know what they do to our food.
    1. canola oil, is made from Rape seed…Look it up.
    2. Soya, has lots of controversy, including NOT being labeled by the EPA as editable.
    3. Water in meats to replace Blood loss, that is considered LOST profit, by the Major meat distributours…
    4. Crops that the ONLY vitamins in them were supplied when it was put in the ground, so the plant would grow…
    5. fortified foods?? This is vitamins place BACK into the product to replace LOST vitamins from processing. vitamins that Havent changed format(calcium(mineral, bone, shell)) sence they started supplementing in the 30-40’s…example: Calcium in milk is increased with MINERAL calcium which is only (maybe) 10% digestable. And WHOLE milk, used to be pretty good, untill they found better ways to remove curds, whey, cream, and milk fat so that they can charge MORE for those other products in Cheese, Ice cream, yogurt,…
    Funny FACT about milk, that NO Mammal requires Milk after its been weaned, after birth…they it gets what is needed from the food it eats, mostly.

    so figure out, HOW we get our proper amounts of Vitamins, and minerals, and the requirements for LIFE from our foods…
    Our bodies tend to CRAVE when it doesn’t GET what it needs, so we EAT, and EAT and EAT, until that craving is fullfilled. Think Hard about that…Eating and our bodies Not getting what it needs, so we KEEP eating… Tends to make you think, WHY/HOW the USA has gotten so FAT.


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