Adoption could earn lesbian lover a fortune – TimesOnline.co.uk:
The family of the man who built IBM into an international computer empire is being torn apart after his daughter’s estranged lesbian lover claimed a share in their fortune — because she had been legally adopted by her partner.
Lover adopts partner… That…does…not…compute… Head explodes.
The dispute has arisen because of a move made by Olive Watson 15 years ago — before civil unions or gay marriage — to adopt Patricia Spado to ensure that she would be provided for in the event of her death.
Ok, but still sounds kind of creepy
Under the law in Maine, where the legal move took place, Ms Watson became Ms Spado’s mother — even though she was a year younger. Ms Watson, who was 43 at the time, hoped that this would make Ms Spado her father’s 19th grandchild and as such a beneficiary to his estate.
With the death of both parents, the trust’s beneficiaries — the 18 grandchildren — became eligible for cash payouts when they turned 35.
Ms Spado emerged as a 19th beneficiary when her lawyer informed the trust, headed by Thomas J. Watson III, that his sister’s former lover was also a legal granddaughter and entitled to an immediate payout. The claim was not received warmly by Mr Watson III.
Sounds like a solid legal claim. Worthy of a righteous Tee Hee over the flock of non-productive twerps waiting around for Grandpa to die.
She was just a lesbian? Not a cross dressing former Baptist preaching lesbian of the male gender?! Boring!
Not creepy at all. In fact, a great way to pass on these benefits. Gay bashing belongs on 527 sites, not one that’s involved with journalism.
How ridiculous. I move they both be brought up on incest charges.
If only Anna had thought of this – she could have adopted Howard K Stern and saved us all this trouble.
I’m with moss.
Big deal, decades ago Ted nugent adopted an underage girl so he can bang her.
God Angel H. Wong! Is there anything you don’t know?!
From what I gather, the adoption was legal in Maine(but they failed to mention to the judge that granted it, that they were lovers) but the estate is in Conn., where this kind of adoption isn’t legal.
Thats what will make this case a fun one to watch. Kind of like the Anna Nicole Smith case, where competing Judges gave different rulings….Texas said no money, California said 450 million.
Soon we’ll know where Hoffa is buried… 😉
#8 SN
If I knew everything, Bush would kill me.
#8, Just be glad Angel doesn’t know what size undies you wear. At least, I hope he doesn’t know.
#9, to clarify,
The Texas Probate Court no money. A Ninth Circuit Bankruptcy Court said $450 M. But blame the second ruling on the son, he intervened in the Bankruptcy case thereby opening the door to the claim.
#11, No he wouldn’t. If you knew Bush was going to kill you, then you could either stop it or get out of the way.
As far as I can tell, SN is circumcised.
“No he wouldn’t. If you knew Bush was going to kill you, then you could either stop it or get out of the way.”
OR, be like the android from the Hitchhiker’s guide to the Galaxy and sigh, and as the bullet flies towards my head I’ll say “I hate to be right.”
#13, LOL, ooopps, excuse me, this is a serious topic.
#3, It’s not Gay bashing, I was just taken aback by the incestuous implications of having read that a lover adopted her partner.
Thank you for thinking I’m a journalist, that’s very kind of you, I always thought I was just a sarcastic bastard. 😉
Sarcastic Bastards are the BEST kind of bastards!
11. “If I knew everything, Bush would kill me.”
But as Bush is clueless about everything, how would he know you knew everything?!
I was referring to Barbara Bush, she looks way too wholesome to be true 😉