The trashing of the Edward’s campaign HQ on Second Life is one of the problems you get with an open site. True, it’s nice to have a place where you can do whatever you like, but we have to remember that just as in the real world, people have their right to keep morons from vandalizing their property. Why don’t we ever see the supposed evil left doing this type of hateful evil activity?

Shortly before midnight (CST) on Monday, February 26, a group of republican Second Life users, some sporting “Bush ’08” tags, vandalized the John Edwards Second Life HQ.  They plastered the area with Marxist/Lenninist posters and slogans, a feces spewing obsenity, and a photoshopped picture of John in blackface, all the while harrassing visitors with right-wing nonsense and obsenity-laden abuse of Democrats in general and John in particular.

This kind of childish behavior isn’t only linked to politics. For example, there was the infamous World of Warcraft funeral massacre, where a group of people trying to pay respects to a dead friend had their characters killed off by assholes who took advantage of the group’s temprorary vulnerability as they held a virtual funeral. Why do supposedly intelligent people do such stupid shit?

  1. has been infiltrated by commies! says:

    Um, the evil left does plenty of this sort of thing. Ever heard of PETA?

  2. tkane says:

    Of all the injustices in the world, who really gives a shit about this? I dunno, maybe you were trying to be funny, but it only sounds like you need a chill-pill.

  3. joshua says:

    Geez……come on Smartalix…..with all the real problems around, and all the weird and wonderful stuff to post….this matters how?

    All of these people really do need to get back to reality or stop trying to make this stuff reality.

    In real life, Edwards people would have kicked their dumb butts all over the place, maybe thats why they did it in a virtual world.

  4. OmarThe Alien says:

    This could be the seminal stages of what will actually trigger global Doomsday: Some virtual slight, maybe another cartoon spoofing of something the pan-fried head cases all take serious, and that’s when we realize that yes, the nut jobs do have real-world missiles because they are heading our way.

  5. Slappy says:

    As far as that WOW virtual funeral was concerned, they were frigging idiots for doing it in a PvP area.

  6. TJGeezer says:

    Not that I care much, but remember how outraged the Bushies pretended to be over the pranked keyboards when the Clinton people left? Love that right-wing hypocrisy.

  7. W smith says:

    Maybe I’m an asshole but I thought the the Warcraft funeral massacre was hilarious. When you play on a PVP server and gather in a neutral or hostile area you should know what to expect. Trying to be serious and proper about RL events has its consequences in a virtual cartoon world where the norm of behavior is to give as much grief to other players as possible. I’m sorry they lost their friend, but the outcome was predictable… the fact that this in game funeral gathering was so important to these people just indicates to me that they need to start living real lives outside of the game – you know the place where people can’t show up and massacre you at a funeral honoring your friend?

    Massacre on google video

    (the music rules BTW)

  8. GregA says:


    I got yer peta video right here. Watch this, I dare you. No, i double dog dare you.

  9. Jack says:

    Why don’t we ever see the supposed evil left doing this type of hateful evil activity?

    John are you serious? Give me a break! This must be more of your admitted baiting of readership. This is a game for people who don’t have a “real first life” to begin with. Not exactly a good representation of either left or right.

  10. Hey dork, it was Smartalix who did the post, not “john.” Learn how to read a blog. Click here.

    That said I do think this is a great and funny post. Try to spot satire when you see it.

  11. George says:

    “we have to remember that just as in the real world, people have their
    right to keep morons from vandalizing their property.”

    They do? Where does it say that? Is that spelled out in the Constitution, in case law, or at least in the terms of service of Second Life? Or is this just another made-up right by a liberal?

    “Why don’t we ever see the supposed evil left doing this type of hateful evil activity?”

    Perhaps because conservatives aren’t so lame as to put a campaign office in a game world. Would you be so outraged if an Exxon-Mobil or Haliburton virtual property in Second Life was defaced? Probably not.

    Edwards is a big boy, I think he can deal with this.

  12. Todd says:

    Who says that the evil left didn’t commit this atrocity in order to blame the evil right? Who can verify for sure that the evil right did in fact commit this outrage? What about the evil left Freemasons trying to blame evil right Catholics, or the evil John Birch Society trying to blame it all on evil stiff-necked neocons? What about evil middle trying to bait the evil right into striking back at the evil left by trying to bait Obama into smoking evil big tobacco cigarettes? To quote the all powerful and all wise Susan Powter, Stop the Insanity!

  13. ChrisMac says:

    Why do supposedly intelligent people do such stupid shit?
    (hilarious.. nice stretch)

    It’s the nature of the beast…
    If you can’t vent by doing crazy shit online, in a silly game..
    Where can you?

    I’d frown on this type of behaviour in the real world.. But i applaud it in the cheese fest known as second life.

  14. holmzee says:

    check this out– much more interesting, really…


  15. Nick says:

    “Why don’t we ever see the supposed evil left doing this type of hateful evil activity?”

    Why don’t we ever hear about internet malfeasance committed by leftists do you mean, Mr. Smartalix?

    What from you, do you mean?

    I should imagine it’s because people like you would be reluctant to report on such matters. Heck, I saw an example only *yesterday*. I don’t recall your running a story on that:

    Of course, if you’re writing for a pretigious leftist newspaper you get to not report on really serious crimes committed by leftists:

  16. Cripes Nick, are you high? We go after all sides if it’s actually interesting. Someone using a fake name on Digg? STOP THE PRESSES!!

    Sober up. Find something more interesting.

  17. #11

    “They do? Where does it say that? Is that spelled out in the Constitution, in case law, or at least in the terms of service of Second Life? Or is this just another made-up right by a liberal?”

    No, it’s not spelled out anywhere. It’s just in the heads of anybody who has a little decency, manners and respect for the people with whom they share this planet. I suppose you could say it’s sort of a “virtual” constitution.

  18. Greg Allen says:

    I consider myself a good ‘netizen but I had no idea that there were presidential candidate offices inside game spaces.

    Do all the candidates have them? I’m still kind of amazed.

    What doesn’t amaze me is that there would be right wing profane destructive bullies in the virtual world — since there is no shortage of them in the real world.

  19. julieb says:

    Rule of teh Internets #42.

  20. Noam Sane says:

    Possibly getting a life of some sort would help all of these people. Just a thought.

  21. Jason says:


    “They do? Where does it say that? Is that spelled out in the Constitution, in case law, or at least in the terms of service of Second Life? Or is this just another made-up right by a liberal?”

    The basic rights accepted by non-idiot conservatives are life, liberty, and property. Vandalism is obviously a violation of property rights.

    Murder and assault aren’t in the Constitution either. Again, non-idiot conservatives know about the separation of powers between the states and the central government.

  22. James Hill says:

    This kind of childish behavior isn’t only linked to politics.

    You’re right: It’s linked to all things online. Anyone who takes anything online as seriously as something in real life… especially in a game… deserves to be fucked with.

  23. eggfou says:

    The funny thing about this whole affair is that its VERY easy in Second Life to prevent someone from placing objects like this on your land and defacing it. Whoever manages the land just has to go into the land options and check a box, but apparently they didn’t do that. Not only are they making fun of Edwards, but also exploiting the ignorance of whoever runs his Second Life campaign.

  24. jbellies says:

    I’m with #12, Todd. It was all done by evil Canadians to get Edwards the Canadian sympathy vote. So gullible, and so evil.

  25. Mark says:

    All this is earth-shattering. Is there another planet I can move to where there are actual adults who interface in real life?

  26. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #5 – #As far as that WOW virtual funeral was concerned, they were frigging idiots for doing it in a PvP area.

    Comment by Slappy — 3/1/2007 @ 7:04 pm

    Games with areas designated into seperate areas for PvP and PvE are for pussies.

    A real game ( allows for non-consensual PvP action anywhere, everywhere, at anytime.

    Play EvE.

    Because WoW is the AOL of MMORPGs.

    ((sorry about the Off-Topicness of the post. I support Edwards. I vote Democrat. I am a liberal. And even I don’t care if jingo-headed morons from the right put virtual spraypaint on The John Edwards Unreal Fansite))

  27. ArianeB says:

    I think it backfired. I now know John Edwards has a campaign headquarters in Second Life thanks to these vandals. I’ll have to check it out. (I’m an undecided voter)

  28. malren says:

    I cannot believe Smartalix posted this.

    The “evil left” does this in real life to real campaign headquarters. Perhaps you have heard of Ohio and Michigan? Those are places in a game we like to call First Life.

    Democrat “activists” were convicted last year of vandalism and property destruction in at least three states. Where was your outrage then?

  29. catbeller says:

    ‘Cause there isn’t any such thing as a “left”. Maybe some marxists on some college campuses. But there sure as hell is a Right, and they define the “left” as anyone who disagrees with them.

  30. Smartalix says:

    1, 3, 21, 30

    I was being deliberately heavy-handed with the scorn to emphasize the foolishness of the action. Note I called it childish and stupid in my final paragraph.

    I was also pointing out the viciousness that exists online. Why do people think that just because the environment is virtual, the feelings and concens of the other people involved in it with them are not? People have money, time, energy, love, and passion in their online lives (no matter how much I think they are wasting their time). 

    As for animal-rights groups and their activities, I am very familiar with their actions. An attack on a medical research facility by extremists funded by an animal-rights group (ficticiously called Animals for Action) starts events in motion in my novel Cyberchild. (you can read the first couple of chapters for free on

    As for not acknowledging that the left also does evil, hateful, and stupid things, I only did what the right does all the time, acting as if the other side is the only one that ever committed any wrongdoing. (If this were a more serious topic I would have been more even handed in my coverage, I promise).


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