Poison: Arguably the most famous cross dressing lesbians of all time!

Associated Press – 2/27/2007:

A private, Christian university has fired a male faculty member now living as a woman, a few days after she legally changed her name to something more feminine.

“I think they decided to terminate me rather than call me Julie,” the former John Nemecek told the Jackson Citizen Patriot.

A judge on Friday approved Nemecek’s petition to change her name to Julie Marie Nemecek.

She was an ordained Baptist minister who served a Grand Rapids church before being hired 16 years ago at Spring Arbor University. She worked for a decade as an associate dean of adult studies at the 134-year-old school about 90 miles west of Detroit.

Nemecek wears a blond wig and dresses as a woman but has no plans to undergo sex-change surgery. She has said she is not homosexual and is attracted to only one woman: Joanne, to whom she has been married for 35 years.

  1. WokTiny says:

    I wonder what his wife thinks about this?

    and also, why does the article keep calling him her?

    and also, why does my first post of the day get hit with “Sorry, you can only post a new comment once every 15 seconds. Slow down cowboy.”

  2. SN says:

    1. “why does the article keep calling him her?”

    Because he’s a lesbian and lesbians are females. Right?

  3. Jerk-Face says:

    2. “I wonder what his wife thinks about this?”

    She married a Baptist minister. She doesn’t have the capacity to think.

    “why does my first post of the day get hit with “Sorry, you can only post a new comment once every 15 seconds.”

    Why am I faced with a “Kind-a-Captcha” at work but not at home?!

  4. Jerk-Face says:

    4. “#3 your IP is different my firend, that’s why.”

    While that certainly explains how, it doesn’t really explain why.

    I created the account for this blog at work. So why would that original IP address be trusted less than any other IP address?

  5. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Nothing wrong with being non-op TS – but she’s a Baptist? Now, that’s a sign of something wrong upstairs…

  6. Mac Guy says:

    I used to work at a university where one of the prominent microbiology professor made the “switch.” I’m not sure of her reasons, but hey… I won’t knock it.

    And the University had no problem with it, though this one was public, unlike the one mentioned in the article. I smell a lawsuit.

  7. Les-Be-Friends says:

    I’m a lesbian trapped in a mans body!

    (someone had to say it)

  8. traaxx says:


    I know a atheist that goes to Mosque for prayers.

    I know a pervert that is an atheist that is in love with Bill Clinton and want to sleep with him. He’s married and is a Democrat

    There are even induahviduals that believe Hill Clinton is really a female in disguise as a man

    I’m sure many people have gotten jobs by pretending, bluffing and being confident, some even write for PC Magazine and have their own Geek show where they show how stupid they really think the show is and don’t mind showing it on tape. It’s kinda of like watching a dead turtle. There really no movement, but it’s hard to tell it’s really dead or just sitting there without emotion, action or anything to build enthusiasm. You end up wishing the turtle would crawl away or just be washed away leaving a more interesting rock in it’s place.

    But then again, we know that all the Democrats that won the house race cheated, after all they said the election was rigged and since they won, we have to believe then considering the electronic voting machines are so easy to tamper with. No we just have to assume that not all sinful human tell the truth and some just twist it to suit their own use.


  9. Man, you just can;t make this stuff up!

  10. Greg Allen says:

    She married a Baptist minister. She doesn’t have the capacity to think.

    Goodness, could you be any bigger of a bigot?

    Coretta Scott King married a baptist minister. You calling her an idiot, too?

  11. Jerk-Face says:

    11. “Goodness, could you be any bigger of a bigot?”

    No, I think I’ve reached my upper limit of bigotry. Just as you’ve apparently reached the upper limit of your inability of distinguishing between satire and reality.

    “Coretta Scott King married a baptist minister. You calling her an idiot, too? “

    Apparently so.

  12. Timbo says:

    How can this guy get ANYWHERE with a lawsuit for discrimination?!? He’s not the politically correct sex or race! He doesn’t even have the politically correct sexual preference! He’s probably the politically incorrect age, too.

    Then again, it is an attack on the politically correct target — Christians.

  13. mark says:

    1. “and also, why does my first post of the day get hit with “Sorry, you can only post a new comment once every 15 seconds. Slow down cowboy.”

    I seriously wish the editors would at least acknowledge this problem. I mean c’mon guys, this is a blog run by technical people. EVERYBODY complains about it, yet we hear deafening silence. I never get this message at work or the kinda-captcha or whatever it is, (I forget because I’m at work), but always get it at home. It just makes me wonder why the silence, I just want someone to say “hey shut the fuck up, we’re workin on it”. Until then, I have to assume WordPress is a piece of shit.

  14. Gregg says:

    I don’t care what drugs you take, or what body parts you have manipulated or removed, you CANNOT get rid of that old Y chromosome! So therefore….MALE….therefore “HE”, not “HER”.

  15. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #15 – Gregg

    Society interacts with a person according to the gender that the individual presents as. If someone looks like a girl, acts like a girl and identifies with being a girl, then the sane, sensible, respectful thing to do is to treat that individual as a girl.

    You don’t see, or interact with, fucking chromosomes, you see and interact with a person. Insisting otherwise is obstinately, unnecessarily standing on a totally irrelevant technicality, and tends to suggest that the person insisting on doing so has got some issues.

  16. Angel H. Wong says:


    Would you believe that I agree with you just said?ç

    I hope the rapture isn’t near 😉

  17. TJGeezer says:

    Jerk-Face – It’s good to see you in full form again. I was thinking you must be off your feed, for the last couple days. Welcome back. Laren, too. Between you two, the Baptists are really taking it in the chops today.

    She married a Baptist minister. She doesn’t have the capacity to think.

    Shame on you. (snrrk) aw hell couldn’t help it

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    Coretta Scott King married a baptist minister. You calling her an idiot, too?

    As some around these parts would say, “The Lord works in mysterious ways”.

  19. Ashley says:

    Gregg, on #17, perfect analogy. Best post I’ve read yet.

    Lauren, get your head out of the science lab and into the REAL WORLD…born with a dick and a Y chromosome, if 9 out of 10 doctors call you a male, if your parents called you “son”…YOU’RE A MAN, AND YOU CAN’T CHANGE THAT. If you really believe it’s possible, then show me a picture of a man who has shat out a baby. It’s possible, right scientist? Why don’t you suddenly just sprout wings and fly far, far away? You can do that if you really want to, right? In your mind, you could just make us all disappear, so why don’t you? You said, “Now, that’s a sign of something wrong upstairs…” NO, that’s a sign of something wrong downstairs…kinda like you.

    Jerk-Face, while you’re bashing Baptists, why not go ahead and say everything that’s on your mind…that fags, cross dressers, and transsexuals deserve to die a slow and painful death from AIDS? Oh sure, it’s OK to take the he-bitch-wannabe’s side, but spit in the face of most Americans who are Christians? Baptist, Catholic, Methodist…all Christians, you attack one, you attack all.

    Lauren, you said, “In the meantime, we sensible folk will continue to show respect for others wishes and their core gender identities”…oh REALLY? Then why don’t you respect MY WISH that you wake up and smell what you’re spewing on here and STOP SPEWING YOUR CRAP?? I’ll show my respect for someone’s core gender identity for sure, by kicking the next GUY I see claiming to be a woman as hard as I can in the nuts, then saying, “You’re welcome. Now you KNOW you’re a guy.”

  20. Greg Allen says:

    >> … you’ve apparently reached the upper limit of your inability of distinguishing between satire and reality.

    Obviously I missed it.

    Satire usually is funny and witty — without that, it’s easily confused with mean-spirited sniping.

  21. Greg Allen says:

    It seems like you guys are arguing up the wrong chromosome.

    I’m not sure this guy wants to be a woman — clearly he wants to act like one and be treated as one.

    It’s a fine difference but a difference none-the-less.

    I don’t very-well understand the emotional need to cross-dress but it’s not hard to imagine how that might be different than actually changing your gender.

    I, personally, get the urge to dress up as Barney and crash weddings but that doesn’t mean I want to physically become a purple dinosaur! 😉

  22. Gregg says:

    “Dressing and acting like a nonexistent entity has nothing to do with dressing and acting like a human with particular human characteristics different from one’s own.”

    XY acting XX = nonexistent entity

    “defining what constitutes reality is not under your jurisdiction.”

    But I guess it’s yours?

    “You erroneously imply that what you regard as defining gender is the only one, or the only one that matters.”

    Yes….to me.

    “An individual’s chromosomal profile, you seem to think, defines that person, and that there are two possibilities, XX and XY, defining female and male, respectively.”

    Anything else is an anomaly and can be treated as such.

    “Any smug, pat, simplistic answers for those questions? I didn’t think so.”

    Asked and answered by yourself! What are you, a lawyer?

    “Just because science says it’s impossible to draw any ‘bright line’ that neatly divides male and female – don’t let that get in your way.”


    “gender is the sum product of many things, and of all the factors, such as self-identification, appearance, sexual attraction,”

    No, that’s gender identity, not gender.

    “And finally, you slip, and inadvertently reveal that your response to the issue is emotional instead of logical”

    I’m not the one posting mile long rants! Did I touch a nerve? *poke poke*

    “The psychological process of self-identification, which include gender identification. is a form of empathy – an emotional process – and as such, is not subject to “delusion”, which is a disorder of reason.”

    Someone thinking their something their not is a “disorder of reason” as far as I’m concerned.

    If you identify as being, say, a Catholic, is that or is that not “reality”? If you say sincerely that you are, then that makes it real, despite anything anyone else might say”

    If your actual practice is Hindu, your not a Catholic even if YOU believe that you are. You are mistaken about the fact that you think your Catholic.

    “But this is admittedly not obvious to the uninformed layman, e.g., you.”

    oooh, ow. you so smart. me caveman. me bow to your “superior intellect”, Kahn.

    “The state of existing as a “he” or a “she”, this is an intangible psychological state of identity and not subject to external existential validation”

    And hence, since it’s a “psychological state”, where is it written that I have to share in their delusion?

    “Crikey, I certainly dropped a match right where you keep the powder! You – not I – are the one with the obvious emotional stake.”

    See “mile long posts” comment. *poke poke*

    “your issues of internalized homophobia and denial…”

    I’m a self-hating homosexual? Again with the name calling…*poke poke*

    “will continue to show respect for others wishes and their core gender identities”.

    I said I’d call Larry “Lisa” if he wants me to, but I will not refer to his gender as “female” .

    “since it’s the mature and humane thing to do.”

    Very PC. Thanks.

  23. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Yes, Gregg. Sure. Whatever you say. Ya.

    All that nifty tap-dancing and cheesy high-school debate shit, I guess I’m supposed to be stunned into failing to notice your inability to answer one simple point, here restated yet again, to ensure there’s no misunderstanding, real or feigned, possible.

    Presupposing, with very good reason, that you are not a geneticist, explain exactly what relevance any living thing’s karyotype has to do with anything at all, in real life.

    Don’t worry, I’m not holding my breath while waiting for your sad attempt at rationalization. Chromosomes don’t enter into your life, my life or anyone else’s. You can’t see them, and if you could, you still wouldn’t recognize them if they were duct-taped to a hand grenade and stuffed up your gigi. All normal people, in real life, everywhere, interact with others according to their appearance, their personality and their actions. Only a moron would attempt to claim otherwise.

    No, we’ll just leave it at that. I spoke my piece, and ldemolished your arguments. Your attempt at rebuttal amounts to building a house of cards atop the rubble. I’m not even going to bother giving it a flick of my finger.

    Anyone who’s followed this thread this far has read what each of us has had to say, and can draw their own conclusions.

    #22 – Ashley

    Thank you for your post. It’s so flamingly dim that you’ve spared me any need to prove you an asshole, having done it quite nicely yourself…

  24. Ashley says:

    #26 – Lauren

    Nope, you’ll have to prove it, Mr. Lauren. Most tend to disagree.

  25. Gregg says:

    I have one thing to say about Lauren….He’s funny!


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