LA Weekly – The Town the Law Forgot — When you read long tales like this you realize that this is indeed the future of California.

Cudahy resembles a Mexican border town more than it does a Los Angeles suburb. Entrenched gangs and Mexican drug trafficking have trapped working-class legal and illegal immigrants in a cycle of violence and fear, in a city where less than a quarter of the 28,000 residents are eligible to vote. An uneducated city council, a deeply troubled police force imported from Maywood two towns over, and the raw power of the 18th Street Gang — a complex criminal organization with a knack for setting up business fronts and obscuring underground drug activity — make Cudahy residents seem like hostages in their own city.

By most accounts, Cudahy City Council members — two retired union managers, an insurance salesman, a waitress and a grocer — do not run the city as they were elected to do. Rather, they defer to City Manager Perez, a former janitor who is known to favor revenue traps such as DUI and driver’s license checkpoints over aggressive tactics that make gangs and drug dealers less comfortable.

related link:
City Homepage

found by Aric Mackey

  1. Joe says:

    all immigrants need to adopt their new countires traditions ( i.e. adapt and assimalate ). I once argued this in a Histography seminar I took at UCLA with Professor to graduate (I was hispanic) The rest of the hispanics in the seminar looked at me like I was a traitor. one girl replied that american history was racism, I retorted that is indians hadn’t adopted and adapted to spanish rule, most hispanics would probably still be worshipping the sun god & making human sacrifices.

    On the plus side I think I was failing until I argued that point.

    Got a B+ in the class and got my degree in history!

  2. John says:

    I like how the city’s website hasn’t been updated in 8 years

  3. SN says:

    It doesn’t make a lot of sense, but apparently Mexicans are desperate to leave Mexico so they can come and turn the US into Mexico.

    That’s why I’ve always said that the best solution for the Mexican immigration problem is to make Mexico a place worth staying in. If we don’t bring Mexico up to our level, it’s only a matter of time before we’re brought down to Mexico’s level.

  4. mark says:

    “If we don’t bring Mexico up to our level, it’s only a matter of time before we’re brought down to Mexico’s level. ”

    I agree, in theory, although I believe an impossible task. Corruption is too ingrained in their govt for this to be realistic. Start with their fraudulent election (much like ours), and go from there. I really like the Mexican people, the law abiding hard working ones. But we waste way too much time going after the “terror” threat to take any of our domestic problems seriously the way we need to. We had better wake the fuck up before its too late.

  5. Steve S says:

    Cudahy, CA today,
    Des Moines, IA tomorrow
    America is a changing.

  6. James Hill says:

    It’s a safe bet the weakness found among the population in Cali won’t be found in Iowa… or the majority of the country.

    In other words, people in southern California seem to like taking shit. The vast majority of the country doesn’t.

  7. Remember you stole the mexican’s land.
    Or as Archie Bunker explained “The Mexicans were only too glad to give us Texas and California after we beat the hell out of them in a war.
    Soon Californians will be playing golf in Los Angeles Mexico.
    Don’t think the Mexicans will shorten the name to L.A.
    Will it still be LAX ?

  8. xully says:

    If Mark can say he likes Mexicans, can I say that I don’t? Does anyone “remember the Alamo” ? Our forefathers legacy is being turned into one giant urinal, and their progeny only care about Britney shaving her head or who fathered Anna Nicole’s bastard child.

  9. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #1 – Joe

    Bad news – it’s rant time…

    “all immigrants need to adopt their new countires traditions”

    That’s true. However, they do not, and the forces of modern-day Political Correctness and “multiculturalism” propagandize that no culture is superior to any other, that they have every right to “celebrate” and “nurture” theirs – while shunning that of the country they voluntarily came to. Here we see the inevitable result.

    An exact parallel exists with Muslim immigrants to the West, especially the UK. They live, work and socialize away from the rest of British society, only entering the public eye long enough to demand that British culture change to accomodate their beliefs and lifestyle, since they have no intention of changing – even though it is that same repressive culture of theirs that makes the countries they hail from places that they no longer want to live in.

    It’s a simple sociological fact that, when two cultures commingle, the more advanced culture will be brought down to the level of the less advanced and not vice versa. This city, Cudahy, is a prime example.

    If you need another, notice how integrating the black underclass with middle-class white culture has not resulted in the members of the black community being lifted to a level of less crime, greater literacy, higher income, better standard of living, et cetera. Instead, it’s the middle-class white youth who have adopted the PC-approved violent, misogynistic, illiterate ‘rap’ and ‘hip-hop’ culture of the black underclass. Crime among black youth hasn’t decreased, it’s risen, but crime among white youth has increased even more, and has become far more violent.

    Why? Because no longer are blacks under social pressure to adapt to and integrate themselves into the dominant culture in America. That, PC ‘multiculturalists’ screech, is “racist.” Black students who try to study hard, to work to succeed in school, are disparaged, ostracized and attacked for “acting white.” So, egged on by clueless white liberals, the disfunctional criminal underclass flourishes, rotting American culture from the inside.

    So, get ready for more of the same. Watch as the very cultures that gave birth to democracy, healthcare science, high tech, global communications – watch them be replaced with primitive, tribal, corrupt, violent ones. Much of human progress is being inexorably reversed and dismantled as the quality of life for the vast majority of humankind goes down the toilet of value relativism and multiculturism – all done in the name of “tolerance.” The Iron Curtain may have come down, but the Marxists never went away, and with the well-intentioned but uninformed, self-righteous and naîve help of Western liberalism, they’re coming back stronger than ever.

    Too little and too late, the brighter minds of the left are starting to realize that tolerance can be taken too far – that it’s idiotic and culturally suicidal to tolerate people and cultures that have no interntion of reciprocating that tolerance. The aliens see it as a weakness that they will gladly exploit in order to dominate – which they feel they have every right to do – after all, they reason, if Westerners aren’t willing to fight for their culture to dominate, they don’t deserve for it to do so.

    …OTOH, maybe not. Maybe everyone is noble and tolerant and accepting – except for white people of European descent, of course.

  10. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    #9 – Lauren – What the hell is wrong with you? I agree completely, and that’s not normal. 😉

  11. Steve S says:

    James.. James.. James..
    You poor poor optimistic sap.
    You just don’t see the writing on the wall.
    While I fully agree that California is ruled and largely populated by idiots (this is not debatable, it is a proven fact!), this trend will spread.
    It may take time, but it is inevitable.
    There is no defense.
    There is no escape.
    Resistance is futile.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #9, Lauren, this post is full of bull, mindlessly iterated. For example,:

    So, egged on by clueless white liberals, the disfunctional criminal underclass flourishes, rotting American culture from the inside.

    Where are the “clueless liberals egging on” these “criminal underclass”. Better yet, who are they? Got some names?

    I see you never got to take Sociology in High School. Otherwise you would have learned that immigrating cultures will tend to keep within their own or a close society. The second generation will branch out and feel at home in both cultures and are usually fluently bilingual. The third generation will usually feel at home in the new culture and slightly uncomfortable in the immigrant culture.

    The British Muslim immigrants you mentioned will fall into the first, immigrant category. Their children are much more comfortable speaking English and dressing in western garb then they are. It is difficult to learn a new language and English is harder then most. The language barrier, skin color, and to a much less extent, the foods and religion are what keeps this first generation apart. If you look at British blacks of Jamaican decent you would see. How the second and third generations are much more accepted then were the first.

    If you bothered to study any history, you would know that almost all immigrants since the early 1800s have been discriminated against. Mexicans are no different.

    The Iron Curtain may have come down, but the Marxists never went away, and with the well-intentioned but uninformed, self-righteous and naîve help of Western liberalism, they’re coming back stronger than ever.

    The more I read this, the more confused I get. Did you forget your medication this morning or are you serious? I would expect something like this from Comedian Rush Limbaugh or O’Reilly, but your past contributions here at DU show someone of intelligence far above this drivel.

    I mean c’mon, Not every “marxist” value is wrong. Marxists don’t like violent crime and neither do we. Marxists don’t like dieing needlessly and neither do we. Marxists don’t like criticism of their leader and neither do Republicans. (ooopps, that is a similarity and could be wrong)

  13. James Hill says:

    #12 – Not too many beaners in Anchorage, my friend. There’s always another place to move.

  14. mark says:

    7. “Remember you stole the mexican’s land.” So, Canadian, what part of Canada will you be giving back to the Indians.

  15. BertDawg says:

    Lauren the FISH ? (Ghoti – ‘gh’ as in enough; ‘o’ as in women, and ‘ti’ as in nation?) Are you a Pisces? If not, what’s the significance? Excellent post, by the way..

  16. Confused says:

    Its Kazakhi for “Goat”. Apparently, he likes goats or something.

  17. BertDawg says:

    Now I’m confused. I had the impression (which seemed to be confirmed by #16, that Lauren was feminine. Oh well.

  18. Confused says:

    Hey, I dont judge.

  19. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #18, 20 – BertDawg

    “Lauren the FISH ? (Ghoti – ‘gh’ as in enough; ‘o’ as in women, and ‘ti’ as in nation?)”

    Precisely so, and right sharp of you to pick it up. Many of my Spanish-speaking friends mispronounce my (unusual, Alsatian) surname as the name of a familiar-to-them So. American fish, so it’s become their nickname for me. And being, yes again, a Pisces, adds appropriateness to the moniker, albeit along a different referential vector…

    “Excellent post, by the way..”

    Additional evidence that you, in marked and welcome contrast to some of my right honourable rhetorical opponents here, use your brain for something more than keeping your ears from rubbing together… 🙂

    “Now I’m confused. I had the impression (which seemed to be confirmed by #16, that Lauren was feminine. Oh well.”

    It’s fun having a gender-ambiguous Xian name, as it allows me to see what gender assumptions people make absent all cues but my words…

    Since I’m bigendered (not to be confused with bisexual ( not that there’s anything wrong with that! )), it makes no nevermind to me which gender people assume me to be – but I was born male.

    #19 – Confused

    “Its Kazakhi for “Goat”. Apparently, he likes goats or something.”

    Almost, but not exactly. I dislike sheep (the human variety) but admit I like to get people’s goats at times.

    #17 – mark

    “7. “Remember you stole the mexican’s land.” So, Canadian, what part of Canada will you be giving back to the Indians.”

    HAH! Touché!

    #14 – pedro

    “#9 I didn’t read you before because I thought it was too long but boy, I couldn’t agree more with you.”

    Neither could I… 🙂

    …and now we come, as Joyce so charmingly put it, by a commodius vicus of recirculation, back to my old friend…

    #13 – Mr. Fusion

    Blah, blah, blah, & cetera. Also, blah.

    Oh my. Where to begin? Methinks I just may, after timely recreational ingestion of a quantity of ethanol in one or another flavored solution, deign to return to some of the near-innumerable inaccuracies and misconceptions in your post.

    In the meantime, why not try laying off the Multiculti-flavor Kool-Aid and thinking for yourself for a change? You have nothing to lose but your slavish adherence to morally-bankrupt PC ideology…

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    You have nothing to lose but your slavish adherence to morally-bankrupt PC ideology…
    Comment by Lauren the Ghoti — 3/1/2007 @ 4:47 pm

    While you may refer to it as “morally bankrupt”, it is still better then mindless ramblings of the bigoted and ignorant that fail to see past their own self interests.

    Imbibe yourself, enjoy it while you can. But in the morning, those ramblings in #9 will still be bigoted and wrong.

  21. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #23 – Mr. Fusion

    Honestly, when will you ideologue sheep cease with the endless mindless bleating of “racism!” “bigotry!” and all the rest of your Marxist doublespeak?

    What I speak is carefully considered rational analysis – not childish never-neverland fantasies where “everyone is equal” and “suicide bombers are freedom fighters” and “war is peace”… hypocrisy and denial, in the service of the idiotic delusion of remaking reality so it matches up with your naïve preconceptions.

    Show me you have anything to back up your words. Let’s see some sound reasoning and objective fact.

    What – exactly – is “bigoted” that I said, and in exactly what way is it “bigoted”? I say I am objective and that PC – and it’s adherents – are truly what’s bigoted.

    Prejudice means ‘judging before it’s possible’ meaning ‘before knowing all the relevant information.

    I used to think like you, when I was young, naïve and inexperienced. I was prejudiced. Now, I have many years of real-world exposure and experience, I have gained considerable knowledge and wisdom. I now realize that many things I thought were obvious truths are insidious lies, that many things in life are not what they seem. And I long ago quit pretending that the evidence of my senses and experiences was wrong and that some foolish, illogical bullshit was right.


    People are not equal. No two people who ever existed were ever equal. No two groups of people can possibly, ever, be equal. In every measure, people differ, and groups made up of differing people cannot possibly be identical in any respect. Yet PC preaches not that everyone should be treated equally, but rather the moronic lie that everyone is the same and that recognizing that is somehow wrong.

    A world without war is an impossible fantasy, as long as humankind exists.

    Deception and untruth is wrong, no matter how noble you think your cause. Reality, no matter how good your intentions, can never be ignored because it’s unpleasant.

    Any asshole can shoot their mouth off and point a self-righteous finger and say “that’s racist’ or ‘you’re a bigot’.

    So let’s see what you got – chapter and verse. Specifics. PC cannot survive rational, objective examination. PC poisons minds and continually attempts to destroy reason and truth.

    So let’s see what you got.


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