This is not convenient for him

Al Gore’s Personal Energy Use Is His Own “Inconvenient Truth” –

Last night, Al Gore’s global-warming documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, collected an Oscar for best documentary feature, but the Tennessee Center for Policy Research has found that Gore deserves a gold statue for hypocrisy.
Gore’s mansion, located in the posh Belle Meade area of Nashville, consumes more electricity every month than the average American household uses in an entire year, according to the Nashville Electric Service (NES).

Last August alone, Gore burned through 22,619 kWh—guzzling more than twice the electricity in one month than an average American family uses in an entire year. As a result of his energy consumption, Gore’s average monthly electric bill topped $1,359.
Since the release of An Inconvenient Truth, Gore’s energy consumption has increased from an average of 16,200 kWh per month in 2005, to 18,400 kWh per month in 2006.
Gore’s extravagant energy use does not stop at his electric bill. Natural gas bills for Gore’s mansion and guest house averaged $1,080 per month last year.
“As the spokesman of choice for the global warming movement, Al Gore has to be willing to walk the walk, not just talk the talk, when it comes to home energy use,” said Tennessee Center for Policy Research President Drew Johnson.

However, here’s the answer coming from the Gore camp:

1) Gore’s family has taken numerous steps to reduce the carbon footprint of their private residence, including signing up for 100 percent green power through Green Power Switch, installing solar panels, and using compact fluorescent bulbs and other energy saving technology.
2) Gore has had a consistent position of purchasing carbon offsets to offset the family’s carbon footprint

There is also this amusing story about the possibility of Al Gore losing his Oscar. Wishful thinking.

You will only get this Oscar from my cold dead hands…

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    Something doesn’t smell right about this one. How would the Tennessee Center for Policy Research get the records of his energy consumption, electrical and gas? Second, this is coming from an agenda driven “Libertarian”, muckraking site.

    I don’t know as a provable fact, but this certainly has the fingerprints of Karl Rove all over it.

  2. Dr Killowatt says:

    Hmm, another if the messenger is not Jesus Christ himself, walking on water, then the simple message of “Hey humans your messy up the air, water, and soil” should be ignored….

    Also, TCPR is not exactly non-partisan, it is a right-wing libertarian think tank. Just read its “projects”….

    Finally, Gore is trying to be carbon neutral, ie to offset his engery use with green energy and solar panels… Does anybody mention that in the article? Does it even use it’s libertarian leanings to talk about how increasing sources of independent energy providers will help the economy no..

    This is a think tank hit piece to generate buzz for an outside the beltway no-name right wing policy center and YOU MISTER DVORAK fell for it hook line and sinker

    Very Sad!!!!

    But hey, I love the rest of the blog

    Dr Killowatt

  3. @$tr0Gh0$t says:

    #4. Did you even read the whole post? It includes the statements from the Gore people.
    Nobody fell for anything.

  4. TJGeezer says:

    Same old right-wing sneer-n-smear tactics. Bush’s brain (Rove) must be leaking again.

    You don’t have to love basketball to know a dishonest referee was out to harm a talented kid (see DU “Ludicrous Lawsuit” item). And you don’t have to agree with everything Gore says to detect the political stink on this one.

  5. Jim says:

    Well that does it. I am going to start burning tires in my front yard while my doors and windows are open with my furnace going full blast. Just like Al Gore does.

  6. etn says:

    share your thoughts on Gore…thumbs-up or thumbs-DOWN!?

  7. nonStatist says:

    I could care less what he does with his money, or free time.

  8. Big A says:

    The whole global warming hooey is just garbage. The Kyoto Treaty is just a scam too, since China & Indai are exempt. It’s all about shifting wealth from 1st world to 3rd world countries.

    Now, before everyone starts their flame-throwers, let me say that I think there is common ground for everyone on the global warming issue. The people like Al Gore can go on believeing as they do. The people that have an opposite view can still agree on one point–having cleaner air & water is a good thing. Duh. I may not buy into the doom and gloom, but I’m all for stricter controls regarding pollution. Maybe global warming won’t kill me, but sooty air will. We need to have a worldwide campaign to clean up the environment and keep it clean. That means China & India as well, sorry. No one should be exempt when it comes to pollution creation.

  9. Arrius says:

    How interesting, an article about the 3 time loser Al Gore and his hypocricy and people keep mentioning Karl Rove. Where did you people read Karl’s name anywhere in this article? Let us not overlook Gore has officially confirmed this report and stated he is trying to use renewable resources and the like to make ‘his carbon footprint zero,’ whatever the hell that means. So this isnt made up information.

    The question I have is even if you use renewable energy, but you use 20 times more than the average person, are you still being green? If you use up all of the renewable energy and I have to use ‘dirty’ energy am I the bad guy or are you?

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #13, Anus

    No one said Karl Rove is responsible, it was said that it has his fingerprints on it which means it is something he is well known for.

    No where in this article is there any confirmation or comment from Gore or his family.

    So this isnt made up information. Nope, you’re wrong. Your crap is made up.

  11. Mike says:


    “No one said Karl Rove is responsible, it was said that it has his fingerprints on it which means it is something he is well known for.”

    Haha, usually in the real world… as opposed to Mr. Fusion Make-Believe World ™… people’s fingerprints are only left behind when they directly touch things, not because they have a reputation of doing things in the past.

  12. Arrius says:

    #13 Mr Moronicus.

    Mike said it right, if someones finger prints are on something it means the are linked and/or responsible for an event, you idiot. This article may not have referenced Gore’s remark but should you wish to pull your head out of your ass and look around you for a moment you will find that Gore has replied to this report, and this is what I was refering to you waste of space.

  13. James Hill says:

    Liberals: Still unable to make a point after all of these years.

  14. Joey says:

    #4, offsets are nice but they’re not replacements for curbing rapacious energy consumption. If the article’s KWH numbers are correct then Al Gore is indeed a hypocrite. He needs to sell that 10 bedroom mansion and move into a reasonably-sized house to earn my respect.

  15. malren says:

    HA! So sweet. Gore is a voracious consumer and a hypocrite, so naturally, Karl Rove must be behind it.

    Brilliant. Keep saying stuff like that. Say it as loud as you can, as often as you can to as many people as you can.

  16. Steve S says:

    “Global Warming ™ has morphed beyond science into dogma. Now that it’s a full fledged religion, it has become the international social engineering tool is intellectual elites have been looking for.”
    A very well thought out choice of words. I agree.

  17. canine says:

    The most sophisticated weather prediction models can’t predict the temp to within a degree from day to day. Magnify that error by decades. It’s all a bunch of crap.

  18. David says:

    Wow the # of silly people on this post is amazing.

    1. Global warming “as science” can and is constantly debated and will change over years. But it has to be debated by SCIENCE not talk show hosts or politicians with agendas ($ in their pocket from special interest). Let the climatologists debate this.

    2. Stop arguing from anecdotes. Wow, it was cold in NY last month, so there’s no global warming! Well, it was dark last night at my house, so the sun doesn’t exist either. This is a talk about statistical trends. It ONLY matters what the AVERAGE temp is around the planet, and over many many years. The climatologists who say the earth (on avg) is warning are ALSO predicting locally more unstable weather. So it may be 10 degrees COLDER than normal in NY last week, but 12 degrees warmer in the artic…so the AVERAGE is still warmer. Get how that works? Arguing that you can’t find a family with exactly 2.3 children doesn’t mean anything…the AVERAGE may still be 2.3. Stop arguing by retarded local instances and anecdotes. This is about trends and averages. Take an ice core sample and look at melting over many centuries and compare what’s happened for the last 3 thousand years with what’s happening now.

    3. The VAST VAST majority of climatologists agree the earth (on avg) is warming fast. The DEBATE is over why and what’s causing it. It seems we MAY not be helping by our carbon output. That’s not the single reason, maybe even not the biggest reason, but it’s like pushing on a rolling car, we’re just adding to the problem. But first we do need to find out what the MAIN cause is and work to counter that. It doesn’t matter if it’s 100% a natural trend or man made…either way we have to deal with the effects. Crop farming in Iowa (U.S. economy) for example, may be damaged, regardless of who’s to blame if anyone.

  19. Mark says:

    3. Well said.

  20. MikeN says:

    This is not a surprise, given his history. About the only thing that made it into the mainstream media was the house he was renting out being in despicable condition, showing us Gore the slumlord. But his land is also used for mining, and has been cited for pollution several times. His family owns a large chunk of Occidental Petroleum courtesy of Armand Hammer, and these guys engage in offshore drilling and drilling on Indian lands. This was why Nader got so many votes, and why activists were protesting his campaign appearances in 2000.

  21. Gary Marks says:

    Gore gets a well-deserved black eye over this. Lots of people are gunning for him, and he’s buying the bullets.

    As for the carbon offsets, those remind me of the pollution offsets that corporations still buy and sell to postpone any real action as long as possible.

    Wake up and smell the greenhouse gases.
    (oops, most of them are odorless)

  22. Doug B says:

    While I certainly beleive that the average temperature of the earth may be rising, I’m less convinced that it’s all the fault of man. Scientists have stated that the average volcano spews more CO2 into the atmosphere than all the cars on earth over a ten year period.

    The issue for me is that I’m sick of a bunch of over-indulging “stars” telling me what to do. The audience at the Oscars on Sunday were looking at Gore like he was the second coming of the Messiah. His movie tells us to live one way while he clearly lives another. The figures quoted in the article about his energy consumption have not been refuted which tells me they are true. My family and I live an average lifestyle and we do what we can to conserve our resources. We recycle and compost our household waste and we turn off all the lights in rooms that we aren’t in. We live in the country so we have to rely on cars for transportation but we don’t drive around in limosines or fly around in private jets.

    When someone like Cheryl David, Larry David’s wife, tells me to be green while she’s boarding her private plane to fly to New York to go shopping it makes my blood boil.

    Recently there was an article printed in the paper that quoted Al Gore as saying that he admitted that several of the facts in his movie were exaggerated. He said that he needed to do this in order to get peoples attention. I completely disagree. It’s the exaggerated facts that allow people to dismiss ht eissue entirely.

    It’s time we had an open and honest debate among scientists with no political motivation or personal gain. Leave the politicians and movie stars to hand out awards.

  23. David Kerman says:

    Aparently most of you don’t understand what carbon offsets are.

    If one purchases enough of them then they can be considered carbon neutral.

    I’ll simplify things for you. Imagine offsets are just the direct addition of trees to the earth. If Gore emits x amount of carbon in his day to day life, then the direct addition of tress he buys can directly cancel out the carbon he emits. Hence carbon neutral.

    Hence, it doesn’t matter how large his energy bill is because every bit of carbon represented in that bill is offset by the carbon offsets.

  24. Gary Marks says:

    #28 David, I apologize for the ignorance shown by my comparison to pollution offsets. Besides your comment, I also read a little more in this Wikipedia article. The theory of carbon offsets seems fairly sound, and I hope the execution is equally sound, although some people still view it as open to question.

    Buy that SUV, but plant a few more trees.

  25. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    I was thing carbon credits instead of carbon offsets. I like carbon offsets. In 20 years we’ll have more firewood to burn.

  26. Smith says:

    #23- “The VAST VAST majority of climatologists agree the earth (on avg) is warming fast. The DEBATE is over why and what’s causing it.”

    Ignoring for a moment what the VAST VAST majority of climatologist say, I decided to look for myself. A quick google for “annual global temperatures” brought me immediately to a site at NASA webpage that is attributed to none other than the Pope of Global Warming, Dr. J. Hansen.

    As I studied his Figure 1a. “Global-Mean Surface Temperature Anomaly,” something seemed odd about his line for the 5-year mean. It took me the better part of an hour using Excel, but I finally discovered that the line was shifted to the left by two years. What an odd error for such a distinguished scientist to make. I suppose it is only coincidence that the error made global warming more dramatic and immediate.

    I’m sure it was only an innocent error. Still, it makes me wonder what other mistakes have been made by “climatologists.”

  27. Gary Marks says:

    #31 Smith, it would appear that the 5-year mean figure is simply plotted at the middle of the 5-year time period, rather than at its end. So the 5-year mean for the period 1991-1995 would be plotted at 1993, not 1995 (the 2-year shift you mentioned). I’m no climatologist, but I’m not sure why one might consider that terribly invalid (it seems reasonable to me). Even so, I don’t think it has caused any radical glitch in the science of the debate.

  28. Smith says:

    #32 — Of course you are correct. How silly of me to think he was being disingenuous in his representation of the data.

  29. Gary Marks says:

    Let me put it another way, Smith. You seemed so anxious to find disingenuousness, that you took an entirely reasonable (and probably standard) method of representing the data, declared it erroneous, and promoted it to such importance as to call his entire process into question. I’ll merely agree with you that this was silly.

  30. Mr. Fusion says:

    The neo-cons are salivating now. How they just jump on this bullshit story and claim it must be true, they read it on the internet.

    Ok, assholes, just answer how they got Gore’s billing information. FYI, that would be considered private information and subject to privacy laws. Oh, they found a brown envelope on their doorstep. Fabricating bullcrap is the hallmark of Karl Rove and whether he is responsible or not, it is similar of what he does. Now, show me where Al Gore confirmed this? It wasn’t in the article. Oh ya, more invention.


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