Called cops on himself!

Cripes. Read the whole tale for a real eye-roller. – Suspect: Girl, 12, was his girlfriend — A 41-year-old Northern California man accused of molesting a 12-year-old Ontario girl he met over a phone chat line told police he was in love with the child and considered her his girlfriend, according to police reports contained in his court file…
The relationship came to light in February after Hakmiller called Ontario police from Northern California and asked them to check on the child because he feared she had been raped in her home.

Officers who responded found no evidence of an assault or disruption. The girl, however, did disclose her relationship with Hakmiller to the officers. She told them he was her boyfriend and she was in love with him.

  1. James Hill says:

    That’s quite the perversion…

  2. Kevin says:

    wow….. just wow…. I’m 28, I usually date younger women, but not KIDS! My Gods! If a woman is under 23, I usually can’t even have a conversation with her. This is just wrong on so many levels.

  3. skeptical steve says:

    i know i’m an old fart but

    the parents were okay with this..
    where did they live, the local crack house?

  4. SN says:

    2. “where did they live, the local crack house?”

    Apparently Ontario has moved to Mississippi.

  5. He looks a bit odd and the little girls brain isn’t fully developed.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    Please pass the Darwin Award. We have a winner in the making. Geeze, batter make up a few awards, there’s a whole family.

  7. Greg Allen says:

    When I was in my late 20s, I was a youth pastor. I was visiting the home of one of the youth groups kids. She was in her early teens. The parents didn’t go to the church so I figured it would be good to introduce myself.

    As the visit progressed, It dawned on me that they thought I was visiting to date their daughter!.

    And they were enthusiast about it!

  8. Greg Allen says:

    …and — no — I didn’t date the girl, just in case you were wondering.

  9. prophet says:

    Greg Allen – Did you date her brother?

  10. Paul says:

    That’s so far away from the usual “half-plus-seven” rule for a creepy age difference that I don’t want to even think about it.

  11. Maarten says:

    Well I think it should be legal if the parents think it is acceptable. Why not, because the parents are the caretakers when a child is under age. The parents are ready to make such decisions. Only problem there might be to me is when the girl isn’t fertile, but that is mostly because it is wasted time.

    Mostly this response is based on the fact everyone always start shouting: bad, bad, bad, evil, devil and ugly. At least this is an new opinion to these issues.

  12. TJGeezer says:

    The guy is weird and wacky, apparently sincere and not a model of high intelligence. Hard to see how he has avoided winning a Darwin Award for 42 years. As for the girl, given her parents’ attitude, maybe they saw this guy as her last chance at salvation from an ugly street life. In any case I bet there’s more to the story here than we know about.

    The guy’s not gonna have much fun in jail, and even if he beats the charge I bet Canada won’t let him in anymore.

  13. venom monger says:

    Apparently Ontario has moved to Mississippi.

    Can you explain that?

  14. Gig says:

    #12 So if the parents ok’d the child being in porn movies you’d thik that was alright?

  15. cuatro says:

    #12 what does your comment mean??? especially the end statement where you say …
    *quote* Only problem there might be to me is when the girl isn’t fertile, but that is mostly because it is wasted time.*quote*

    I agree that the parents should be able to raise their child and be ok but the parents should be put in jail for being stupid. What would cause a grown man to pursue a relationship with a preteen girl? why won’t any women his age or at least in their 20’s hook up with this man that he needs to “love” a 12 year old..

  16. Disuse says:

    This man is a sick puppy…

    But it’s even worse when you read your local paper and find out he lives in your town!

    Local news story

  17. Maarten says:

    #16 Not that many generations ago such age differences where not that big of a deal. Most important was whether the girl was ready to reproduce.

    I think this man can not be that evil because he caused him self to be caught. I believe the most harmful people in this issue are the parents. I do doubt that there is any law to punish the parents in such a situation.

    Besides no one should be in jail because they are stupid. They should be in jail because they brake the law intentionally. In any other case of breaking the law there should be (at least some) lenience.

    Also I want to add that if the guy would be rich and both of them would be double there age not that many people would make such a fuss about it.


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