A Secret History – New York Times: Article about the contributions of women to Islam through history and the erosion of religious education for women in their society.

For Muslims and non-Muslims alike, the stock image of an Islamic scholar is a gray-bearded man. Women tend to be seen as the subjects of Islamic law rather than its shapers. And while some opportunities for religious education do exist for women, cultural barriers prevent most women in the Islamic world from pursuing such studies. Recent findings by a scholar at the Oxford Center for Islamic Studies in Britain, however, may help lower those barriers and challenge prevalent notions of women’s roles within Islamic society. Mohammad Akram Nadwi, a 43-year-old Sunni alim, or religious scholar, has rediscovered a long-lost tradition of Muslim women teaching the Koran, transmitting hadith (deeds and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad) and even making Islamic law as jurists.

Akram embarked eight years ago on a single-volume biographical dictionary of female hadith scholars, a project that took him trawling through biographical dictionaries, classical texts, madrasa chronicles and letters for relevant citations. “I thought I’d find maybe 20 or 30 women,” he says. To date, he has found 8,000 of them, dating back 1,400 years, and his dictionary now fills 40 volumes.

The erosion of women’s religious education in recent times, Akram says, reflects “decline in every aspect of Islam.” Flabby leadership and a focus on politics rather than scholarship has left Muslims ignorant of their own history. Islam’s current cultural insecurity has been bad for both its scholarship and its women, Akram says. “Our traditions have grown weak, and when people are weak, they grow cautious. When they’re cautious, they don’t give their women freedoms.”

  1. Mac Guy says:

    This will probably get covered up like the way the Catholic Church hides the fact that they once had gay union ceremonies and allowed priests to marry up until the 1300s.

  2. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    How marvelous that the promotion and perpetuation of primitve, regressive, xenophobic superstition is no longer the sole province of men. Indeed, we should never ignore the contributions that women can make to the Religion of Peace: http://tinyurl.com/2q24br

  3. Steve S says:

    Reporting a story like this used to be a good way to get a death sentence passed on you by some Islamic cleric. Maybe it still is…

  4. @$tr0Gh0$t says:

    Hardly, the article mentions the findings of a study performed by a muslin.

  5. Dennis says:

    Apparently, after this past College bombing this weekend, they blow up as nice martyrs also.
    Anyone know if they get 72 virgins also?

  6. Captainmicahp says:

    800 notable women out of the billions and billions of Muslims who have been alive in the last 1400 years, that truly is a massive contribution.

  7. Gary Marks says:

    One of the most poisonous aspects of Islamic culture is their lack of respect for women. Making the “secret history” of women’s contributions a little less secret is a step in the right direction, but we’re at a point in history where we desperately need to see some larger leaps. As long as anyone can allow themselves to view women as “unequal,” they can allow themselves all manner of discrimination.

    I may chide or even mock Christians for the hypocrisy of their modern views that contradict teachings from their own religion, but the fact is that even hypocritical progress is still progress. Sometimes I’ll take progress however it comes.

  8. ECA says:

    does this have anything to do with:
    “Might is right” ideal??
    Just cause I can kill you, MEANS Im right, so GET IN THE kitchen and make me some food.

  9. joshua says:

    I just read an article(but can’t remember where) this past week about Moracco and the first graduating class of woman Imans. The goverment started the program 4 or 5 years ago to **soften** Islam’s image. Apparently it’s not against Islamic teachings….they can do everything an Iman does, except preach in a Mosque.

    Even the militant Islamic fundamentalist party in Moracco likes the idea….but they object to the goverment doing it.


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