robert goddard

This announcement from Iran should come as no big surprise (contrary to the “expert” opinion in the article), as rocket technology has matured to the point a dedicated private individual could build a suborbital vehicle. The problem is that as the core enabling technologies become more widely spread the entire group of superpower wannabees are going to do this.

Iranian media say the country has successfully launched its first rocket capable of reaching space. But officials later said it was for research and would not go into orbit.

Experts say if Iran has fired a rocket into space it would cause alarm abroad as it would mean scientists had crossed important technological barriers.

Ali Akbar Golrou, executive director of the same facility, was later quoted by Fars news agency as saying the craft launched by was a sub-orbital rocket for scientific research. “What was announced by the head of the research centre was the news of launching this sounding rocket,” Mr Golrou said.

It would not remain in orbit but could rise to about 150km (94 miles) before a parachute-assisted descent to Earth.

So what do we do about this? This is about Iran, so there are military overtones, but what do we do when other countries start pushing into space?

  1. Dave says:

    Any country has the right to space travel, but I can’t say the same for nuclear weapons. If Iran were more secular and not led by idiots who threaten the existence of other countries, then them attaining nuclear weapons would not be such the big deal that it is now. But as far as space, I don’t see how we can say who can and cannot rightfully travel to the moon or wherever the hell they want. Or if they want to use satellites for surveillance. Everyone should have this right.

  2. gquaglia says:

    but what do we do when other countries start pushing into space?

    The question really is what do we do when countries start pushing into space are:
    1. Run by a fanatical madman
    2. Have an active nuclear weapons program
    3. Have made public statements that their goal is to wipe another country off the face of the earth.
    I think the answer is clear, but others like Russia and China think its better to stall, delay and all the while why the rest of the world is pondering the question, sell that country parts and equipment to make the madman’s dream a reality.
    If this isn’t dealt with somehow, the world is going to have a big problem on its hands. Europe let it happen once before, it seems like they are going to allow it again. Now with Russia and China on board, and don’t think for a minute they wouldn’t, we are posed for a new more powerful, communist state that would encompass most if not all of Europe. I’m just not sure how Putin is going to handle the Muslims after they have served their purpose.

  3. airwhale says:

    Iran don’t need it to go ballistic. If it can just hit Jerusalem on it’s way down, then as far as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is concened, “misson accomplished”.

  4. V says:

    America’s earliest space efforts all had military connections. There’s nothing wrong with that.

    Of course, if we were smart, we’d still be on decent enough terms with them that we could send engineers to work with their people, which could 1. ensure safety, keep debris down, and 2. notice if anything was built a little too much like a ballistic missile. With the space shuttle program going so well, it’s easy to forget this is the same country that saved Apollo 13. But since we’re not that smart… Maybe the Russians?

  5. Steve S says:

    “If Iran were more secular and not led by idiots who threaten the existence of other countries”

    Many other countries could use the exact same terms to describe the U.S. LOL

  6. Dave says:

    #4. Yes I agree with that completely. It’s much worse over there than it is here though. As much as I cannot stand Bush and his beliefs, we have to be thankful we don’t live in Egypt or Pakistan, where one can be imprisoned for speaking against the government or against Islam.

  7. Mark says:

    “This is about Iran, so there are military overtones, but what do we do when other countries start pushing into space? ”

    And what about private industry? Should they be banned from space also?

    The world is getting smaller by the day.

  8. TJGeezer says:

    Funny how the Bushies stopped talking about the bad hair madman of North Korea after they demonstrated rocketry and borderline nuclear capabilities. Why the hell do the right-wingers THINK their favorite external targets are scrambling to show off rockets and hint at knowing how to make nukes?

    Not saying the whole world shouldn’t use whatever pressure it can to reduce nuclear proliferation. But when a religious fanatic in charge of the U.S starts waving his saber at outside countries, nobody should be surprised if they wave sabers back. Especially considering the reputation the Bushies have earned for themselves (and the whole poor sucker U.S. population by extension) outside the U.S.

    Hint: It ain’t a reputation for loving peace or preferring diplomacy over war.

  9. gquaglia says:

    #8 How little you know about the ways of the world. Both N Korea and Iran are run by madmen. The US stance in the world has little to do with their respective nuclear programs and everything to do with ego and their manicle aspirations.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #9, gq, Your comment in #2,
    The question really is what do we do when countries start pushing into space are:
    1. Run by a fanatical madman
    2. Have an active nuclear weapons program
    3. Have made public statements that their goal is to wipe another country off the face of the earth.

    Describes the current American Administration. As TJ pointed out, this administration has made this world a much scarier place to live.

  11. gquaglia says:

    Mr Fusion – And you accuse me of making idiotic statements. While Bush may be many things, he is certainly not a fanatical madman. And last time I checked, Bush has never gone on record calling for wiping any country off the map.

  12. mxpwr03 says:

    “As TJ pointed out, this administration has made this world a much scarier place to live.” ooooooo scarrrry. I feel pretty good actually.

  13. bw says:

    It’s unfortunate that our culture is now dominated by forces determined to keep things just the way they are rather than developing new technologies for the benefit of mankind as a whole.

    Where once our corporate structures were a merititocracy, propelling men of foresight and genius to positions of leadership, we are now crushed by “the good old boy” network whose only goal is to eliminate competition and thus control the market.

    It is those forces who see the only option as being to bomb the shit out of Iran, destroy the infrastructure and then send in the Good Ol’ Boys in to rebuild at a leisurely and corrupt pace just like they are doing in Iraq.

    And we, as a nation, sit back and say “Duhhhh….”

    So sad.


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