All hail the Rev. Lonnie W. Latham, lord of the flip-flop! What is with all these gay preachers?

Associated Press – 2/22/07:

The lawyer for a former Baptist church leader who had spoken out against homosexuality said Thursday the minister has a constitutional right to solicit sex from an undercover policeman.

The Rev. Lonnie W. Latham had supported a resolution calling on gays and lesbians to reject their “sinful, destructive lifestyle” before his Jan. 3, 2006, arrest outside the Habana Inn in Oklahoma City.

Authorities say he asked the undercover policeman to come up to his hotel for oral sex.

His attorney, Mack Martin, filed a motion to have the misdemeanor lewdness charge thrown out, saying the Supreme Court ruled in the 2003 decision Lawrence v. Texas that it was not illegal for consenting adults to engage in private homosexual acts.

“Now, my client’s being prosecuted basically for having offered to engage in such an act, which basically makes it a crime to ask someone to do something that’s legal,” Martin said.

Found by Mister Justin.

  1. Scott Gant says:

    Why do they protest so much? Well, it’s often said that the ones that are really anti-gay and shout the most about how much of an abhorrent act it is are themselves actually closeted homosexuals. Now, I don’t know how true that is or if there have been any studies on it, but it sure seems to be the case with these guys doesn’t it.

  2. chris says:

    Pedro, i think what SN was saying was that the preacher was lord of the flip flop. I think that its this here that made me feel that way.
    “Rev. Lonnie W. Latham, lord of the flip-flop” but who knows ……..

  3. luke says:

    Scott, back at college we we’re told by our psychology teacher that a study had been done involving some sort of arousal detecting contraption attached to men. The men were then sat in front of porn of homosexual and heterosexual variaties. Those which were homophobic were found to be more likely to become aroused from the homosexual porn than the men who were not homophobic. I don’t know what the study was called tho.

  4. Kevin says:

    God Bless America! Everyone should be able to do whatever they want in the privacy of their own homes with other consenting adults. Sure he’s a hypocrite in every way, but that’s what makes this country great. Now if his followers truly believed what he has been preaching, they should shun him for his ” sinful, destructive lifestyle”.

    He should not be prosecuted for being an hypocritical asshole, especially if what his attorney says is true about everything he did was legal.

  5. Ascii King says:

    “What is it with all these gay preachers?”

    Does the job make you gay or is there something in the job that is appealing to young gay men? If a preference for homosexuality is something you are born with, then it means that for some reason a lot of gay men choose to be preachers.

    It would seem to me that to be a preacher you would need to be caring, compassionate and full of love. That sort of thing doesn’t interest us straight men who get off beating people up. 🙂

  6. Mister Justin says:


    Well, in the priesthood, like the boy scouts, a plethora of young boys really makes it inviting. Also, the Catholic priesthood doesn’t allow marriage, which I think is another slice of pie on the plate.

  7. Osiris7 says:

    “If there’s one thing you can’t hide….it’s when you’re crippled inside” –John Lennon

  8. Angel H. Wong says:

    Do you think Billy Graham, Pat Robertson and Jerry Fallwell do a 3some when no one’s watching?

  9. Marc Perkel says:

    I have to side with the preacher on this one. Technically he’s legally correct. No money was offered. But it couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.

  10. TJGeezer says:

    Why so many of them? I think when they’re deep in the closet, they go around masked all the time and that probably makes them more prone to lie about anything else, as well. Makes ’em natural right-wingers (NOT genuine conservatives – just radical right-wingers) because radicals also tend to work to undisclosed agendas. Hypocrisy becomes a modus operandi – maybe it’s habit-forming.

    Gotta wonder who was actually using fake reporter Jeff Gannon when he was given a free, no-background-check pass to the White House, for example. See for one artist’s reaction.

  11. ken says:

    why is this any surprise?

    all loud-mouth bible-thumping preachers end up being exposed as perverts, sick-o’s, degenerates, liars, thieves, and all-around scum, it’s inevitable.

    the louder a man proclaims to be a man of god, the more likely he is a snake in the grass.

    never trust a preacher.

  12. Lee says:

    He looks like he should be running a distopian future England, or something.


    Call V!

  13. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #13 – ken

    “the louder a man proclaims to be a man of god, the more likely he is a snake in the grass.”

    Try this one:
    “The louder he spoke of his honor, the faster we counted the spoons.”
    ~ Emerson

  14. Gary Marks says:

    Pastor Ted recently emerged from three weeks of intensive sexual counseling, fully reformed and “completely heterosexual.” Perhaps Reverend Lonnie can see the same therapist — he must be a miracle worker! Or maybe he just taught Haggard how to suppress his impulses even further. The main thing is he won’t be preaching any more, so I’m sure it’s all for the best.

    One less preacher is always a good thing 😉

  15. joshua says:

    #11….your right….legally, if the story is correct as to the circumstances, the Preacher is not guilty. No money was involved(apparently), they are both of age and under Texas law, it’s legal.

    My next question is….why was there an undercover cop there in the first place???

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    He was soliciting sex with strangers outside a Hotel. Many would consider that offensive and lewd.


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