US generals ‘will quit’ if Bush orders Iran attack

SOME of America’s most senior military commanders are prepared to resign if the White House orders a military strike against Iran, according to highly placed defence and intelligence sources.
“There are four or five generals and admirals we know of who would resign if Bush ordered an attack on Iran,” a source with close ties to British intelligence said. “There is simply no stomach for it in the Pentagon, and a lot of people question whether such an attack would be effective or even possible.”

The threat of a wave of resignations coincided with a warning by Vice-President Dick Cheney that all options, including military action, remained on the table.

  1. JT says:

    Which will come first? The end of Bush’s term in office or the start of World War 3?

  2. Tim says:

    yeah right. Absolutely ZERO would resign because they all want to retire at their rank or get promoted to one last star. Absolutely ZERO have resigned over Iraq or Afghanistan. How do I know that ZERO would resign? Because if they had the balls of conviction, they would have no qualms about having their names published. Instead, we get some half-arse report about unnamed generals and admirals from unnamed sources in the defence and intelligence communities. Get real. Besides, it’s a mute threat if you don’t put a name to it.

  3. chitown says:

    I agree with you #2. and even if some of those folks resigned, there will always be earger up and comer who wil fill their place. politically it may look bad, but if they really want it Bush and company would have their attack.

  4. Jägermeister says:

    As noble as it sounds, I think Tim (#2) is right… it won’t be many resignations since these folks wants their promotions and pensions.

  5. Petrov says:

    Bush should just back off from both Iran and North Korea. Let them develope their nukes. Cats out of the bag anyway.

    When the US gets hit with the bomb(s), both nations will get turned into radioactive slag anyway…

    If that doesn’t deter them, nothing will. Welcome to MAD club. :-/

  6. Mike says:

    Just one question – besides the speculation of bloggers and the media, who is even talking about attacking Iran in the first place.

  7. TJGeezer says:

    #9 – Cheney. You know, the chicken hawk who occupies the Vice President’s office, when he isn’t living underground somewhere.

  8. TJGeezer says:

    Hmm… #7 should’a referred to #6, sorry. Vertical dyslexia?

  9. tallwookie says:

    #1 – only… 17 months, (i think) to see which way its goin

  10. James Hill says:

    #2 nailed it, but right now the military isn’t in a position to hit Iran. It needs serious build up… just like Iraq… before that can happen. Even Bush knows that.

  11. joshua says:

    When I read this piece yesterday in the Times, my first thought was…..bullshit!!! My second thought was….Uncle Dave will latch on to this like lint on velcro.

    As most Americans know(we assume) the military takes it’s orders from the civilian goverment in the form of the President as Commander In Chief….period!!! To resign is their right and privlidge. Good luck working as Wal-Mart greeters afterwards.

  12. Nekkes says:

    #2 I agree. Just look at all of the gutless politicians. They bitch and moan about “Bush this and Bush that….no way, no how” and then they do not have the balls to vote against sending more troops. Bunch of sissies!

  13. Guyver says:

    Jimmy Carter is pretty much the source of our problems with Iran today. Amazing how little is said of that, but Bush will probably take a bullet for this one too.

  14. moss says:

    Ah, me. #13 – you might try reading beyond some nutsy neocon blog to learn a little Middle East history.

    Iran had a democratic secular government elected in the 1950’s. Because they wouldn’t play kissy-kissy with the Eisenhower government, the CIA engineered a coup to overthrow that government and reinstate the royals.

    Do you think Iranians forgot about that?

  15. Guyver says:

    14) Last time I checked the current regime is there as a result of the Carter administration. Not some neocon blog saying that to be the case. Perhaps the military is mistaken on the matter.

    As for Iranians “forgetting” what the CIA did prior to the Carter administration, I suppose it all depends on what info the current regime spoon feeds the masses over there. Afterall, a lot of the world’s general public including our own “believed” our going into Afghan was a war against Islam, when in the late 90s we were involved in saving Muslims from Christians in Kosovo…. I guess they forgot about that, eh?

    For the sheeple, last year’s news is a distant memory. As for neocons being nutsy, I guess it’s all relative. I’m Libertarian so I have the same disdain towards extreme liberals as well as extreme conservatives. But I do like to hear their viewpoints, even though extreme liberals have a tendency to lash out in ad hominum comments when they disagree with someone.

    Whatever the case may be, it’s quite easy to make people “forget” what happens in the past. Take Japan for instance. Their new history policy forbids the teaching of what Japan did in other countries that led up to and during WWII in their school system. What are the chances an extreme fudamentalist religious regime would do the same thing?

  16. MikeN says:

    Yeah this article is so well sourced. I can’t blame Uncle Dave for jumping at rumors if its in the Times though.


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