Click pic to grab your nuts while it’s still legal
From the ‘you just can’t make this crap up,’ department:
Fake Private Parts Are No Joke, Myers Says
Maryland Del. LeRoy E. Myers Jr. to truckers: If you’ve got ’em, you don’t need to flaunt ’em.
As the General Assembly debates global warming and the death penalty, Myers (R-Washington) has something else on his mind: the outsized plastic testicles that truckers dangle from the trailer hitches of their pickups.
His bill would prohibit motorists from displaying anything resembling or depicting “anatomically correct” or “less than completely and opaquely covered” human or animal genitals, human buttocks or female breasts.
Luckily, his bill doesn’t go too far.
A hunter could still throw a freshly killed and uncovered deer in the back of his pickup, though, because the deer’s body parts would be real, Myers said.
With any luck, this will go the way of the proposed ban on the naked lady mudflaps.
The truck ornament industry is not amused. “It’s not a perverted sexual thing at all,” said David Ham, founder of Your Nutz, a San Diego-based business that sells more than 200 kinds of fake testicles.

Blue balls
These things are ridiculous, I had figured that these were used to let others know you were gayer than a rainbow sticker could convey.
#1 .. Ah yes, good observation. Who would a thunk that straight males could actually be as perverted as gays.
This is “gateway legislation” that could lead to the banning of the Whoopie Cushion. Before it’s too late, we need to stand up, or rather sit down and be heard.
I say let rednecks be rednecks.
For me it poses this question: Who is worse, the pathetic mouth-breathing cretins who actually buy these things, or the terminally anal-retentive church ladies who thinks the law is meant to be used to punish stupidity and bad taste?
Either way Lauren, it doesn’t lend itself to much hope.
Yeah, I say so too… they make great entertainment.
Tastes just like Chicken!!
Add some strategically placed dog or Mink fur and the church ladies would buy them to wear as collars.
Chronic assaholics!!
Please fix the cowboy crap!
You can’t miss the flip-off-the-PC-crowd humor of mounting that ornament behind an overpowered pickup truck. Better yet, they’ve yanked the chain of a humorless politician.
As Improbus and Jägermeister say – let the natives be. Them boys just wanna have fun.
Those look just like my balls!
I want some royalties, or at least a sharp salute from the bois and gurls.
The people that are crying about this and trying to ban these are probably the same people who voted for Obabma. So go figure, This is what this world is coming to! Why an American would Vote for a Guy that Won,t even Pledge the Allegiance to the United States Flag is Beyond Me!!! Then people wonder why things are getting so Bad!
Its a joke just like the election results. Put your big girl panties on and deal with it.
Uncle-Dave: David Ham (
Guilty of Bait and Switch Tactics:
David Ham can’t compete with better value, so he resorts to defamation of character, slander and outright lies with the help of Kenneth Ham (brother?)
They both hide under false names and are in violation of Registered Trademark Laws.
They don’t sell what they claim, but phony copies, bad designs and cheaply made products.
This guy is a joke, and is being sued for his illegal activities. Don’t buy from him.
David Ham? Oh, yeah, Uncle-Dave. The Duo of David and Kenneth Ham.
They run the Bate and Switch Web site. See
– –
They are also co-conspirators in the of Defamation of Character (coming to a court near you soon!) and Cyber-Terrorism.
I wouldn’t buy from them, don’t say you haven’t been warned.
You know what goes good with those fake testicle ornaments? A tattoo on the guy’s cheek with an arrow pointing to his mouth and the words “insert penis here”.