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wcbstv.com – Officials To Review Rat-Infested KFC Inspection — The story about the rats in the restaurant is looking a little suspicious as the event seems a little peculiar as if someone planted the rats as part of a extortion scheme or something onerous. Inspectors never found rat dropping before and saw no rats ever. Now this blow up. I think the police need to look into the matter as well as the health department. You have to ask yourselves why were the rats suddenly there and in the daylight?

NEW YORK Health officials are going to review the inspection of a Greenwich Village KFC/Taco Bell, which was completed one day after CBS 2 cameras caught dozens of rats scurrying across the store, jumping on tables, and climbing into food trays.

“It doesn’t look like the inspection that was done Thursday met our standards,” said Geoffrey Cowley, a health department spokesman. “I don’t want to prejudge that. We’re concerned and we’re going to carefully revaluate that inspection.”

The restaurant located at Sixth Avenue and West 4th Street was investigated Thursday following complaints, but the inspector didn’t see any rats.

In addition, the same restaurant passed both of its inspections last year, although it was fined $1,300 for some violations which included mice dropping

follow-up by Aric Mackey

  1. malren says:

    You know, this makes sense. I have raised many a domestic rat, and these rats in the video were many things.

    1. Fed and full. Some to the point of being obese.
    2. Berks. White bellies, ticked agouti backs…that’s not exactly common among NYC sewer rats.
    3. Acting like they were entirely comfortable running around during daylight and around people. Wild rats, even city rats, are nocturnal and do not act comfortable around people.

    They very well may have been a domestic colony dumped to extort the place.

  2. Timbo says:

    The restaurants in Florida are DEAD right now, after potential customers were besieged with videos of rats in a small restaurant in New York. People tend to generalize.

    The government may want to step in and prejudge the issue as sabotage just to save the restaurants from bankruptcy. Yes, the economy is that fragile.

    But it does actually look like sabotage, since the rats were domesticated enough not to hide in daylight.

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    Those are not rats, those are chihuahuas.

  4. GaryInMiami says:

    Those are not rats, those are chihuahuas.

    If that’s what they are then maybe it was really a Taco Bell in which case there’s no story here. Move along please. LOL

  5. Original poster should have examined the available facts first… Couple of different NYC TV stations have posted official health records of this store for past 4 years. These show increasing levels of various infestations. It started with insects, excalated to mice and in the last two inspections (about year back) they first have had “evidence of rats or dead rats” and than “rats and rat droppings” last November…
    I think the inspector is covering his own backside as one of the questions abovementioned TV reporters asked the health department is “why the restoraunt have not been forced to solve reported problems for years…”.

  6. donald says:

    Mice will not live in an area where rats live – they do not get along very well.
    If there was evidence of mouse droppings in the previous years inspection, then there were surely no rats there then.

    And yes, the rats in the video behaved just like domesticated rats . . .. . I used to have them as pets a few years ago. Very clean animals in fact 🙂

  7. GrabThis says:

    REALLY dirty things:

    1. Shopping Cart Handle
    2. Door Knobs / Light Switches
    3. Computer Mice / Keyboards
    4. Hand Straps on Buses
    5. Bathroom Stall Door Knobs / Toilet Flusher
    6. Elevator Buttons
    7. Steering Wheels
    8. Gas Pump Handles
    9. Remote Controls

    Touched any of those recently? Ever picked your nose, scratched yourself, wanked, etc. — then handled your PC mouse? So have your friends/family/roomies…

    Think about it, and you’re concerned about rats? It’s probably due to the age-old fear of bubonic plague. Get over it. Wash your hands.

  8. Steve S says:

    “Ever picked your nose, scratched yourself, wanked, etc. — then handled your PC mouse?”
    Well you just described my morning routine. Are you a psychic or do you have a web cam pointed at my computer chair? 😉

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    #7, Geeze, did you have to make it so personal. Hey, I washed my hands last week.


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