UPDATE: Interview with 72-hour hubby. He’s freaked.

Apparently fed up!

Britney goes off her brolly | Sunday Herald Sun — I now blame this woman’s handlers for letting her get like this in the first place. It seems to be getting worse by the day. And it seems she’s gained 60 pounds. Was she on a starvation diet for the last decade? This meltdown is now a phenomenon.

My advice? Do not let this woman near a gun.

When the former high priestess of pop was filmed on Thursday attacking a photographers car with an umbrella, any opportunity for Team Britney to limit the damage caused by her previously erratic behaviour was gone.

Spearss shocking, self-administered buzz cut earlier in the week could have been forgiven as a rebellious act or an impulsive attempt at an image revamp.

But once the footage emerged of her bashing a photographers four-wheel-drive with the umbrella while hurling a stream of foul language, it was clear the singer was no longer merely lonely, confused and erratic. She was perilously close to – if not beyond – breaking point.

Spears climbed out of her car at a traffic light and attacked one of the photographers who have followed her since her return to LA, after reportedly checking out of an Antiguan rehab clinic in less than 24 hours.

With her eyes wide and her teeth gritted, she took the paparazzi by surprise with the ferocity of her actions. One photographer suffered scratches and bruises on his back from the beating before Spears sped off.

The miserable Daily Mail in London made this report which might be dubious, but still interesting — this is a slip from yet another gossip rag:

The paper is also reporting what led to the latest white hot meltdown. According to friends, Britney’s current volatile state is due in part to clashes with her mother. “After she broke up with Kevin, Britney went into wild partying mode. One night she took home two female lapdancers with her. And the next day she told Lynne, “I’ve had it with men – I’m off them”.

“Her mother lost it with her. She is devoutly religious and was telling her it was against God what she was suggesting. She was telling her she was possessed by the Devil. Lynne was saying she needed to go to rehab to cleanse her soul.”

related link:
Suicide watch?

Next stop on the train? The made-for TV movie with Christina Aguilera playing Britney and Morgan Fairchild playing Paris Hilton. Script! Title? MELTDOWN. It’s gold, Jerry! Gold!

Christina, more versatile, less bald.

UPDATE: Tales of Drug Use Now Hit the Headlines in London

  1. RTaylor says:

    What’s the problem? My wife has a bit more hair and heavier, but attacking me with an umbrella would be close to normal. 😉

  2. Danijel says:

    What’s with all this obsession with Britney Spears, John? That’s like the fifth post in the series on the same topic… Shouldn’t you be concentrating on technical things on this blog and leave this junk to tabloids?

  3. I like the diversion. It’s unique. Besides noobody wants to read technical blather on a weekend.

  4. Jägermeister says:

    Time for Britney to dress up.

  5. Gary Marks says:

    I don’t think Britney was spanked enough as a child. It may be too late now, but I’m certainly willing to give it a try.

  6. Central Coast says:

    #2 Agreed !!!
    Please for the love of God No more Britney !!!

    Please practice this obsession fascination of Britney in the privacy of your own home. (Remember the shades) 😉
    Thank You 🙂

  7. JT says:

    John, you’ve gone from picking on Britain to picking on Britney. What have you got against the Brits?

  8. Max Bell says:

    I can’t wait to tell my retarded sister that Brittany turned lesbian — when Lance Bass outed, she responded with a world-weary sigh and commented that “Everyone I know is changing.”

    Please, Brittany, won’t you think of the special ed students?

  9. Jägermeister says:


    Next up is Brittany… 😉

  10. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    I agree with all the anti-Britney folks…

    Look… I’m really not a drag at parties… but pop stars are not interesting. I’d rather talk about health care, Iraq, the Internet, Vista, civil rights, public education… you know… News that actually impacts all our lives.

    She’s a talentless mousekateer who was marketed for 12 year olds. Who freakin’ cares?

    Celebrity news simply is not news at all. She’s just a hick who happens to be famous, and should never have been allowed to be famous in the first place.

  11. Michael says:

    Britney Spears is just plain stupid and at her heart, untalented. That’s all it is. Rehab is not going to help her. She’s not a drunk…she’s not hopped up on coke. The whole angle of her out partying was that she wasn’t wearing underwear…that’s just being trash…not trashed.

  12. OK..This is my last BS post.

  13. Mac Guy says:

    Thank god. Didn’t we learn with Anna Nicole? What’s with our obsession with following celebrities to the point of stalking? If I had people following me 24/7, watching and reporting my every move, I’d probably lose it, too. (except for the black helicopters – they’re cool)

    For christ’s sake, let’s leave these people alone and stop ruining lives.

  14. Anonymous Coward says:

    I heard Britney will be involved in a remake of Gun Smoke. She will play the part of Hoss Cartwright.

  15. Gary Marks says:

    Honestly, I thought we were just doing it for the jokes. I swear to God I never meant to be stalking Ms. Spears.

    Let me off the stalker bus right now!

  16. Jag says:

    john just hates the BRITS!

  17. gquaglia says:

    Two words: Trailer Trash
    No more need be said.

  18. jccalhoun says:

    What the hell is “brolly”???

  19. aintnuthinbutac++thang says:

    keep the spears posts up, j.c.d.!

    we all have the rare privilege of witnessing a major celebrity self-destruct; it’s the implosion of the american dream!

    i wasn’t around for elvis, but i imagine this is almost as good, if not better.

    dvorak uncensored is the perfect resource for staying up to date on this ultra hot topic…

    schadenfreude anyone?

  20. Bryan Zinser says:

    maybe she has cancer

  21. uketommyv says:

    What tha hell is wrong with this b!@7(c)h . someones got to help her some how. ill buy her a bullet , she can rent the gun.

  22. prophet says:

    I remember WAY back in 1998 when Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears first came out, Aguilera was leading the rock’n’roll, sleep with anything with 2 legs, party all night movement.

    Who would have thought that 9 years later, Christina has changed her lifestyle enough to actually be considered classy and the good Christian girl Britney is bringing home strippers?

  23. sandy says:

    Apparently fed up! Apparently Stupid! She is out of controll and needs to be committed by a judge…would not be funny had she bashed a baby’s head in now would it??? come on stop feeding the news with this unworthy crap~

  24. TJGeezer says:

    Last Britney post or not, it has been a diversion. John, I hope you’ll make room for one more Britney post when she hits bottom and either lives or dies. Right now it looks like it could go either way. And let’s face it – you’re the one who got the more weak-minded and manipulable among us hooked on the topic. (Nobody else need raise their hand.)

  25. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    OK, for me, fun’s over.

    At this point, I don’t see her any more as a misguided adult making stupid decisions and earning the world’s justified contempt, but instead, still an immature, not-terribly-bright small-town girl rushed too fast into a lifestyle beyond what she can handle.

    Anna Nicole she’s not. I actually feel sorry for her now, and hope she doesn’t come to a tragic end. Despite her age, she’s still just a kid, in way over her head.

  26. YUP…and that’s why this is the last post. Hopefully some of her early friends can come to her rescue.


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