Associated Press – February 24, 2007, 10:43 PM EST:

Automated speed and red-light cameras might be catching traffic scofflaws, but they’re also busting police rushing to respond to emergencies, a union representing officers says.

District of Columbia officers are spending months writing letters in an attempt to get out of the tickets from the cameras, which snap pictures of speeders and those running red lights, said Kristopher Baumann, chairman of the D.C. chapter of the Fraternal Order of Police.

“It’s just an enormous waste of resources and an enormous waste of time,” Baumann told The Washington Times.

To fight a ticket, officers often must get a letter from their commanders, as well as radio logs and other records to prove they were responding to a legitimate emergency. Some are still called into court.

“We have had individual instances where officers on legitimate calls for emergency services were captured by photo red-light cameras, and as long as they can justify their actions, then more than likely the infraction will be dismissed,” Gresham said.

Back in the 80s I had a good friend who was a cop. He sped everywhere he drove. If he was pulled over he’d simply flash his badge and they’d laugh and let him go. Now that machines are giving out tickets in a fair manner, the cops want their own private system to get rid of them. And they’ll get it too.

  1. GaryInMiami says:

    Now that machines are giving out tickets in a fair manner, the cops want their own private system to get rid of them.

    That is such an unfair and misleading comment. This involves cops on their way to emergencies while they are on-duty. If a cop gets caught speeding in his own car, on his own time then he should get a ticket. But not while he’s doing his job. Come on!

  2. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    This merely exposes a situation that has existed for some time, it’s just getting a lot worse, apparently.

    We as a society cannot expect fair, evenhanded enforcement of the law when the enforcers are permitted, even encouraged and abetted by their superiors, to believe that they’re exempt from the laws the rest of of are compelled to obey.

    Cop: “You sound like a cop-hater.”
    PM: “No, I like cops just fine, until they start thinking the law is only for civilians.”
    ~ Philip Marlowe

  3. SN says:

    1. “That is such an unfair and misleading comment. “

    Actually, it’s a completely fair and accurate comment. Back when cops gave out speeding tickets, other cops were never ticketed. You honestly believe that cops are suddenly willing to be ticketed?! If you really believe that you must be the most naive person on the planet.

    And if you read the article you’ll find that cops have their own private system in Baltimore. In other words, they don’t have to go to traffic court like everyone else, their friends and bosses take care of the tickets for them.

  4. KB says:

    To fight a ticket, officers often must get a letter from their commanders, as well as radio logs and other records to prove they were responding to a legitimate emergency.

    How can any reasonable person object to these simple requirements?

    I’ve been wondering how long it would be before the cops started bitching. You and I know what is happening: Cops are running the lights when they are not on an emergency, and are pissed that they’re finally being held accountable, occasionally. The thin blue lie exposed.

  5. Bryan Price says:

    My MP son got a ticket last week. He paid it.

  6. gquaglia says:

    I didn’t read anywhere in the article that the officers were off duty. It sounds to me like they are getting tickets while they are working (on duty) That is ridiculous. The funny thing is, the same anti cop folks here that are bashing the cops for speeding are probably the same assholes that complain when the cops don’t get to their house quick enough when they need them.
    Also you are demanding equal treatment when it comes to speeding, but when a cop makes a mistake or screws up, you want his head, unlike what would happen to you if you did the same.
    Equal treatment when it suits you, that what many of you stand for.

  7. SN says:

    6. “I didn’t read anywhere in the article that the officers were off duty.”

    The cops are driving their owns cars. Think about it.

    “It sounds to me like they are getting tickets while they are working (on duty) “

    There is a system set up for people who are given unjustified tickets. It’s called traffic court. If these cops truly have justification for driving their own cars, without any lights or sirens, through red lights or above the speed limit, the courts can deal with it in an open and public manner. I see no reason for the police to have their own private and internal system.

    “Also you are demanding equal treatment when it comes to speeding, but when a cop makes a mistake or screws up, you want his head”

    I don’t know where this is coming from. If a cop “scews up” and kills somebody with his gun, he should be treated the same as anyone who “screws up” and kills somebody with his gun. And of course the same should true of running red lights and speeding while off duty.

  8. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Even on duty, when not responding to a call or effecting a traffic stop, they are required to obey all traffic laws in every jurisdiction that I’m familiar with.

    When I see a cop, in the middle of the night, with no one watching, stop at a red light and wait, at least I know there’s one I won’t have to worry about unfair treatment from…

  9. SN says:

    “When I see a cop, in the middle of the night, with no one watching, stop at a red light and wait…”

    You’ve actually seen this?! Wow, have you ever seen a yeti or the loch ness monster?!

  10. GaryInMiami says:

    3. Actually, it’s a completely fair and accurate comment.

    From the article:
    Automated speed and red-light cameras might be catching traffic scofflaws, but they’re also busting police rushing to respond to emergencies, a union representing officers says.

    Does the article make any mention of cops being ticketed when they are off-duty? No, it does not. So what you’re trying to do is confuse the issues.

    Again I say, if a cop gets a ticket while off-duty he/she deserves the ticket.

    If they’re on-duty and, let’s say speeding to your house because you heard a burglar downstairs, they do not deserve a ticket.

    The article is referring to cops on duty and you’re referring to cops off-duty. You can’t have it both ways so make up your mind if you want to debate the facts or be a sensationalist.

  11. SN says:

    “they’re also busting police rushing to respond to emergencies”

    I’ll say it again…

    There is a system set up for people who are given unjustified tickets. It’s called traffic court. If these cops truly have justification for driving their own cars, without any lights or sirens, through red lights or above the speed limit, the courts can deal with it in an open and public manner. I see no reason for the police to have their own private and internal system.

    “So what you’re trying to do is confuse the issues.”

    Nope, I’m living in reality. You’re living in a delusional dream world.

    “If they’re on-duty and, let’s say speeding to your house because you heard a burglar downstairs, they do not deserve a ticket.”

    I’ll say it yet again….

    There is a system set up for people who are given unjustified tickets. It’s called traffic court. If these cops truly have justification for driving their own cars, without any lights or sirens, through red lights or above the speed limit, the courts can deal with it in an open and public manner. I see no reason for the police to have their own private and internal system.

    “The article is referring to cops on duty and you’re referring to cops off-duty. You can’t have it both ways”

    I’ll say it yet again…

    There is a system set up for people who are given unjustified tickets. It’s called traffic court. If these cops truly have justification for driving their own cars, without any lights or sirens, through red lights or above the speed limit, the courts can deal with it in an open and public manner. I see no reason for the police to have their own private and internal system.

    How many cops in Baltimore get away without paying for legitimate traffic tickets with their closed internal system? Answer: We don’t know because it’s a closed internal system with cops helping other cops.

  12. eddie says:

    A little story about off duty officers–An RX7 in front of me came to a complete stop in the middle of the road. I could see that the driver was turned and looking at a large dog inside a fenced yard. Since the driver had completely stopped, I pulled around him on the right, crossing a double yellow line in the process. He starts chasing me in his car, waving his fist at me, driving dangerously close to my bumper. Being a peace loving citizen, I felt no need to confront him, and headed quickly (speeding) toward the nearest police station. Seeing a police car, I was relieved to see him pull out to pull us over. Apparently the RX7 driver was an off duty cop who wanted me ticketed for crossing a double yellow. Naturally, coming to a complete stop in a road without signaling was no problem, nor was giving chase in a neighborhood, or acting like the king of road rage. So after they (the on duty officer and the off duty officer) decided not to arrest me, I got ticketed for crossing the double yellow line. On my way home from church no less!

    I commend these machines for their fair and balanced behavior. And another musing, who speeds when driving on the clock anyway? Not me, and probably not police officers.

  13. Groovin! says:

    Gotta love this:

  14. Groovin! says:

    Gotta love this (trying something, if you don’t see a graphic, go to

    Great fun…

  15. GaryInMiami says:

    SN, it’s a complete waste of my time to debate someone who misrepresents the story he himself posted and then goes on to act like a child repeating the same thing over and over as if doing so will somehow make it true. It won’t. I’m outta here.

  16. PBFT says:

    So, how many cops rush to an emergency when they are off duty? They are supposed to be carrying their weapon off duty as well. I doubt that they are rushing to any emergencies when there are other colleagues working on duty. If all of the police were on call 24 hours then we wouldn’t need as many. I don’t begrudge them wanting a life outside of police work but looking for an exemption from traffic violations is BS. If they had any brains then they would use it as an excuse why they shouldn’t have to help with emergencies and the city needs to hire more cops. Pretend like it’s a safety issue.

  17. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    GaryInMiami and SN –

    I think you guys have been talking past each other.

    SN, when Gary said the article was about on-duty cops, he was right – that’s what it’s about. So when he pointed that out to you, you kept referring to “…driving their own cars, without any lights or sirens…” – but that’s not who got the tickets! When they talk about proving their innocence with radio logs, that means they were on-duty. They don’t have radios in their private cars – and they don’t get radio calls when they’re off-duty…

    If you’re saying that they should be ticketed even on-duty if they’re not on a call, I agree with you 110%… but even you must admit that if those fucking cameras are creating a stream of tickets for cops who are legitimately on emergency calls, that would be a genuine, unjustified pain in the ass, am I right??

    – – – –

    And on your response to my post there –

    “When I see a cop, in the middle of the night, with no one watching, stop at a red light and wait…”

    You’ve actually seen this?! Wow, have you ever seen a yeti or the loch ness monster?!

    Yes, truly – and more than once – and in, of all the unlikely places, Houston… how’s them apples? 🙂

  18. J says:

    We don’t agree on global warming but I agree with you all the way on this one.

  19. noname says:

    Police cars have lights and sirens to warn other drivers to move out of the way of their speeding vehicle and to run red lights. If they don’t have lights blaring and sirens on then they should not create a public hazard by speeding or running red lights, period.

    Enough with this two tier society. Supposedly in a democracy every one obeys the law, even presidents. Enough with the excuses and exceptions.

  20. Grrr says:

    I’m with #2. And on-duty cops don’t deserve a pass – unless they’re responding to an emergency. If they’re on-duty and responding to a non-emergency it would be nice if they obeyed the laws they’re sworn to uphold. (I can dream…)

  21. Noam Sane says:

    Wow, 20 comments and not a single donut joke. Impressive.

    Supposedly in a democracy every one obeys the law, even presidents.

    Yeah. Supposedly.

  22. Roc Rizzo says:

    Don’t you people know that the police don’t have to obey the law, because they *are* the law. So says most of the police that I am in contact with daily.

  23. GaryInMiami says:

    Thank you Lauren. It’s nice to know there’s at least one other person here who’s an adult.

    BTW, I agree with you about ticketing cops who are speeding while on-duty but not on a call. Perhaps they should be treated even more harshly than us regular citizens. It’ll never happen but it’s nice to dream.

    I also noticed SN doesn’t have the balls to jump in here and defend himself. That’s because he knows he’s wrong. I’m sure it won’t be the last time.

    I’m listening to John on TWiT now. You should take some lessons from your mentor SN.

  24. Mr. Fusion says:

    I also noticed SN doesn’t have the balls to jump in here and defend himself. That’s because he knows he’s wrong. I’m sure it won’t be the last time.

    Comment by GaryInMiami — 2/26/2007 @ 10:06 am

    No, more like SN is having dinner, playing with his kids, taking out the garbage, reading / writing a brief, or anyone of the myriad of things a normal guy has to do.


    I met our Sheriff at lunch today and mentioned this post. He told me about two weeks after the election, and warning his deputies about speeding, he caught a deputy at the end of his shift speeding back to the station. Wrote him a ticket. An hour later, in the exact same spot, the Sheriff stopped him again and wrote him another ticket, this time while the deputy was off duty.

    Yes, all the deputies have radios in their personal cars and are expected to respond in an emergency. They are also issued cell phones and must notify their superior if they will be out of the county when off shift.

    I like our new Sheriff. Cool guy.

  25. damon says:

    Cops are PIGS! Emergency or not, they should get a ticket, or else use a marked car with lights, etc to break the laws and make other aware! PIGS don’t deserve any exemptions in my opinions. We should perhaps spend our time fighting the system or using traffic cameras or red light cameras at all, rather than arguing about this exemption.


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