Man catches shark with bare hands, blames Vodka — You’d think a vodka company be all over this?

A man who caught a 1.3-metre (4-foot) shark with his bare hands off an Australian beach said on Friday he only tried the feat because he was drunk on vodka.

Bricklayer Phillip Kerkhof was fishing for squid with a few friends off a jetty at Louth Bay, a town on South Australia state’s Eyre Peninsula, on Monday night when he spotted the bronze whaler shark swimming in the shallows, the Australian Broadcasting Corp reported.

“I just snuck up behind him, and eventually I went for the big grab and I fluked it and got him,” Kerkhof said.

“He was just thrashing around in the water…starting to turn around and try to bite me and I thought ‘well, it’s amazing what vodka does,’” Kerkhof said. “When I sobered up I thought about it and I said, ‘I’m a bit of an idiot for doing it.’” As he wrestled it onto the jetty, the shark bit a hole in Kerkhof’s jeans but all he suffered was a slight scratch.

  1. Mac Guy says:

    If this happened in someplace like Florida, Smirnoff would sponsor a TV show for this guy.

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    Kerkhof said. “When I sobered up I thought about it and I said, ‘I’m a bit of an idiot for doing it.’”

    ’nuff said

  3. Hoamer says:

    holy fucking shit! no matter how much liquor courses through your bloodstream, grabbing, wrestling and landing a four foot shark with your bare hands is about as manly and ballsy as one can get.

    and mac guy (#1), you are right- those smirnoff shitheads will sponsor anything that gets them publicity.

  4. TJGeezer says:

    The next Xtreme Sport no doubt. ESPN has to fill the air time somehow.


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