Not the guy in the article; but, you get the idea!

An American tourist who watched as a U.S. military veteran in his 70s used his bare hands to kill an armed assailant in Costa Rica said she thought the attempted robbery was a joke — until the masked attacker held a gun to her head.

“I thought it was a skit. But then he pointed the gun at my head and grabbed me by the throat and I thought I was going to die.”

Police Chief Hernandez said the American, whom he refused to identify, struggled with the robber, breaking his collarbone and eventually killing him. Police identified the dead man as Warner Segura, 20. The other two assailants fled.

Costa Rican officials interviewed the Americans, and said they wouldn’t charge the U.S. tourist with any crime because he acted in self defense. “They were in their right to defend themselves after being held up,” Hernandez said. He said Segura had previous charges against him for assaults.

Folks got back on the ship and continued on with their cruise. Just as they should.

  1. Babaganoosh says:

    Sounds like common sense won.

  2. curmudgen says:

    Old does not equate to feeble always!! He learned not to fuck with the gray panthers!! Hard lesson, I just hope others heed the message.

  3. Michael Hawthorne says:

    Way to go! Makes me proud to be an U.S. military veteran. He should get a medal.

  4. JT says:

    You wouldn’t see this in all third world countries where they would have arrested this gentleman and held him for a steep ransom (think Tijuana). What could have turned out to be bad publicity for Costa Rican tourism was handed quite deftly by Costa Rican officials praising this gentleman’s actions. Better to defend the actions of this gentleman and lucrative tourism dollars than this common street thug. If they handled this wrong, it would have been the last ship to dock in their country for awhile.

  5. Jim says:

    #4, you’re right on the money… (pun intended)

  6. BgScryAnml says:

    Good thing it was in Costa Rica, if this had been in THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, the 70 year old ex military tourist would be in jail facing charges from the FEDS. The assailant’s family would soon have a lawyer and file suit against the 70 year old and the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT.

  7. SN says:

    Killing a man with your bare hands must be like riding a bicycle. Once you do it enough you never really forget.

  8. Raff says:

    Never underestimate the strength of old men.. Theres definitely some tough old dudes out there.

    They said on the news here, he choked the guy out with a choke hold. Wonder if the guy was a UFC fan.. It takes about ten seconds to put someone out like that. if you let them go usually they come around in a few minutes.. it you keep holding on for a while well everyone knows what happens if blood flow is cut off from the brain for any length of time. Looks like thats what happened. Good for that guy, I wish we’d hear more stuff like this.. like that story about the wife who’s husband hired a hitman to kill her and she killed the hitman instead.

  9. Kevin says:

    Guess this will make anyone think twice before messing with Dvorak!

  10. meetsy says:

    it takes SIX MINUTES (or more) to kill an adult male by choking him. I’d guess this guy either was really patient (and strong) or he didn’t just put him in a choke hold, but crushed his windpipe or snapped his neck. This is not just a pissed off old guy, but a really strong, really angry old guy with a lot of stamina.

  11. Raff says:

    11 thats oxygen deprivation not blood deprivation.. go check your figures..

  12. Allen McDonald, El Galloviejo® says:

    As a citizen of both Costa Rica and Texas, I am reminded of a an old
    Texas expression. ‘ Fool me once, ….’ no, not that one.

    To paraphrase the expression for this occasion, ‘ We got some folks here who need their necks broke but we ain’t got nobody here that needs to be robbed.’

  13. Floyd says:

    11: it takes a second or two to break a neck, and all Army and Marine recruits are taught how in basic training/boot camp (dunno about Navy/Air Force). I’m in my 50s and still remember how that is done.

  14. meetsy says:

    Yes, if the old guy had broken his neck, I wouldn’t have commented. But the articles say the man used his bare hands, and say it was from asphyxiation.
    “The suspect, Warner Segura, later was declared dead, apparently from asphyxiation.”


    This was NOT a broken neck, this was not blood deprivation, it was oxygen deprivation. So, it will take one to two minutes to get the person to pass out, and SEVERAL MORE minutes to cause death. The average (as taught in EMT training) is 6 to 7 minutes.

    People, although fragile, are not THAT fragile when it comes to choking them. Six minutes a LONG TIME to keep a grip, even with adrenaline pumping through your system.
    The only other thing I can if the old guy was FAT and sat on his chest, causing compression asphyxia — but the articles say he used his “hands”.

  15. Mr.Newton says:

    debating how long or the best way to kill someone..& then make a joke out of it!!!speaks volumes..but then it all depends on which side u r on..

  16. R Sweeney says:

    Even Chuck Norris goes on vacation.

  17. TJGeezer says:

    #4 – Got a citation for your comment about Tijuana? Speaking as one who lives just south of there, I’m not aware of that kind of police extortion currently, though it might have occurred in the past. Or were you just citing a stereotype?

  18. Raff says:

    He could have choked the guy out and broke his trachea in which case he would have died from asphyxia and been out in under 10 seconds. He probably just never would have woke up.

    Point is you can render a person unconscious in 10 seconds and sometimes less. What happens after they are out is another matter entirely.

  19. James Hill says:

    Finally, a plan for reestablishing American dominance in the world.


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