Wired Blogs – Thursday, February 22, 2007:

LucasArts has filed an opposition to Digg.com’s registration of the trademark “Digg,” asserting that they in fact have the rights to the name in any use concerning video games because they made a game called The Dig back in 1995.

No, I’m not kidding. Yes, this is that stupid.

For them to win, they’d have to prove that the marks are “confusingly similar,” meaning that the average person would confuse Digg.com as being related to or produced by the creators of a long-forgotten PC adventure game.

So I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Also, as Web Pro News points out, LucasArts doesn’t even own TheDig.com.

“God’s given me a gift. I shovel well. I shovel very well.”

  1. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    I sure hope they don’t sue me over my new site about canning vegatables.


  2. Bono says:

    George should just stick to writing bad dialog and taking treasure baths.

  3. hibiscusroto says:

    George BOO-cas! Sorry, that was bad.

  4. Tom 2 says:

    WTF, they own the word dig not digg,lol well i dont know lucas arts is 10 times more of a power house than Kevin Rose, so I think they would win that fight. Its still pretty crazy.

  5. SN says:

    4. “lucas arts is 10 times more of a power house than Kevin Rose”

    Yeah, but Digg can bring any web server to its knees.

  6. Tybarv24 says:

    Hm, kinda of confusing like the Screamers and Scream movies.


  7. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #2 – Bono

    “George should just stick to writing bad dialog and taking treasure baths.”

    Yeah, that just about sums it up.

    George & Billy G, two astoundingly greedy peas from the same soulless pod. Makes ya wonder just when – if ever – either one of ’em’ll finally say something like, “OK, maybe I’ve got enough to get by on for the next couple thousand years, long as I don’t order up too many pay-per-views. Guess I might not need to keep fucking every loser who isn’t a multibillionaire out of every penny I can get my hands on…”

    Whatta couple colossal shitheads. In a saner society, their heads would be on poles.

  8. tallwookie says:

    that game sucked hard, thanks for bringing back bad memories

  9. James Hill says:

    Probably just bitter that he bailed on Club Caribe and missed on the who MMORPG thing.

    (By the way, if you understand what I just said, you get bonus points.)

  10. Robbie says:

    I haven’t forgotten about it…and neither have lots of other people! Look: http://dig.mixnmojo.com/

  11. RTaylor says:

    My wife has been calling me an asshole for decades. Maybe I should call a copyright lawyer.

  12. prophet says:

    #11 – Thats funny…your wife has been calling me “Smoochy Kins” for decades. I wonder if the two are related?

    Sorry…couldn’t resist the “You wife has been calling me…” joke

  13. SN says:

    10 “I haven’t forgotten about it…and neither have lots of other people! Look: http://dig.mixnmojo.com/

    Mmmm.. “lots of other people” eh? Let’s look at the site rankings between the two. The red line is the ranking for digg.com. The blue line you cannot see because it is so friken far towards the bottom is the ranking for dig.mixnmojo.com:

  14. phiend says:

    I hate what my country has become…

    sorry about the caps in the first post

  15. SN says:

    14. “sorry about the caps in the first post”

    No problem, I just assumed it was spam.

  16. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #14 – Huh?

    What has “your” country become… and what could LucasArts possibly have to dio with that?

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    #11, The better course would be to explain the difference between you and James Hill. Her confusion should clear right up.

  18. Craig says:

    Dig Dug beats the both. It came out in ’82 🙂


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