I think this kind of stuff is funny. If you can manipulate shit with your mind, why bend spoons? Why not push a roulette ball into the number of your choice (or pull shrapnel out of wounded vets, if you’re altruistic)?

Spoon bending is a hot topic and a reader, Shannan Rohde, has written in the previous article about bending spoons, How to bend a spoon using your mind, about his spoon bending experience. Many other readers asked him to provide them pictures and detailed instructions. Below are his instructions plus some pictures of him and the bent spoon.

Everyone is encouraged to try. If you succeed please send your mail and photos to mind@mind-energy.net and I will post your success stories and photos on this website as well.

I didn’t realize spoon-bending was such a hot topic. Any cutlery benders out there, maybe the Blue Raja?

  1. Richard Huffman says:

    Good lord.

    Please Google both “ocham’s Razor” and “James the Amazing Randi”, then read the spoon-bending story.

  2. Scott Gant says:

    This isn’t a serious post is it? Spoon bending? That was uncovered as a total and complete fraud like 30 years ago.

    Come on…

  3. Smartalix says:


    “This isn’t a serious post is it? ”

    No, it’s not.

  4. Gig says:

    It’s a hot topic at mind energy.net.

  5. RonD says:

    From the movie “The Matrix” :
    Spoon boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That’s impossible. Instead… only try to realize the truth.
    Neo: What truth?
    Spoon boy: There is no spoon.
    Neo: There is no spoon?
    Spoon boy: Then you’ll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.

  6. DaveW says:

    I’ve never bent a spoon with my mind. But I once had a pot roast that was so tough it took a chunk out of my knife…

    Dvorak meets the National Inquirer!

  7. Chris W says:

    The instructions at 10, 11, and 12, as well as the photos, indicate that you are using your hands to bend the spoon.

    Where does the bending-with-your-mind start?

  8. Smartalix says:


    That’s one of the reasons I found it so funny.

  9. SN says:

    I’m probably the only person on the planet (other than Smartalix, of course) who got the Blue Raja reference. While I probably should be embarrassed to admit this, the Mystery Men is one of my favorite superhero movies. It was fricken hilarious. There wasn’t a bad scene in the entire movie.

    I’d have thought by now that it would have became a huge cult classic, as it is certainly as good of a parody as either This is Spinal Tab or the Rutles. But it simply died in silence instead.

  10. TJGeezer says:

    10 – All hail Netflix and the Long Tail: http://tinyurl.com/yvav5q

  11. James Hill says:

    I just used my mind to reply to this thread. Spooky!

  12. Smartalix says:


    It certainly is, James. (Zing!)


  13. Richard Huffman says:

    Hey, I got the Blue Raja reference too… and given that the next post in the list (about “the Dig”) has a picture a certain william H. Macy, from a certain movie, I imagine that were not the only Mystery Men fans out there!

  14. JoaoPT says:

    I once bent a spoon with my neurons, but than something cracked, and I couldn’t think straight for two weeks. Old age sucks.

  15. SN says:

    14. “and given that the next post in the list “

    That was me. I’m just following Alix’s lead. 🙂

  16. bob says:

    Sounds like Al Gore and his movie.

  17. James says:

    I once learned that trick, the idea behind rubbing the spoon is to heat it up and soften it. Cheaper spoons with cheaper metal work a lot easier. Holding it by the handle, you can flick it and the weight of the bowl will bend the soft metal. Also, the dumber the audience the greater the effect. 🙂


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