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  1. John says:


  2. Gary Marks says:

    Well, it’s a cute little diagram, but it’s being used completely out of the intended context for flowcharts. After all, what does logic flow have to do with any government operation?

    A more accurate representation might be a poker game, and we’ve bet the farm in an effort to bluff our opponents into throwing in their hands. So far, they seem a little too determined to stay in the game to the bitter end.

  3. James Hill says:

    So you admit he had a plan?

    Liberals lose…. again.

  4. Brian says:

    And the braindead neocon rightwing religious nutjobs think this ‘plan’ means liberals ‘lose’?

    I hope you don’t have children to pass your ‘logic’ on to.

  5. Gary Marks says:

    Brian, don’t let your knee-jerk reaction to James obscure his humor 😉

  6. Uncle Dave says:

    Of course he and the neos had a plan. An idiotic, bound to fail plan, but a plan nonetheless.

    And we all lost.

  7. Bryan says:

    That’s right, George Bush and the republicans are to blame for everything. They caused global warming, they are hiding the cure for cancer, they shot JFK, they invented crack, they bombed the trade center on 9/11 , they have an alternative to oil that they are hiding , they didn’t kill Sadam.

    Yea, it all makes sense. Thanks for the Diagram, I can sleep so much better tonight knowing that I vot eand am associated with the wrong party. You know what, maybe I’ll just quit my job too because apparently I’ve been brainwashed by the man

  8. Uncle Dave says:

    #7: OK. Good luck with that.

  9. Greymoon says:

    James Hill is much like Hillary Clinton. He twists words and scenarios out of context to support whatever view he happens to proffer that day much as Hillary dances, so does the Hill. Instead of informed intelligent arguments he basically resorts to personal or stereotype attacks just as Hillary tries, yet they both fail miserably. Different politics maybe but the tactics are one in the same. So one must wonder when does a Hill become a Hillary, and if it blows in the political wind, can the stench ever be forgotten?

  10. Lost says:

    Wow… nice thing about Dvorak is there isn’t much of a flamewar…

    People, it sucks that the USA is involved in this conflict. The problem is not our involvement, the problem is other countries do not understand why, and don’t have the balls (brainpower, ability, whatever) to get involved anyway.

    This war has been going on for thousands of years, but nobody at the very top has explained it to the masses in this age of TV or multi-media. Our Chief Executive needs to explain this in a world-wide broadcast. Otherwise, all these countries like Amerika, that embrace the limited freedoms they have, will have even less — OR NONE.

  11. JD says:

    Yeah #7, good to see you’ve seen the light!!!

  12. Bryan says:

    #11 – Glad you detect sarcasim soo well

  13. Gary Marks says:

    #10… “This war has been going on for thousands of years, but nobody at the very top has explained it to the masses in this age of TV or multi-media. Our Chief Executive needs to explain this in a world-wide broadcast.”

    Should Bush feed the rest of the world the same pabulum he gave to the American public? How much TV time should we reserve for him to say “They hate us for our freedom”? After hearing that explanation about a hundred times, I have to wonder if he understands their grievances himself. And if he does understand, why has he conducted the war in such a way that it has “become the ’cause celebre’ for jihadists, breeding a deep resentment of US involvement in the Muslim world and cultivating supporters for the global jihadist movement” (quoting from our last National Intelligence Estimate)? We seem to be doing more of what they already resented us for.

    I’m just not sure Bush is up to the job of leading the turnaround in world opinion. I hope I’m mistaken.

  14. ECA says:

    the problem NOW is 2 fold.
    1. we have created a vacancy.. And I dont care WHO gets the position, he will have to fight for it with ALL the other nations of Radical muslims…Just as ‘whats his face’ was doing. and probably kill ALOT from each group, as “whats his name’ Did…
    2. control a Civil war. With many of the different groups In IRAQ, living there. This person is going to be hard pressed to keep BASIC internal PEACE. he will PROBALY have to make a LESSON, to each of the factions, the SAME as ‘whats his name’ DID…

    Now for a question…
    Why was ‘whats his name’ Pulled out, sent to court, found guilty, and then HANGED….For something he (probably) did to KEEP PEACE, and lay a heavy hand on a nation and surrounding areas, just the KEEP these radicals OUT of his nation.

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    #66, CO2 isn’t a toxic, it’s an asphyxiant; it isn’t dangerous to human health unless it displaces oxygen.
    Very wrong, and a very dangerous comment. CO2 will kill you even though there is still sufficient oxygen present. If the atmospheric concentration of CO2 is too high, the body can not expel it from the blood stream. Concentrations of as little as 1% will cause serious damage and 10% will kill within minutes even with 20%+ oxygen.

    Getting tied up with the argument whether something is a pollutant is disingenuous. If it is harmful to the environment then it is a pollutant, regardless of if it is natural or man made. Ammonia, Sulfur Dioxide and Hydrogen Sulphide occur naturally, yet are poisonous to most life.

    Many nutritional requirements are toxic to humans and animals alike. Last month there was the California woman who drank herself to death with water. Excessive iron has caused more then one death. Too much Vitamin A has been linked to liver failure.

    NOTE: while water vapor may be the most common “green house gas”, it is also the least stable as a gas. It will readily condense and fall back to earth. CO2 doesn’t, it requires absorption by plant matter.

  16. TJGeezer says:

    Good lord, how can such a funny deconstruction of a failed national policy cause such an uproar? Come to think of it, I’m not sure which is more ridiculous, the cartoon decision tree or the factional reactions.

    Mr. Fusion, I think Vitamin A has also been linked to blindness if taken out of balance with other nutritional, um, factors. And don’t the oceans also act as huge CO2 “sponges” that some scientists think may become saturated and suddenly quit absorbing? Wish I had a citation for that.

  17. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #9 – James Hill is much like Hillary Clinton. He twists words and scenarios out of context to support whatever view he happens to proffer that day

    …and he has fat ankles too.

  18. Greg A says:

    OK, not to bring the conversation down to a mundane level, but I am dense and need help: What does WWGWBD stand for?

  19. TJGeezer says:

    18 – What Would Geo. W. Bush Do


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