The guys at BlendTec have tried putting all sorts of things into a blender with lots of yummy video goodness for you to watch on their Will It Blend website. One of my favorites is glow sticks.

Don’t try this at home, kiddies!

If you haven’t figured it out, this is a clever marketing website by an actual company that sells industrial strength blenders for restaurants, etc. Selling by using humor. What a concept!

  1. Scott Gant says:

    I love “Will It Blend”. Just wish I could afford one of these things as they’re pretty expensive.

  2. John says:

    Nothing beats a BASS-O-MATIC 2000 for fish processing!,,1196247,00.html

  3. James Hill says:

    Has there ever been a better marketing campaign for such a dull product?

  4. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Sure…I’m a Mac. (sorry, couldn’t resist.)

    That’s a great site.

  5. Joey says:

    Still not strong enogh to blend Steve Jobb’s ego.

  6. Sundog says:

    Damn, my blender has a hard time with ice. I wish we couldve seen the golf club after blending though. Next up: Will It Microwave???? Put a mirror in a microwave and watch the fun!

  7. Raff says:

    yeah its tough to find a blender that doesn’t end up a smelly broken mess after trying to crush ice a few times with it..

  8. Gig says:

    Hell of a blender. $399 for the one that is NOT top of the line, Top of the line was $825 and, oh yea, those are discounted prices.

  9. Hondo says:

    Not a fair test. It wasn’t the current generation iPod. You can tell by the size of the screen.

  10. JFStan says:

    “On this episode of Will It Blend, the Hope Diamond!”

    Seriously, this is pretty cool. Reminiscent of Letterman’s 5 story building and 90 ton press bits.

  11. Uncle Dave says:

    #6: How about the old CD in a microwave trick?

  12. None says:

    I say we test to see if pedro will blend.

  13. Mark says:

    11. I was expecting a little more Pyrotechnic on that one. I did try an 8 track tape once. the magnetic tape disintegrated.

  14. Brian says:


    Couldn’t agree more…now if we can just get that moron Justin Long in there, and do a ‘Will Justin Blend?’ bit, we’d have pure gold.

  15. tallwookie says:

    the magnets, that was the best – but wow, great advertising – i can see this selling tons on adult swim…


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