Men-free tourism island planned | Oddly Enough | Reuters — If you’ve been around the Middle East you know that there is a tradition of beauty amongst Persian women (aka Iranians). You have to wonder how much longer they are going to allow themselves to be repressed by what are clearly Arab ideas of modesty. Now this.

Iran plans a female-only island to boost tourism in a northwest province, the Tehran-e Emrouz newspaper on Wednesday quoted a local official as saying.It will be on the Urumiyeh lake in Western Azerbaijan province, a municipality official identified only as Aghai said.

Under Iran’s strict Islamic law, mixing with men in public is forbidden. Strict sex segregation actually protects women rather than restricting their rights, officials argue.”There will be no men on the Arezou (Wish) island. Public transport, restaurants and other facilities will be staffed only by women,” Aghai said.

found by Aric Mackey

  1. tallwookie says:

    hopfully the feminists will shut up for a few months…

  2. Sounds The Alarm says:

    Can you say “lesbian”?

    Is it me or does Islam strike anyone else as remarkably homosexual?

  3. mxpwr03 says:

    Now I know where I’ll be going for spring break.

  4. Gig says:

    Hope Google Earth gets Hi-Res shots of the location.

  5. Mark says:

    3. Girls Gone Wild, Islamic Style! The possiblities are endless.

  6. chitown says:

    I wonder will they have a bullets vs. bracelets contest.

  7. I knew this would happen. Lesbian jokes.

  8. Mark says:

    7. Lowest common denominator.

  9. Named says:

    Now to find the perfect disguise!

  10. Mark says:

    7. Theres NOTHING funny about lesbians. Ah lesbians, cant live with em………

  11. Mark says:

    Now this is weird. When I posted number 8, I got to the catcha screen and decided not to input the code. I refreshed the screen and voila! my post appeared anyway. On most of my computers, I dont even get that screen it just bypasses it. Jesus, WordPress is buggier than Windows 95.

  12. YAHWEH says:

    Under Iran’s strict Islamic law, mixing with men in public is forbidden.

    It’s because we men can’t keep our dicks in our pants.

    Will the island have the equivalent of sheep or chickens? Perhaps horses, or large dogs?

  13. tallwookie says:

    #12 – Beavers!!

  14. TJGeezer says:

    Sexist sniping aside, JCD makes a valid point: Persians are not Arabs and generally, if I recall correctly, lack that strong “what happens inside the tent stays inside the tent or we’ll stone you” cultural bias. So I wonder why the powers that currently hold sway in Iran see as the benefit of such a resort. And I wonder what the appeal will be to Persian women.

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    #14, And I wonder what the appeal will be to Persian women.

    The chance to get away from as typified in posts #1-13, excepting #7. Geeze some of you nerds and geeks are so immature.

  16. ali tavassoli says:



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