Here’s what an Egyptian blogger looks like!

An Alexandria court has convicted an Egyptian blogger for insulting both Islam and the Egyptian president, sentencing him to four years in jail over his writings on the internet.

Abdel Karim Nabil Suleiman, the first blogger to stand trial in Egypt for his internet writings, was sentenced to four years in jail.

Suleiman, a 22-year-old former law student, has been in custody since November over eight articles he had written under the name “Kareem Amer” on his blog since 2004.

Suleiman, a Muslim and a liberal, has not denied writing the articles, but said they merely represented his own views.

Perish the though that someone should publish a viewpoint which doesn’t support his government or official church. It’s a good thing we live in a land where the government doesn’t spy on us and threaten citizens for…

Oops, sorry. I didn’t really say that.

  1. James Hill says:

    You guys don’t do enough stories that put a smile on my face. Good work on this one, however.

  2. Joey says:

    A trial and 4 year sentence in Alexandria is better than no trial and lifetime sentence in Guantanamo.

  3. RuralRob says:

    Wasn’t there a song in the 80’s about this? “Blog Like an Egyptian”?

  4. James Hill says:

    #2 – Trying to tie every thread into the war in Iraq was out of style last year… doing it this year just shows how pathetic you are.

  5. Joey says:

    What does Guantanamo have to do with the war in Iraq? Did the sunnis invade Cuba last week and pillage a cigar farm?

  6. James Hill says:

    #5 – Sorry, the liberals that came before you lumped 9/11, Guantanamo, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran all into the same argument. Don’t blame me, blame them.

    Also, the President tied Iraq to the War on Terror (R). Right or wrong, they’re connected. Catch up.

  7. Joey says:

    #6 Sounds like you’re arguing with ghosts rather than with me. Spooky.

  8. Kamatari Honjou says:

    “Suleiman, a Muslim and a liberal, has not denied writing the articles, but said they merely represented his own views.”

    I hope the Liberals in america will speak out on this poor guy’s behalf…..

    Psych!!!!!! They won’t , the conservatives will bitch about it on talk radio, but conservative leaders will do nothing either.’

    The US should be press sanctions on Egypt for human rights violatiosn, china too for that matter, think they will, nope. Cause money talks louder than the screams of human rights being tourtured.

  9. joshua says:

    While I agree with you Ed, that we (Americans) are being spied upon by everyone and their Mother, you will have to admit that there isn’t any bloggers being tried and sentanced to jail time for writing on their blog what their feelings are.

    And to the person asking *where’s the Liberal outrage*….there isn’t any and won’t be any. At least the Right wingers will talk this story up and some people will be aware of it in this country…..which is far more than the Liberal media or Liberals in general will do.

    I’m still waiting for the outrage, Liberal and others about the murder of the female member of Parliment in Pakistan 2 days ago. All this woman did was not wear a veil and was in politics(no no’s in Islamic countries). But other than a lead on a couple networks, almost nothing here. Where’s the Liberal outrage?

    OH….wait….my bad….she dosen’t qualify for Liberal outrage, she was a Musharrif supporter.

  10. Poo says:


    This guy’s “rights” are different in Eqypt. He should’ve moved to the USA or Canada, and THEN said that. On the other hand, I just farted very loudly, and it had YOUR name on it, because NONE of you can do anything about the state of the world.


  11. TJGeezer says:

    The right-wingers who comment here sure exhibit a lot of bitterness and outrage. Jeez, guys, lighten up. You’ve been in power for years now. Stop carping at people who haven’t been in power for years.

    I don’t see why you want “liberals” (whatever the hell that poisoned term means nowadays) to get all excited over injustices in other countries. Last time we got all excited about another country it was Iraq, and look how that turned out. Maybe we should clean up our own act first and stop meddling in the affairs of other countries.

    At the very least, you might stop getting all outraged over what outrages other people. Who appointed you? Sheesh.

    Kamatari Honjou (#8) I’m not sure what you want the U.S. or its political factions to do about an imprisonment that would not have taken place in the U.S. or Canada, at least not yet. There are organizations like Amnesty International that do respond to such cases, are sometimes quite effective, and are truly international in their membership.


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