Tip: Keep an eye on this guy: the next King of England

Daily Express: The World’s Greatest Newspaper — These are ludicrous troublemakers trying to jerk the chain of the British stiff upper lip ruling class that is clueless about everything. That said, there are many newbies who reckon they can out-reproduce the Brits in their own country and eventually take over anyway. It’s fun to watch. I have to now assume that the mostly Pakistani Muslims in the UK have figured out that they can sway elections. This is an interesting but known flaw in the Democratic process.

DEMANDS for a ban on “un-Islamic” activities in schools will be set out by the Muslim Council of Britain today. Targets include playground games, swimming lessons, school plays, parents’ evenings and even vaccinations. And the calls for all children to be taught in Taliban-style conditions will be launched with the help of a senior Government education adviser.

Professor Tim Brighouse, chief adviser to London schools, was due to attend the event at the capital’s biggest mosque. His presence there was seen as “deeply worrying”, and a sign that the report was backed by the Government.

  1. neil says:

    Once again, religious fundamentalism proves itself to be moronic. It isn’t limited to Islam. We’ve got plenty of Christian religious fundamentalist morons right here at home. Even more moronic are the people who pander and give in to them.

  2. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    I should think those infidel Brits should be glad for the opportunity to be shown the errors of their ways – and who better to show them than adherents of the Religion of Peace?

    Seriously, I don’t know who I despise more, the Muslim occupiers, or the PC multiculturalist imbeciles whose agitation of behalf of the wannabe-destroyers ushered them in in the first place… The Muslims are simply doing what they do, but the ones who tout them as “victims” are treasonous tools of what has become the #1 enemy of the greatest and more important civilization on the planet… to sit by and watch these barbarians corrupt and undermine the society that brought civilization itself to much of the globe —- it just makes my blood boil.

    PC ‘multiculturalism’ = betrayal of one’s own kin, ancestry and homeland for the benefit of people who seek to eradicate you as soon as possible – ethnocentric, superstitious, violent peasants who don’t believe in ‘multicultural’, they want only one culture left standing – theirs!

  3. raddad says:

    France has approximately three times the percentage of Muslims as Britian. In some localized areas they are fast becoming the majority. It will be interesting to watch as the French become aware of the predicament they have put themselves into. I wonder what solutions will be tried, or if they will just roll over and hand them the keys to the country.

  4. Paul, UK says:

    I saw the words Daily Express and instantly lost interest.

    The Express competes for the same white, middle-aged, middle-class, Conservative-voting Euro-xeno-ethnophobe market as the much-undermaligned Daily Mail. And nothing raises their readership’s blood pressure more than a “Johnny Foreigner taking over our country” story. See editions passim ad nauseam.

    They’re good comics if you fancy a laugh, but “newspapers”, to be taken seriously? As JCD would say, “oh puhleease.”

  5. billy says:

    I live in a theocratic state. Religion is fascism in a frock coat. Everything was banned here in Ireland. Candies, magazines, books, movies and anything that implied that you had a free mind.

    If Islam is a religion of peace why have they been fighting for 600 years?

  6. Ben Waymark says:

    I’d agree with the sentiments about the Daily Express…. its a bit like getting your news from the National Inquirer, except the Daily Express is not quite as accurate :D. Its not a commie/liberal v. right wing/fundamentalist thing so much as a fear-mongering-tabloid v. press thing. There are plenty of decent right wing and left wing news sources in the UK… but neither Daily Mail nor the Daily Express are one of them!

  7. Graeme Allon says:

    Unfortunately, this is the price that we who live in a genuinely culturally tolerant country have to pay!

    This is how the rest of the world works – societies grow and shrink all the time. People have tried to stop it in the past (Hitler for one), but it seldom works.

  8. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #8 – Graeme Allon

    As much as I would like to pretend that you’re graciously proffering a perhaps less-than-stellar example of droll English wit, I’m afraid such an act of self-deception is beyond me. You are actually serious; the mind reels.

    Personally, I’m more than willing to grant that your barking-mad multiculturalist delusion astute analysis is quite sound – if we merely make a slight adjustment to our collective lexicon, and substitute the charming bit of PC doublespeak “genuinely culturally tolerant” for the more distressingly accurate “utterly culturally suicidal.”

    I must say, I cannot help but be amazed at the blasé detachment and unconcern you convey in the course of sitting idly by while the greatest and most valuable culture in the world is on the verge of being wiped from the face of the Earth by a horde of violent, insular, xenophobic, ethnocentric, atavistic theocrats.

    “There will always be an England” Sorry, straight into the bin with that one! Might as well start practicing your “Allahu akbar!” and wiping your bum with your left hand, if it’s still on…

    If I were you, Graeme, I’d not get too close to any graveyards from here on in, until your new Islamic masters have finished desecrating what’s left of old Blighty. All those millions of men and women who fought for the glory that was once England, a legacy they foolishly left in the hands of criminally neglectful moral cyphers such as yourself – when they all come spinning up out of their graves, it wouldn’t do for you to be too close to hand…

  9. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Oh, by the way, Graeme-me-lad, you might want to get the missus fitted for a hijab, y’know, beat the rush and all that…


  10. doug says:

    “I have to now assume that the mostly Pakistani Muslims in the UK have figured out that they can sway elections. This is an interesting but known flaw in the Democratic process.”

    so, for democracy, the fact that voters can sway elections is a bug and not a feature? I guess this means that only Florida has been patched …

  11. ethanol says:

    Your comments made me laugh. Yet they are painfully accurate!

  12. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    We merely aim to please, ethanol…

  13. Mike says:

    A large factor that has contributed to the situations these societies have found themselves in has been their willingness to bend over backwards to accommodate the desires of immigrants instead of insisting that those immigrants conform to the norms already in place.

  14. Graeme Allon says:

    #9 – Lauren

    That was a good post, I enjoyed it immensely 🙂

    The problem here in the UK at the moment is a severe drop in the production of children! UK couples are producing too few children (less than 2) whereas muslim families traditionally have several children (maybe 4 or 5).

    You can be as glib as you wish, but this is as significant as global warming… More people are living to pensionable ages, but too few children are around to pay taxes to subsidise it!

    Whichever way you look at it – short of some culling, ethnic cleansing or a war against terror (as some Americans might call it) – eventually, there will be more muslims in most countries than non-muslims – and in some ways we will need them.

    Still, don’t let these facts get in your way of your hatred!

  15. MikeN says:

    it’s closer to one child per woman in most of Europe, while the Muslims are at 4-5. So count it out over a few generations:

    Muslims 1% Others 99%
    2.5% children 49.5 % children

    after 1 generation 3.5% vs 148.5% about 2.3% Muslim
    2nd generation 6.25% vs 24.75%
    10.75% vs 173.25% about 5.3% Muslim
    3rd generation 15.625% vs 12.375%
    more Muslim children than natives and the process is complete.
    Given a concentration in cities and you see that France is around the 2nd generation starting from the 1960’s.

  16. Milo says:

    Here’s the report itself:


    It looks very nonthreatening until you read it and see how the British taxpayer is supposed to prop up Islamic practices. Obviously the Muslims are worried about their children thinking for themselves, just as the more extreme Christians are. These people sure have a puny God if their God can’t stand up to this!

  17. R Sweeney says:

    All your children are belong to us.

  18. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #15 – Graeme

    If in fact you’re still ‘among those present’ as they say, sorry for not responding sooner…

    “The problem here in the UK at the moment is a severe drop in the production of children! UK couples are producing too few children (less than 2) whereas muslim families traditionally have several children (maybe 4 or 5).”

    The identical situation exists on this side of the pond as well; in a very short few years, due to the phenomenon you mention, the non-Hispanic white pop here will become a minority, but what is there to be done to reverse it?

    “You can be as glib as you wish…” Glib? Moi? Too kind. I much prefer to modestly style myself ‘mordantly vitriolic’… 🙂

    “…eventually, there will be more muslims in most countries than non-muslims – and in some ways we will need them.”

    Er, sorry, Squire, but could you run that by me again, “need?” Prithee tell what regrettable circumstance might come to pass whereby these intolerant, superstitious peasants who would drag us all back to the 8th Century (or thereabouts) would become necessary?

    The good grace exemplified in your reply stands in marked contrast to what is to become the norm over there; I’m afraid I must point out that the days of typically English civilized discussion and gentlemanly dissent, no matter how heated the topic, are destined to be supplanted by sentiments more on the order of “How dare you, you one-legged excrement-eating infidel pig! I shall disembowel you and burn your entrails before your living eyes!”

    Not really looking forward to it, m’sel. But maybe it’s just me…

    It not really about facts v. hatred, Graeme, it’s more like tolerating people who have no intention of reciprocating that tolerance, innit?


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