“I know, I know, I’ve come back before,
but this time I am completely serious!”

There seems to be no end to these second comings. But THIS time this guy is sure he’s Him. Creepy reading!

Man Claims To Be Jesus Christ and the Anti-Christ All Rolled Up into One Happy Furball

MIAMI, Florida (CNN) — The minister has the number 666 tattooed on his arm.

But Jose Luis de Jesus Miranda is not your typical minister. De Jesus, or “Daddy” as his thousands of followers call him, does not merely pray to God: He says he is God.

“The spirit that is in me is the same spirit that was in Jesus of Nazareth,” de Jesus says.

# Followers have protested Christian churches in Miami and Latin America, disrupting services and smashing crosses and statues of Jesus.

# De Jesus preaches there is no devil and no sin. His followers, he says, literally can do no wrong in God’s eyes.

# The church calls itself the “Government of God on Earth” and uses a seal similar to the United States.

During an interview, he showed off a diamond-encrusted Rolex to a CNN crew and said he has three just like them. He travels in armored Lexuses and BMWs, he says, for his safety. All are gifts from his devoted followers.

Related Link: Another Article with Still More Details

Him as a kid ?!

  1. Angel H. Wong says:

    Let’s shoot this guy and see if he comes back to life in 3 days.

  2. WokTiny says:

    from the article: “De Jesus, 61, grew up poor in Puerto Rico. He says he served stints in prison there for petty theft and says he was a heroin addict.

    De Jesus says he learned he was Jesus reincarnate when he was visited in a dream by angels.”

    Seriously once sentence to the next. Do you think there’s a connection between his drug use and his dreams?

  3. Awake says:

    Yeah right.
    Basically the proof that he is Jesus Christ is that he says so himself. And 500+ gullible morons say ok, that’s good enough for me, where do I sign up.

    At least he has a HOT spokesperson:

    Isn’t there something in the bible about watching out for the great deceiver?

  4. SpacePenguins says:

    Awake is absolutely right! She is HOT!

  5. WokTiny says:

    “Isn’t there something in the bible about watching out for the great deceiver?”

    yes, but I think this guy is one of the minor deceivers…
    not so great at it.

  6. tallwookie says:

    the pic below the article is HILLARIOUS!!!

    Seriously though, if we could get the major religions fighting between themselves, perhaps one or two would die out. That would solve a lot of world problems.

  7. Gary Marks says:

    Ask yourself the question “What would Jesus drive?” I don’t think he’d drive a Lexus or a BMW. If I recall, his last mode of transportation was an ass, and there are plenty of those still around. I won’t mention any names 😉

  8. TVAddict says:

    Man I so want to start my own religion. It’s too bad I’m an atheist.

  9. TJGeezer says:

    “Some people say I’m dumb. Well, I got three BMWs, two Lexuses, a private jet and a mansion in Florida, that’s how goddam dumb I am.”

    Apologies to Lenny Bruce (filched from his “Graveyard Humor” album)

  10. Pfkad says:

    This guy is just as worthy of adoration and enrichment as Falwell, Robertson, Haggard or any other religious huckster out there. Sheep are meant to be shorn, I guess.

  11. Jägermeister says:

    Jesus is back, pay for one, get two.

  12. mandarin says:

    “Excuse me, but what need does God have for a starship..”

  13. Bruce IV says:

    Jokers like this don’t deserve media coverage.

  14. Carolyn says:

    #1 right you are…lets see if he does rise in 3 days…His followers are as pathetic as he is….Who in their right mind has a say in saying, He’s God. I swear people will do anything just to get attention!! He’s more like a born again “HITLER”. We need to bring out all the guns and shoot this guy down…..

  15. Peter says:

    Actually, if you read the Holy Bible and interpret it literally, Jesus’s Second Coming should be an Independence Day-style invasion that lasts all of two seconds — and He’d look sorta like Santa, with the white beard and red robe.

    Plus, before that, the world’s supposed to be almost completely united as one under the Great Deceiver and getting ready for the “alien invasion” while the whole Earth experiences cataclysmic events of unheard-of proportions. (Like, say, all of the ocean life dying off…, among other things…)

    So, uh… until that happens, and the Bible doesn’t say _when_ it’s gonna happen… we can be sure to see lots more people claiming to be Jesus who’s.. just… not.

    (BTW — that also sorta suggests that there could’ve been Aliens that visited before and wanted to make sure there are people on the “inside” that would welcome them when they decide to conquer Earth once and for all…)

  16. Anonymous Coward says:


  17. Brew Kline says:

    He’s more Jesus Christ than any other Christian denomination preaches.

    He knows Jesus better than anyone. He knows what it means that “Jesus died for our sins”. No one gets it. Only this man have I ever heard interpret that saying correctly: Jesus DIED for ALL of our past, present and future sins, THEREFORE YOU CANNOT SIN.

    There is NO SIN in the world today. That is the true message of God through His son. You cannot sin because His son died for any possible sin that anyone could possible commit.

    My money is on him that he more Jesus than any other Jesus on Earth today. So now, will the real Jesus please stand up (Elvis, sit down, would you).

  18. Carolyn says:

    Another thing is how the heck can you say your God just because of a dream. Everyone has all kinds of dreams including dreams of Angels and other religious being. That doesn’t mean your more special than others. For all I know I can have a dream about me being of royalty, Yet I don’t go on searching my history and saying I am….It’s also common sense, What do you think people do in Jail??? Of course read a bible or something. Next thing you know they have dreams of what you read in the bible. DUH!!! Maybe if I read Alice and Wonderland I’d probably meet the white rabbit….

  19. Jägermeister says:


    It’s like the other nutters who see demons, UFOs etc… You’ve got to have the right type of imagination/indoctrination in order to see it.

  20. Carolyn says:

    #18 Okay so your saying we can’t sin….So tell me what exactly is killing, lying, stealing, and all that stuff. What is that??? You think those aren’t sins. Jesus died for all our sins AT THE TIME when People were just so ignorant and didn’t have any faith or beliefs. So of course we suffer for that NOW and in time we will die for all our sins and for those who acknowledge what our sins are, will then be reborn into the gates of heaven. Just like Jesus did. (3 days Jesus rose from the dead). If you think you cannot sin then Good Luck to you cause you’ll burn in hell….

    So If your saying we can’t sin because Jesus died for our past, present, and future sins. That is just BS because first of all maybe GOD knew what our present and future held ahead of us. But he created us to make decisions for ourselves. It’s our decisions that we make, that affect us. So it’s undertermined what path we take.

  21. cogitno says:

    ….. and I thought it was Dvorak.

  22. WokTiny says:

    #18, #21 I think the verse you’re looking for is:

    Romans 6:15
    What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid.

    or maybe this one to bring it home, right from the mouth of Jesus:

    Matthew 5
    17″Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. 19Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.

    The man is not teaching sound (biblical) doctrine, just what people want to hear.

  23. mike cannali says:

    Do you think that he is the father of Anna Nicole’s baby?

  24. Elwood Pleebus says:

    Is it just me, or does that guy in the picture look like Corky from the TV show Life Goes On?

  25. Prayer Baby says:

    Just watch 3ABN and get ALL the correct answers that God provided!


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